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This page relates to the 2021-24 National Land Transport Programme.

IntroductionBack to top

Targeted enhanced funding assistance rates (TEFARs) apply to specific activities in exceptional circumstances and time-limited periods. This policy records the previous decisions of the Waka Kotahi Board. The Board may confirm or alter the application of TEFARs to the 2021–24 National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) when adopting the 2021–24 NLTP.  

TEFAR in effect during the 2021–24 NLTPBack to top

The following activities in the 2021–24 NLTP are eligible for a TEFAR.

Safe Network Programme activities

For the 2021–24 NLTP, only the residual balance of costs is eligible for a TEFAR for the activity or phase activity approved under the TEFAR policy for the 2018–21 NLTP but not 100% complete by 30 June 2021. Eligibility is limited to those activities or phases of activities that were 80% or more complete at 30 June 2021. The eligible residual balance to be funded in 2021–24 will not exceed 20% of the amount approved in the 2018–21 NLTP.

The conditions of funding for the eligible residual balance of costs within the 2021–24 NLTP to complete the delivery of approved activities are those that applied at the time of the activity’s approval as set out below.

The TEFAR for 2021–24 for the eligible residual balance will be the same as the rate at which the activity was approved in the 2018–21 NLTP as per the published 2018–21 TEFAR tables for the Safe Network Programme .

2018-21 NLTP targeted enhanced funding assistance rates

Conditions of funding at TEFAR for the 2018–21 Safe Network ProgrammeBack to top

TEFARs help approved organisations bring forward additional projects by reducing their ‘local share’ requirement. The TEFAR is set halfway between an approved organisation’s normal funding assistance rate (FAR) and 100%. It is capped at 90%.

Criteria for TEFAR eligibility

Approved organisations must meet the following criteria to ensure activities are eligible for a TEFAR:

  1. Activities must have been included within the 2018–21 Safe Network Programme:
    1. The activity is a roads and roadside, speed management or level crossing activity within the Safe Network Programme.
    2. The activity has safety as its primary benefit.
    3. The activity meets the high or very high results alignment criteria for safety.
    4. Note, a TEFAR applies to these safety activities, whether they are over $1 million or are included in a low-cost, low-risk programme for delivery in 2018–21.
    5. The confirmation of eligibility of other activities no longer applies, unless a separate funding approval has already been given at a TEFAR.
  2. All activities must be substantially (80%) completed by June 2021:
    1. The requirement to be substantially completed by June 2021 will apply to activities that are eligible for a TEFAR or any additional activities that have been enabled by a TEFAR and brought forward for investment.
    2. If this requirement is not met, the normal funding assistance rate (FAR) will be applied retrospectively.
  3. Monitoring the TEFAR:
    1. Activities and progress will continue to be monitored and reported on quarterly through the programme monitor and regular engagements between us (Waka Kotahi as investor) and approved organisations.
    2. We expect any approved organisation that has activities with TEFAR approval will notify us if any of the above conditions will not be met.

Frequently asked questions about TEFAR for the Safe Network ProgrammeBack to top

What are the changes to the TEFAR since May 2019?

Since 17 May 2019, the TEFAR has only been applied to eligible projects in the 2018–21 Safe Network Programme. The TEFAR applies to these safety activities, whether they are over $1 million or are included in a low-cost, low-risk programme for delivery in 2018–21.

If you have an existing funding approval for a TEFAR for a phase of work outside the Safe Network Programme, that will not change. The condition that the phase of work needs to be 80% or more complete within the 2018–21 NLTP still applies.

We have also removed the requirement for approved organisations to reinvest local share savings back into transport-related projects.

Why was the TEFAR policy amended?

Due to the 2018–21 NLTP funding constraints, a broad application of the TEFAR was no longer possible.

If we had continued with the TEFAR policy as it was originally set out, many high-priority activities in the NLTP could not be funded.

Making these adjustments will allow more high-priority activities to be funded and targets our emphasis on safety.

What is the Safe Network Programme?

The Safe Network Programme is a prioritised programme of proven safety interventions on high-risk routes across New Zealand. The programme has adopted the Safe System approach focusing on safe roads and roadsides, safe and appropriate speeds and safe rail level crossings to make roads more forgiving of human error which will lower trauma rates.

For further information see the Safe Network Programme.

Safe Network Programme

What’s happening with low-cost, low-risk activities?

Low-cost, low-risk activities, other than safety, will continue to be funded at the normal FAR. As we have said previously, the approved funding allocation for each approved organisation's low-cost, low-risk programme does not increase as a result of projects being eligible for a TEFAR.

Safety activities in a low-cost, low-risk programme will need to be in a separate TEFAR spreadsheet approved by your regional system management advisor, who can confirm if the safety activity meets the eligibility requirements for a TEFAR.

If Waka Kotahi has previously confirmed that an activity is eligible for a TEFAR, does that still apply?

Eligibility in the 2021–24 NLTP is limited to the residual balance of costs for an activity approved in the 2018–21 NLTP, that is at least 80% complete at 30 June 2021.

Who should I talk to if I have further questions?

You can contact your region’s partnership investment advisor for TEFAR queries. If you would like to discuss the low-cost, low-risk programme, contact your region’s system management advisor.