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This page relates to the 2021-24 National Land Transport Programme.

IntroductionBack to top

Work category 181 provides for all activities associated with the management, operation, renewal and improvement of KiwiRail’s national rail network as set out in the Rail Network Investment Programme (RNIP) approved by the Minister of Transport.

Rail Network Investment Programme (RNIP)(external link)

Qualifying activitiesBack to top

Work category 181 is available only to the rail network activity class.

Rail network

Examples of qualifying activities

Examples of qualifying activities include, but may not be limited to:

  • network and asset management activities
  • train control and network operations
  • routine repair of defects to network assets to maintain safe and efficient operation of the network
  • renewal of life-expired assets to current design standards appropriate for the expected economic service life of the asset including:
    • track infrastructure assets such as rails, sleepers, ballast and turnouts 
    • civil structures such as a structurally inadequate bridge, retaining structures, including sea walls, that support a rail corridor, lighting towers, tunnels, culverts and other drainage features
  • plant and equipment that improve the efficiency of delivering the works within the above scope
  • business case development
  • network improvements.

You can discuss with us (Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency as investor) whether other potential activities not listed above might also be eligible for inclusion in this work category.


Work category 181 excludes:

  • rail network improvements to support metro passenger transport services (these are funded from the relevant work category of the public transport infrastructure activity class)
    Public transport services and infrastructure

Funding assistance rateBack to top

The funding assistance rate (FAR) is 100% of the net agreed costs of activities eligible for funding within the approved RNIP. Funding must be approved by the Minister of Transport.

Submitting activities for NLTP consideration and funding approvalBack to top

KiwiRail will develop the RNIP and submit it to the Minister of Transport for approval of both the RNIP and funding of the individual activities.

The Minister makes these decisions in consultation with the shareholding Ministers, considering advice provided by us.

The RNIP may be varied during its currency and the Land Transport Management Act 2003 defines this process.

Land Transport Management Act 2003(external link)

The Minister may make further funding approvals during the RNIP period.

KiwiRail will follow the Waka Kotahi Business Case Approach for developing improvement projects and will include them in Transport Investment Online (TIO) using the TIO improvements module.

Transport Investment Online(external link)