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IntroductionBack to top

When developing a road safety promotion programme, Approved Organisations and the Transport Agency should take into account the Safer Journeys strategy, and the factors described below.

All activities must be consistent with the Transport Agency planning and investment principles.

ClusteringBack to top

Approved Organisations and the Transport Agency are encouraged to work together, or cluster, for the purpose of employing professional services and pooling other resources to develop, manage and deliver road safety promotion activities in an efficient and cost effective way.

Clusters can provide additional benefits by enabling a programme to target a community at risk in one council area, and achieve coverage of other council areas at little or no additional cost. The emphasis should always be on the primary community at risk.

Developing a programme of activitiesBack to top

Programmes are developed through the 'Road safety promotion' module in Transport Investment Online(external link) (TIO).

Additional efficiencies can be made when road safety promotion activities are developed and assessed as part of a programme of activities addressing the safe use of the land transport network.  Where relevant, activities should demonstrate alignment with safety-related programmes funded under other activity classes, as well as alignment with national and regional programmes.

The programme should embody the Safe System approach and be integrated with engineering, police and other stakeholder activities.

Robust planning processes put in place by Approved Organisations and the Transport Agency help to give the Transport Agency confidence that appropriate alternatives and options have been considered in the development of the proposed programme, and that the use of available resources has been maximised.

The checklist below provides guidance for the steps in planning activities, and considerations prior to making a funding application.

  • Understand key local, regional and national objectives using the relevant strategic documents, e.g. Regional Land Transport Strategy, Safer Journeys
  • Establish your key problems, issues or opportunities, and describe how these have been determined (for example using an Investment Logic Map (ILM) or through your Road Safety Action Planning (RSAP))
  • Define the nature of the problems you are addressing and any evidence sources such as CAS or ACC data, Police reports, Briefing notes or the Communities at Risk Register  
  • Use the business case approach or Road Safety Action Planning (RSAP) to define the programme objective and determine possible alternatives and options to reach them. RSAP should consider other council and stakeholder activities which may be leveraged off
  • Develop a draft programme of activities which would best achieve the key objectives. Consider how a three year programme may allow different emphasis, intensity and combinations of interventions to maximise effectiveness.
  • Assess feasibility of programme based on budget, resources, possible constraints and priorities.
  • Ensure eligibility of planned activities against Transport Agency criteria and assess each activity against the Transport Agency Investment Assessment Framework.
  • Finalise the list of activities, discuss the scope and cost of activities with the Transport Agency.
  • Complete the activity list or project plan ensuring all information is included and reflects project size, complexity and planned implementation.
  • If any activities are over $300,000 annual cost, undertake a benefit and cost appraisal.
  • Note that the activity list will now form the basis of annual reporting, deliverables and outcomes should be measurable and reflect monitoring processes in place for the programme.

Grouping activitiesBack to top

Activities that each have expenditure of less than $300,000 may be grouped in applications through Transport Investment Online. The application must be supported by a list of the activities, financial data and objectives, as outlined in the attached supporting information template, the road safety promotion activity list.

Road safety promotion activities that are individually more than $300,000 must include a calculated benefit-cost ratio.

AdvertisingBack to top

Local advertising must meet the Transport Agency’s advertising guidelines.

Approved Organisations and Transport Agency staff are encouraged to consult with the Transport Agency’s National Office advertising team early in the development process for assistance in the development of advertising to ensure effectiveness is maximised. This team can provide feedback on your early idea/s.

Approved organisations/Transport Agency staff must complete an Advertising Brief to guide discussions when engaging advertising agencies or working with an in-house team. If your advertising is audited by the Transport Agency, this document will be required.

The Transport Agency’s National Office advertising team must approve any advertising applications for campaigns that cost over $300,000. For these applications, use the Advertising Approval application form. If your advertising is audited by the Transport Agency, this document will be required.

If advertising does not follow Transport Agency guidelines, the Transport Agency may request immediate removal and discontinuation of the advertising. This will be at the expense of the approved organisation and a return of funding for the campaign may be sought.

The content of road safety advertising may be subject to an audit by the Transport Agency.

Supporting informationBack to top

All funding requests for road safety promotion activities must be accompanied by a project plan or activity list that:

  • identifies the Safer Journeys priority areas or local issues that are being addressed
  • identifies the target audience
  • describes the individual activities or programmes that will be delivered
  • describes the objectives and outcomes for each activity or programme, and
  • provides an outline of deliverables and monitoring requirements by which effectiveness will be gauged.

Road safety action planning, or other similar forms of integrated planning, should inform activity development and delivery.

