This page relates to the 2024-27 National Land Transport Programme.
Work category 121 provides for the routine care and attention of the road corridor to maintain safety, aesthetic and environmental standards.
Work category 121 is available to the local road and state highway operations activity classes.
Local road and state highway operations
Examples of qualifying activities
Examples of qualifying activities include, but may not be limited to:
- snow clearing and ice control
- vegetation control (see conditions of funding below)
- litter collection on rural roads and associated public footpaths, shared paths and cycle paths
- removal of, and protection against, graffiti on road structures
maintenance and removal of effluent from stock-truck effluent disposal facilities
Stock Effluent Facilities Policy
- any special treatment of run-off from the road to maintain water quality
- sweeping loose chip and detritus from road intersections
- removal of rocks and minor slip material from the road or catch fences
- maintenance of rest areas
- maintenance of protection planting, including maintenance pruning
- non-recoverable costs arising from clearing the carriageway or associated public footpaths, shared paths or cycle paths of damaged vehicles, crash debris and spillages that are not the responsibility of emergency services
- non-recoverable costs associated with removal of abandoned vehicles from road reserves.
You can discuss with us (NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) as investor) whether other potential activities not listed above might also be eligible for inclusion in this work category.
Work category 121 excludes:
- aesthetic treatments (such as flower gardens) on berms, shoulders, medians and traffic islands
- maintenance of the area between the kerb and the road reserve boundary in urban areas – this is not eligible for funding assistance except as described below in ‘Conditions of funding for vegetation control’
control of noxious plants declared in terms of the Biosecurity Act 1993 within the road reserve – this is not eligible for funding assistance unless it is included in a regional pest management strategy agreed by us as applying to road reserves.
Biosecurity Act 1993(external link)
Conditions of funding for vegetation control
Vegetation control of roadside berms, medians and traffic islands, and vegetation management of associated public footpaths, shared paths and cycle paths, is eligible for funding assistance in the following circumstances:
- in urban areas, cutting grass to lawn standard or maintaining alternative low-cost ground cover treatments on medians and traffic islands
in rural areas, maintaining and cutting grass on roadside berms and unsealed shoulders to ensure:
- adequate visibility
- general safety
- drainage
- the elimination of a fire hazard or pest refuge
- in urban and rural areas, clearing vegetation from public footpaths, shared paths and cycle paths associated with roadways where vegetation would impede safe access and use.
Funding assistance rate
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The usual funding assistance rate (FAR) is:
- 100% of NZTA state highway costs.
Submitting activities for NLTP consideration and funding approval
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Approved organisations and NZTA (for its own activities) submit their environmental maintenance activities for NLTP consideration and funding approval using the maintenance, operations and renewals template in Transport Investment Online (TIO).
Transport Investment Online (external link)
For guidance on using TIO, see the TIO learning and guidance page on our website.
Transport Investment Online (TIO) learning and guidance