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The Railways Act 2005(external link) promotes the safety of rail operations. Part 3 of the Act sets out the law relating to management of the rail corridor. In several places, it also clarifies the responsibilities of Approved Organisations who are road-controlling authorities, the Transport Agency (state highways) and rail access providers.
Pertinent sections of the ActBack to top
The sections of the Act that especially affect Approved Organisations who are road-controlling authorities and the Transport Agency (state highways) are noted below:
- s.74 – railway drains
- s.75 – easements over railway land
- s.76 – lights and signs near a railway
- s.77 – prevention of damage to railway
- s.81 – warning devices at level crossings
- s.82 – gates and cattle stops
- s.83 – maintenance of railway crossings
- s.84 – management of railway along or across a road
- s.86 – rights of entry
- s.87 – maintenance of rail infrastructure on roads
- s.88 – notice before alteration of rail infrastructure on roads
- s.91 – charging for access to road reserve