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This page relates to the 2024-27 National Land Transport Programme.

IntroductionBack to top

Work category 711 provides for the development and implementation of road policing and automated enforcement including enforcement, prevention, deterrence and education activities identified in the Government Policy Statement on land transport (GPS) 2024 and the proposed road safety objectives  to address the safe use of the land transport system by NZ Police and NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA).

The Road Policing Investment ProgrammeBack to top

Road policing activities are invested in through the Road Policing Investment Programme (RPIP) which is prepared by NZTA and NZ Police, approved by the Minister of Transport in consultation with the Minister of Police, and delivered by NZ Police.

Road Policing Investment Programme [PDF, 506 KB]

The RPIP is funded through Vote Police but the investment source is the National Land Transport Fund. See sections 18I to 18M of the Land Transport Management Act 2003 (LTMA).

Land Transport Management Act 2003(external link)

Police activities approved by the Minister of Transport must be included in the National Land Transport Programme (NLTP), as stated in section 19C of the LTMA.

Land Transport Management Act 2003, section 19C(external link)

We (NZTA as investor) monitor and report on delivery of the programme, as stated in section 102 of the LTMA.

Land Transport Management Act 2003, section 102(external link)

As part of the wider context of road policing we, NZ Police and the Ministry of Transport have established a strength-based partnership to implement an improved operating model and investment approach for road policing.

Automated enforcementBack to top

Following a November 2019 Cabinet decision, automated enforcement activities are in the process of being transferred from NZ Police to NZTA. Automated enforcement is defined as the operation of technology that detects and records a violation of a road rule or law without direct human involvement. This technology is independent to the processing of infringements, where the Land Transport (Road Safety) Amendment Act 2023 established the ability to operate an automated infringement system. 

Currently, automated enforcement consists of the deployment of multiple types of safety cameras (as approved vehicle surveillance equipment) on both state highway and local road networks.

The type and location of the safety cameras must be aligned to the NZTA Safety Camera Network Framework to ensure the technology delivers a reduction of deaths and serious injuries.

Safety Camera Strategy (webpage currently under development)

Automated enforcement activities include the use of various safety camera types, either permanently implemented or deployed temporarily, on both state highway and local road networks.

Qualifying activitiesBack to top

Work category 711 provides for the development and implementation of road policing and automated enforcement including enforcement, prevention, deterrence, and education activities. This work category is available to the safety activity class.


Examples of qualifying activities

Qualifying activities for road policing through the RSPP include enforcement, prevention and deterrence, and education regarding:

  • restraints including safety belts, child restraints and helmets
  • impairment including alcohol, drug and fatigue related impairment
  • safe speeds
  • high-risk drivers, including recidivist and high-risk behaviours
  • protection of vulnerable and active road users including the elderly, children, pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists
  • distractions, including mobile phone use and other distracting behaviour
  • vehicle safety and compliance, including regulatory compliance of commercial vehicles and driving
  • effective network operation through crash investigation and traffic management practices.

Qualifying automated enforcement activities include the installation, operation and management of various safety camera types by NZTA for the enforcement of:

  • safe speeds
  • signalised intersections
  • restraints including safety belts
  • distractions, including mobile phone use.

You can discuss with us (NZTA as investor) whether other potential activities not listed above might also be eligible for inclusion in this work category.


Work category 711 excludes regulatory activities delivered by other agencies and education activities not delivered by NZ Police.

Funding assistance rateBack to top

Road policing activities are approved through Vote Police with the funding source being the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF). The approved programme is funded 100% from the NLTF.

The usual funding assistance rate (FAR) is 100% for NZTA costs.

Submitting activities for NLTP consideration and funding approvalBack to top

Although the core programme of road policing activities is continuous in nature, for convenience NZTA (on behalf of NZ Police) submits RPIP activities using the improvement activity template in Transport Investment Online (TIO) rather than through its own module.

NZTA submits automated enforcement activities using the improvement activity template in TIO.

Transport Investment Online(external link)

For guidance on using TIO, see the TIO learning and guidance page on our website.

Transport Investment Online (TIO) learning and guidance