Archive - this information is for reference only and no longer maintained.

This page relates to the 2021-24 National Land Transport Programme.


This page provides the criteria to use to derive the Investment Prioritisation Method rating for the GPS alignment factor. The information is organised by the strategic priorities of the Government Policy Statement on land transport (GPS) 2021.

Government Policy Statement on land transport 2021(external link)

For the definitions of some terms see:

Investment Prioritisation Method definitions and description of criteria

The spatial or geographical boundaries of the activity / combination of activities are the basis for measurement.


Benefit: Impact on social cost and incidences of crashes 

Rating Criteria
  • Target low/medium or greater collective risk corridors and/or intersections to achieve a death and serious injuries (DSI) reduction of >5% over a five-year period
  • Proposal addresses DSIs in an area of normal concern (Communities at risk register – All deaths and serious casualties table)
  • Target medium or greater collective risk corridors or intersections to achieve a DSI reduction of >15% over a five-year period
  • Proposal addresses DSIs in an area of medium concern (Communities at risk register – All deaths and serious casualties table)
  • Investment to support behaviour change (eg changing perceptions of safety or road safety promotion) to improve road safety outcomes
  • Target medium/high or high collective risk corridors or intersections to achieve a DSI reduction of 25–39% over a five-year period
  • Speed limit changes reduce operating speed in corridor by 10km/h
  • Proposal addresses DSIs in an area of high concern (Communities at risk register – All deaths and serious casualties table)
Very high
  • Target medium/high or high collective risk corridors or intersections to achieve a DSI reduction of ≥40% over a five-year period
  • Speed limit changes reduce operating speed in corridor by >10 km/h

Communities at risk register

Better travel options and climate change

These criteria may be used when a proposed activity or combination of activities will impact on:

  • mode choice (eg shift from private passenger vehicle to other modes)
  • greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction and air quality improvements.

Benefit: Impact on mode choice and/or impact on GHG emissions.

Rating Criteria
Low n/a
  • Up to 3% change in share of private passenger vehicle-based trips to other modes*
  • Investment to support behaviour change (eg education, promotion) to improve mode shift outcomes
High >3% and up to 6% change in share of private passenger vehicle-based trips to other modes*
Very high >6% change in share of private passenger vehicle-based trips to other modes*

*Other modes include walk, cycle, public transport, micro-mobility and need for trip being eliminated (eg working from home, ordering online)

Better travel options

Benefit: Impact on access to opportunities 

Rating Criteria
  • Up to 3% change in number of jobs accessed within 45 minutes by a given mode or modes (public transport, walking, cycling, driving) in morning peak
  • Up to 3% change in proportion of population within 15 minutes’ access of social opportunity (namely primary or secondary education, GP surgery or supermarkets) by a given mode or modes (public transport, walking, cycling, driving) in the morning peak
  • Up to 3% increase in percentage of the population living within 500m of a bus stop or 1km from a rail or bus rapid transit station where service frequency is ≤30 minutes per hour
  • New walking/cycling link forms part of small urban area network
  • Improving connections to locally significant tourism destinations/attractions
  • 4–5% change in number of jobs accessed within 45 minutes by a given mode or modes (public transport, walking, cycling, driving) in the morning peak
  • 4–5% change in proportion of population within 15 minutes access of social opportunity (namely primary or secondary education, GP surgery or supermarkets) by a given mode or modes (public transport, walking, cycling, driving) in the morning peak
  • 4–6% increase in percentage of the population living within 500m of a bus stop or 1km from a rail or bus rapid transit station where service frequency is ≤30 minutes per hour
  • New walking/cycling link forms part of medium urban area network
  • Improving connections to regionally significant tourism destinations/attractions
  • Investment in specialised services to support accessibility (eg Total Mobility)
  • 6–7% change in number of jobs accessed within 45 minutes by a given mode or modes (public transport, walking, cycling, driving) in the morning peak
  • 6–7% change in proportion of population within 15 minutes access of social opportunity (namely primary or secondary education, GP surgery or supermarkets) by a given mode or modes (public transport, walking, cycling, driving) in the morning peak
  • 7–9% increase in percentage of the population living within 500m of a bus stop or 1km from a rail or bus rapid transit station where service frequency is ≤30 minutes per hour
  • New walking/cycling link forms part of a large or major urban area network
  • Improving connections to nationally significant tourism destinations/attractions
Very high
  • >8% change in number of jobs accessed within 45 minutes by a given mode or modes (public transport, walking, cycling, driving) in the morning peak
  • >8% change in proportion of population within 15 minutes access of social opportunity (namely primary or secondary education, GP surgery or supermarkets) by a given mode or modes (public transport, walking, cycling, driving) in the morning peak
  • >10% increase in percentage of the population living within 500m of a bus stop or 1km from a rail or bus rapid transit station where service frequency is ≤30 minutes per hour
  • New walking/cycling link forms part of regional network, including linking with the NZ Cycle Network, Te Araroa Trail and other tourism trails

