Check each agent's website for complete details about the services it offers and opening hours. Be sure to phone to confirm opening hours before you visit.
The following pages on the AA and VTNZ websites also provide information for all of their agents.
Driver licensing agents / West Coast | |
AA Greymouth17-19 Reid Street, Blaketown,Greymouth
Freephone: 0800 500 444
AA Hokitika41 Weld StreetHokitika
Freephone: 0800 500 444
AA WestportBuller REAP, 111 Palmerston Street, Westport
Phone: 0800 500 444
Greymouth on-demand practical test site
Hours: Tests are only run at this site when there's enough demand for class 2-5 tests. It may take up to 3 months to arrange your test date and time. Go to the link below to request an on-demand test booking.
Hokitika on-demand practical test site
Hours: Tests are only run at this site when there's enough demand for on-road safety or class 2-5 tests. It may take up to 3 months to arrange your test date and time. Go to the link below to request an on-demand test booking.
VTNZ Greymouth - Practical testing only22 Gresson StreetGreymouth
Westport on-demand practical test site
Hours: Hours: Tests are only run at this site when there's enough demand for on-road safety or class 2-5 tests. It may take up to 3 months to arrange your test date and time. Go to the link below to request an on-demand test booking.