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Index of proposals

Heavy Vehicles

  1. Include the clause that authorises fifth wheels that comply with 'UN/ECE Regulation 55' in the list of heavy vehicle inspection and certification requirements.
  2. Include the new clause that authorises kingpins that comply with 'UN/ECE Regulation 55' (see proposal 4 below) in the list of heavy vehicle inspection and certification requirements.
  3. Amend the clause authorising fifth wheels that comply with 'UN/ECE Regulation 55'   and the clause relating to their modification and repair to align them with the new clauses relating to kingpins (see proposal 4 below).
  4. Amend the standards applicable to kingpins and associated skid plates by including 'UN/ECE Regulation 55' as an allowable standard on vehicles where the kingpins and associated skid plates have been installed and certified by the manufacturer of the vehicle as meeting this standard.
  5. Amend the references to certain dates relating to 90 mm diameter kingpins.

Traffic Control Devices

  1. Give road controlling authorities (RCAs) a discretionary power to install road markings for warning or advisory purposes. Currently, RCAs only have this power for regulatory purposes.
  2. Clarify that no unprotected hazards, such as planting or a traffic control device, may be placed on a traffic island.
  3. Clarify that signs are required on both roadway approaches to school crossing points.
  4. Allow an exception from the normal requirement to mark reserved parking spaces with yellow road markings and ordinary parking with white road markings. The proposed exception would allow for parking spaces which are reserved for residents' parking to be marked white, unless the parking spaces are reserved 24 hours a day.
  5. Add the option of a flashing roundel to a variable speed limit sign (instead of flashing orange lights in the corner of the sign). This change is for harmonisation with Austroads standards for variable speed limit signs. The proposed amendment will also allow numerals to be 25% larger than on static signs to account for the over-glow effect of LED signs.
  6. Add a new general "Except named class of vehicle" supplementary sign. This sign will enable more flexible traffic management by authorising road controlling authorities to except any named class of vehicle from some traffic movements.
  7. Fix an incorrect reference in the description of the truck mounted attenuator display sign.
  8. Add a new general "Barriers not working" supplementary sign, for use by workers repairing barrier arms at railway level crossings.
  9. Add a new "crash" sign for use by the Police and "breakdown" sign for use by workers who are removing a temporary hazard caused by a breakdown.
  10. Make minor amendments to the specifications of the "Give way ahead" sign.
  11. Add new "active LED railway crossing at curve" sign to warn drivers to slow down for a curve and railway level crossing ahead.
  12. Amend the definition of "light-rail vehicle lane" so that it aligns with the reference to that term in the Rule.

Vehicle Lighting

  1. Replace a reference to Land Transport New Zealand with a reference to the New Zealand Transport Agency as the former entity no longer exists. This will assist people who are seeking to contact the Agency.
  2. Make it illegal for white forward-facing side-marker lamps to be fitted to vehicles manufactured on or after 1 January 2006. This requirement is already in the applicable standard.
  3. Amend the description of the width of a heavy motor vehicle in relation to end outline marker lamps so that it aligns with other similar descriptions in the rule and overseas standards.
  4. Amend the clause relating to retroreflective material on heavy vehicles so that the restrictions only apply to signage and hazard panels that are required by law.

Proposed amendments to Land Transport Rules

Heavy Vehicles (Section 2 of Omnibus Amendment Rule 2015)

Proposal numberOA Rule referenceCurrent Rule (clause number)Proposed changeIssue/Reason for change
1 2.1(2) 1.2(4) Add clause 4.7(2A) to the applicable requirements for specialist inspection and certification of heavy vehicles. This amendment includes the clause that authorises fifth wheels that comply with 'UN/ECE Regulation 55' in the list of heavy vehicle inspection and certification of heavy vehicle requirements.
2 2.1(3) 1.2(4) Add new clause 4.8(2A) to the applicable requirements for specialist inspection and certification of heavy vehicles. This amendment includes the new clause that authorises kingpins and associated skid plates (see proposal 4 below) that comply with 'UN/ECE Regulation 55' in the inspection and certification of heavy vehicle requirements.
3 2.1(4)
Amend the clause authorising fifth wheels that comply with 'UN/ECE Regulation 55' and the clause relating to their modification and repair.  Align the wording of these clauses with the new clauses relating to kingpins and associated skid plates (see proposal 4 below).
4 2.1(7)
Allow kingpins on imported vehicles to be accepted for entry into New Zealand where the manufacturer has stated that the kingpin meets the relevant sections of 'UN/ECE Regulation 55'.
Make the standards currently applicable to 90 mm diameter kingpins under 4.8(3A) an option for 50 mm diameter kingpins.
Where manufacturers have ensured that kingpins on their vehicles comply with this international standard, they are installed to a high standard and further certification is unnecessary.
New clauses 4.8(2A) and 4.8(2B) ensure that repairs or modifications to these kingpins are carried out to specific New Zealand and Australian standards.
5 2.1(6)
4.8(3A), 4.8(4A)
Replace "six months after the date on which the amendment Rule comes into force" with "29 December 2007". This will clearly state the date of introduction of the requirements.