Improving freight connections and climate change

These criteria may be used when a proposed activity or combination of activities will impact on:

  • mode choice (eg shift from road-based freight to rail or coastal shipping)
  • GHG emissions reduction and air quality improvements.

Benefit: Impact on mode choice and/or impact on GHG emissions. 

Rating Criteria
Low n/a
Medium Up to 3% change in road freight mode share to rail or coastal shipping measured as percentage change in volume of road freight AADT on corridor moved to alternative modes
High >3 and up to 6% change in road freight Mode share to rail or coastal shipping measured as percentage change in volume of road freight annual average daily traffic (AADT) on corridor moved to alternative modes
Very high >6% change in road freight mode share to rail or coastal shipping measured as percentage change in volume of road freight AADT on corridor moved to alternative modes

Improving freight connections

Benefit: Impact on network productivity and utilisation 

Rating Criteria
  • 5–10% improvement in predictability (reduction in variability) of travel time on priority routes for freight
  • (For rail) up to 10% change in freight trains arriving on time (ie within 30 minutes of scheduled arrival)
  • Up to 10% reduction in duration of unplanned road closures/rail service disruptions of ≥2 hours
  • Improving connections between locally significant production and distribution points
  • 11–20% improvement in predictability (reduction in variability) of travel time on priority routes for freight
  • (For rail) 11–20% change in freight trains arriving on time (ie within 30 minutes of scheduled arrival)
  • 11–20% reduction in duration of unplanned road closures/rail service disruptions of ≥2 hours
  • Improving connections between regionally significant production and distribution points
  • 21–30% improvement in predictability (reduction in variability) of travel time on priority routes for freight
  • (For rail) 21–30% change in freight trains arriving on time (ie within 30 minutes of scheduled arrival)
  • 21–30% reduction in duration of unplanned road closures/rail service disruptions of ≥2 hours
  • Improving connections between nationally significant production and distribution points
Very high
  • >31% improvement in predictability (reduction in variability) of travel time on priority routes for freight
  • (For rail) >31% change in freight trains arriving on time (ie within 30 minutes of scheduled arrival)
  • >31% reduction in duration of unplanned road closures/service disruptions of ≥2 hours

Climate change

Benefit: Impact on GHG

Rating Criteria
  • Addressing a known climate change adaptation issue that is forecast to occur beyond 2090
  • Up to 3% reduction in private vehicle kilometres travelled – can use change in AADT as a proxy
  • Up to 5% reduction in CO₂ vehicle emissions total grams per kilometre per day by corridor (carriageway)
  • Addressing a known climate change adaptation issue that is forecast to occur between 2041 and 2090
  • 4–6% reduction in private vehicle kilometres travelled – can use change in AADT as a proxy
  • 6–10% reduction in CO₂ vehicle emissions total grams per kilometre per day by corridor (carriageway)
  • Addressing a known climate change adaptation issue that is forecast to occur by 2040
Very high
  • >6% reduction in private vehicle kilometres travelled – can use change in AADT as a proxy
  • >10% reduction in CO₂ vehicle emissions total grams per kilometre per day by corridor (carriageway)

 Benefit: Impact of air emissions on health / impact of noise and vibration on health   

Rating Criteria
  • Up to 5% reduction of (local) population exposed to elevated concentrations of land transport-related air pollution (NO₂)
  • Up to 5% reduction in local population exposed to excessive traffic noise level
  • Up to 10% reduction (local) population exposed to elevated concentrations of land transport-related air pollution (NO₂)
  • Up to 10% reduction in local population exposed to excessive traffic noise level
  • Up to 15% reduction (local) population exposed to elevated concentrations of land transport-related air pollution (NO₂)
  • ≥11% reduction in local population exposed to excessive traffic noise level
Very high n/a