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This page relates to the 2021-24 National Land Transport Programme.

IntroductionBack to top

Activity classes and work categories are groupings of similar activities from investments through the National Land Transport Programme (NLTP). Investment proposals must identify the correct activity classes and work categories as part of the NLTP inclusion and funding approval process.

Activity classesBack to top

Activity classes are defined in the Government Policy Statement on land transport (GPS) and are used by the minister to provide direction to Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency on funding allocations for types of investment. The activity classes are high-level groupings of activities, eg walking and cycling improvements, local road maintenance.

Government Policy Statement on land transport 2021(external link)

We (Waka Kotahi as investor) structure the NLTP around the activity classes to:

  • ensure conformity of the NLTP funding structure with the activity classes defined in the current GPS
  • identify activities that are eligible for funding from the National Land Transport Fund and from funds we are managing on behalf of the government
  • ensure funding is allocated to activity classes within the funding range for each activity class as set out in the GPS and that expenditure is monitored and reported by activity class
  • provide a basis for comparing transport costs over time and between organisations.

Work categoriesBack to top

Work categories are used to group similar activities within an activity class. The work category definitions provide examples of qualifying activities as well as activities not eligible for funding through the NLTP.

These are accounting classifications enabling expenditure to be tracked by type of activity, and cost comparisons to be made between organisations and regions. 

However, some work categories are defined in a practical way so that minor operations, maintenance or renewal activities are sometimes included in other work categories to facilitate efficient profiling, programming and delivery of activities.

An example is property purchases (WC331, WC332, WC333) where the purchase cost is less than $500,000. These are to be included in the project costs conducted under the appropriate work category and phase, ie a separate property phase is not required.

How activity classes and work categories fit togetherBack to top

A work category must link to at least one activity class, eg bus services are within the public transport services activity class. However, some work categories link to several activity classes. For example, the work category 324: Road improvements appears in the Road to Zero, state highway improvements and local road improvements activity classes as well as in the Crown-funded New Zealand Upgrade Programme.

Work category 324: Road improvements

Road to Zero

Programme overview of the NZ Upgrade Programme