Archive - this information is for reference only and no longer maintained.
This section describes the public transport services and infrastructure activity classes, and provides links to the work category definitions.
This page relates to the 2012-15 NLTP only.
There are two activity classes as described below.
- Activity class 4: Public transport services ◦Generally undertaken by regional/unitary councils and Auckland Transport
- Activity class 5: Public transport infrastructure ◦Generally undertaken by either territorial land authorities or regional/unitary councils and Auckland Transport
Note - Roading public transport infrastructure is incorporated in the appropriate Approved Organisation's roading programme.
Qualifying for NLTP considerationBack to top
To qualify for investment support from the NZ Transport Agency:
- •Any activity described in the work categories in this section may qualify for consideration for inclusion in the NLTP
- Bus, rail and ferry services must be included in a Regional Public Transport Plan (RPTP ), which incorporates:
- a funding plan
- all bus, rail and ferry passenger services, and
- the supporting infrastructure and operational activities proposed over the period of the National Land Transport Programme (NLTP )
- All public transport activities requiring funding assistance must be included in a Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP ),
- Approved Organisations must comply with the Transport Agency’s Procurement Manual and procurement rules, as well as any relevant standards and guidelines as listed in the Transport Agency’s Register of Network Standards and Guidelines.
The public transport activity class includes the following work categories:
Activity class 4: Public transport services:
Activity class 5: Public transport infrastructure:
The public transport activity class does not include Work category 522 – SuperGold card concessions.
This work category is covered under a separate appropriation from the government, outside of the NLTF and administered by the Transport Agency. Activities should be submitted in a stand-alone application via Transport Investment Online.
Developing public transport activitiesBack to top
Public transport activities proposed to be included in the NLTP must be in an RLTP. The activities should reflect all public transport services defined in the RPTP and the costs of associated facilities that are expected to be funded from the NLTF.
There are two components to developing public transport activities for inclusion in an RLTP:
Public transport programmesBack to top
A Public transport programme consists of existing services and operations funded as part of the ongoing public transport programme, inclusive of allowances for minor variations and service reconfigurations that result in no increase in the annualised cost for the total programme.
Further detail on Public transport programmes is provided at this link.
Public transport improvementsBack to top
Public transport improvements comprise all public transport infrastructure projects and public transport service and operational activities that are separate from and additional to the existing services and operations of the public transport programme, even though the same work categories may apply.
Further detail on Public transport improvements is provided at this link.
Supporting information requiredBack to top
Organisations need to provide evidence to support any Transport Investment Online (TIO) application seeking inclusion of activities in the NLTP or for subsequent funding approval. This evidence should demonstrate that the proposal will provide an effective solution.
The supporting information required and referenced in the TIO application consists of:
- the transportation section of the Approved Organisation's Long Term Plan (LTP),
- the RPTP prepared under part 5 of the Land Transport Management Act,
- other relevant information not referenced in the LTP or RLTP, or which requires more space than is available in the TIO comments section, and should include:
- a supporting business case - for Public transport programmes, the RPTP should use the principles of the business case approach,
- network or service level strategies or plans developed separately to the RPTP or supporting business case,
- benefit cost ratio information to support a Public transport improvement activity larger than a minor improvement,
- completion of the public transport minor improvements template for all improvement activities of up to $300,000 total cost per activity,
- evidence to support the benefit and cost appraisal of the Public transport programme (use of the benefit and cost appraisal template for public transport is recommended),
- information used to support development of an organisations programme, e.g. forecast network demand, option assessment, sensitivity testing, supporting information for patronage and fare revenue projections, etc.,
- explanations and justifications of cost and scope changes from previous forecasts, e.g. input price changes, retendering, etc..
Terms and conditions of funding approvalBack to top
Typically, the Transport Agency will appove funding for a Public transport programme for all three years in an NLTP, as part of the NLTP adoption. However, the Transport Agency may decide to impose terms and conditions on funding for all or part of the approved Public transport programme, due to:
- insufficient information submitted to provide the Transport Agency with the confidence to approve funding in full,
- a lack of confidence in the forecasts provided in support of the application for funding, and/or
- network performance indicators providing evidence of low returns on investment with insufficient or unreliable evidence that returns will improve.
The terms and conditions may apply across all three years of an NLTP or to particular years, e.g. the Transport Agency may approve funding the first year of a Public transport programme in the newly adopted NLTP but set conditions that have to be met before funding to be released for any subsequent year.