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This page relates to the 2018-21 National Land Transport Programme.

IntroductionBack to top

Activities should use Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency endorsed best practice guidelines and examples, including those set out below.

The use of Waka Kotahi resources ensures consistency between activities, reduces administrative and development costs and maximises the effectiveness of activities delivered in this work category

School-based road safety educationBack to top

Findings from New Zealand and overseas show that approaches to road safety education are not equally effective. Careful selection and evaluation of activities improves the odds that road safety education and learning is deeply embedded and leads to lasting changes in skills, behaviour and attitudes. All approved organisations should refer their school-based interventions to the Waka Kotahi Education Portal (external link)when developing their work programme and give effect to the key research findings.

Waka Kotahi has published Guidelines for schools (external link)on how to evaluate effective road safety education for their school communities. Information also includes case studies and outlines of road safety education practice.

Specific resources include:

School travel planningBack to top

Waka Kotahi encourages a whole school approach to influence students to adopt road safety behaviours. By engaging in school community partnerships, considering the school ethos and organisation and through learning in the school curriculum young people can individually and collectively make informed decisions that contribute to a safe system. A safe system involves the combination of safe roads, safe speeds, safe vehicles and safe road use.

The whole-of-school approach and resources can be found in the Waka Kotahi Education Portal(external link), which includes the Safe school travel plan coordinators guide(external link).

Walking school busesBack to top

Walking school bus coordinators guide (external link)provides all the resources needed to set up a walking school bus at your school.

Senior road usersBack to top

Staying Safe – a refresher workshop for senior road users, provides information for organisations and facilitators running one of these workshops.

Neighbourhood accessibility plansBack to top

Neighbourhood accessibility plans (NAPs) guidelines for coordinators(external link)

Child restraint techniciansBack to top

Knowledge of child restraints and practical NZQA unit standards (external link)are for those working in the area of child restraints.

Cycle skillsBack to top

Cyclist training guidelines(external link) is a guide for the set-up and delivery of cycle skills training in New Zealand.

Cycle skills instructor qualification(external link) is for those who deliver cycle skills training.

Young driversBack to top

The Drive(external link) programme supports people to get their driver’s license.  


Waka Kotahi advertising guidelinesBack to top

Local advertising must meet Waka Kotahi’s advertising guidelines. These guidelines were developed to help you produce and implement effective advertising campaigns using best practice.

Advertising guide ‒ Producing effective advertising (external link)


Road safety advertising calendarBack to top

The Road safety advertising calendar outlines the key advertising themes that the national road safety advertising programme will focus on each month. The advertising team encourages all road safety partners to align their regional advertising to the same themes so that all road safety messages are consistent.

Waka Kotahi advertising resourcesBack to top

The advertising team encourages you to use national advertising material for regional work where appropriate. If the local campaigns in your region are similar or support the same issues or messages as the national campaigns, your regional work will build on the exposure of the national programme.

Current national campaigns can be viewed on the Waka Kotahi website.

You must use the advertising material request form(external link) to obtain permission to use any of the national advertising images, taglines or existing ads. Talent contracts are in place to protect the interest of the actors and some images can only be used on certain mediums. As with any brand, you must check out the legalities of its use first or you could be faced with an unnecessary expense.

Waka Kotahi has some promotional material that may support your campaign.

To view what is currently available, check out the advertising section(external link) of the Waka Kotahi website or email the advertising team.

Any queries regarding the Waka Kotahi advertising programme, use of collateral, or technical assistance can be directed to