TIO inputs for a road safety promotion programmeBack to top

Public transport programmes are developed through the Road safety promotion' module in Transport Investment Online (TIO). The module consists of the following sections:

Programme level screens
Programme context Content should reflect the principles of the Business Case Approach. Evidence around the programme will be contained in current planning documents, including activity management plans and road safety action plans.
Programme name Typically, the name will be "Road safety promotion programme 20XX-XX". Required for NLTP inclusion and Funding approval
Your reference The programme owner has the option of entering a programme identifier. Optional
Objectives What outcomes are being sought from the programme? Reference should be made to the planning documents. Objectives should be SMART - specific, measureable, achievable/affordable, relevant/realistic and time-bound. Required for NLTP inclusion and Funding approval
Current trends in the condition and performance of your transport network  Describe the key problems, issues and opportunities for road safety performance on the network. Trends in road safety performance should be stated or referenced. Comparison of key performance indicators with national averages and peer group statistics will provide context to your proposed programme.   Required for NLTP inclusion and Funding approval
Describe how these problems, issues and opportunities are to be addressed How the key problems are to be addressed in the programme should be described with reference to planning documents such as the relevant activity management plan and road safety action plan. Required for NLTP inclusion and Funding approval
Programme integration Describe how the road safety promotion programme integrates and will be coordinated with other programmes and projects (road maintenance and operation, improvements, road policing and other road safety promotion programmes) and with other organisations, including NZ Police. Required for NLTP inclusion and Funding approval
Reference to the relevant section detail of the planning documents Refer to the relevant sections in the planning documents, including activity management plans and road safety action plans, that support the proposed programme. Required for NLTP inclusion and Funding approval
Opportunities for collaboration What opportunities have been and will be explored to achieve economies of scale and to improve road safety performance on the network? Required for NLTP inclusion and Funding approval
Forecast expenditure    
Forecast expenditure

10 year forecast of expenditure on road safety promotion, with the first three years automatically completed from work category detailed requests. Note - nominal costs are to be provided inclusive of any allowance for input cost increases (escalation) and administration costs.

Required for NLTP inclusion and Funding approval
Contacts and supporting docs    
Contact details Contact details of programme owner representative. Required for NLTP inclusion and Funding approval
Supporting documents Upload the activity management plan, roads safety action plan, road safety promotion activity lists and any other relevant documents that provide evidence to support the request for funding. Required for NLTP inclusion and Funding approval
Phase screens 
Phases summary

Provides a high level view of funding approved for road safety promotion programme phases in the NLTP. Phases relate to element of the programme, which may be based on Safer Journey themes, e.g. young drivers, roads and roadsides, or grouped around strategic fit assessments, e.g. a group of high strategic fit activities and another group of medium strategic fit activities. Also an application for Work category 151: Network and asset management need to be set up in a phase separate from the applications for Work category 432: Promotion, education and advertising.

Activities costing more than $300,000 that require calculation of a benefit-cost ratio should be set up as a separate phase.

Add a phase/Phase name Select relevant option from the left hand menu. If a new phase, select "Add a phase" or, if you are revising an existing phase, select the appropriate phase name.  
Phase name screen     
Your phase reference Programme owner has option to enter a programme/phase identifier. Optional
Work category Select work category from dropdown list. Required for NLTP inclusion and Funding approval
What is the transport problem/opportunity that requires attention? State the transport problem specific to this phase. It should link to the statement of key problems at the programme level, but may be stated in more detail here. Required for NLTP inclusion and Funding approval
 Activity scope Describe what will be delivered by the activity. Required for NLTP inclusion and Funding approval
Is fixed FAR applicable to this activity? Defaults to "Yes", which means that the Approved Organisation's Normal funding assistance rate (FAR) will apply to the funding approval. Required for NLTP inclusion and Funding approval
 Cost table Enter requested amounts by year. The Transport Agency will enter recommended/ approved amounts when it moderates the requests as part of optimising the NLTP. Note - all costs are nominal and are presumed to include input cost increases (escalation) and administration costs. Required for NLTP inclusion and Funding approval
 Assessment of the phase Uses the Transport Agency's Investment Assessment Framework - refer to Assessment of Road Safety Promotion Programmes.  
Programme owner assessment The applicant's assessment is mandatory and informs the Transport Agency's assessment. It consists of ratings for each factor with an assessment commentary required for each. Note that a benefit-cost ratio is not required for activities less than $300,000 but is mandatory for any individual activity over $300,000. Required for NLTP inclusion and Funding approval
NZTA assessment This assessment considers the programme owner's assessment and is a key input to the Transport Agency's decision whether to approve funding for the programme. Required for NLTP inclusion and Funding approval
NZTA recommendations The Transport Agency regional representative completes this section, which is confirmed by National Office staff following moderation to optimise the NLTP. When the Board adopts the NLTP and agrees with the recommended allocations, the funding priority will change to "Approved".