Traffic Control Devices (Section 3 of Omnibus Amendment Rule 2015)

Proposal numberOA Rule referenceCurrent Rule (clause number)Proposed changeIssue/Reason for change
6 3.1(2) 5.2(3) Add the words "warning, or advisory" to allow road controlling authorities (RCAs) a discretionary power to install road markings for warning or advisory purposes. This clause currently only allows this discretionary power for regulatory purposes. This is limiting and hampers the ability of RCAs to meet their responsibility to provide a safe roading network.
7 3.1(3) 7.7(3) This change will emphasise that no unprotected hazards, such as planting or a traffic control device, may be placed on a traffic island. This change is intended to clarify that no object presenting a hazard to road users may be placed on traffic islands unless the hazard is mitigated by barriers or the object is frangible.
8 3.1(4) 8.4(5)(d) Amend the clause to clarify that signs are required on both of the roadway approaches to a school crossing point. The current wording has caused uncertainty. The change will clarify that signs are required on both roadway approaches.
9 3.1(5),
12.7 Allow an exception from the normal requirement to mark reserved parking spaces with yellow road markings and ordinary parking with white road markings. The proposed exception would allow for parking spaces which are reserved for residents' parking to be marked in white, unless the parking spaces are reserved 24 hours a day in which case they would be marked in yellow.
10 3.1(7) Schedule 1, R1-2.1 Add the option of a flashing roundel to a variable speed limit sign (instead of flashing orange lights in the corners of the sign) and allow numerals to be 25% larger than on static signs to account for the over-glow effect of LED signs. Correct errors and add new options for variable speed limit signs.
11 3.1(8) Schedule 1,
Add new general "Except named class of vehicle" supplementary sign. This sign will enable more flexible traffic management by authorising road controlling authorities to except any named class of vehicle from some traffic movements. Currently, only buses, cycles and "authorised vehicles" may be excepted. This supplementary sign may be used with signs which ban a manoeuvre (for example no left turn, no U-turn) or require a manoeuvre (for example turn left or turn right).
12 3.1(9) Schedule 1,
Under "Description" replace R3-13.1 'keep left' with R3-13 'keep left'. Fix an incorrect reference.
13 3.1(10) Schedule 1,
Add new "Barriers not working" supplementary sign. This is for use during the repair of barrier arms at railway level crossings.
14 3.1(11) Schedule 1,
Add new "crash" sign and new "breakdown" sign.  The new "crash" sign is for use by Police and the new "breakdown" sign is for use by a worker who is removing a temporary hazard caused by a breakdown.
15 3.1(12) Schedule 1,
Minor amendments to the specifications of the "Give way ahead" sign. Fix errors in the description, colour and size of the legend for this sign.
16 3.1(13)
Schedule 1,
Add new "active LED railway crossing at curve" sign. New sign will warn drivers to slow down for a curve and railway level crossing ahead.
17 3.1(15) Part 2,
Amend the definition of "light-rail vehicle lane". This change will align the definition with the use of this term in the Rule.

Vehicle Lighting (Section 4 of Omnibus Amendment Rule 2015)

Proposal numberOA Rule referenceCurrent Rule (clause number)Proposed changeIssue/Reason for change
18 4.1(2) Objective of the Rule Replace a reference to Land Transport New Zealand with New Zealand Transport Agency. Reflect that the name of the relevant entity has changed and to assist persons to find the offices of the Agency.
19 4.1(3) 7.2(4),
Clarify the colour that side-marker lamps should be. The light emitted from a forward-facing side-marker lamp must be diffuse light that is substantially white or amber on vehicles manufactured before 1 January 2006.
The light emitted from a forward-facing side-marker lamp must be diffuse light that is substantially amber on vehicles manufactured on or after 1 January 2006.
This will clarify that it is illegal for white forward-facing side-marker lamps to be fitted to vehicles manufactured after 1 January 2006. This requirement is already in the applicable standard.
20 4.1(4),
Change the description of the width of heavy motor vehicles in relation to end-outline marker lamps. This will align the description with other descriptions of that measurement in the rule and overseas standards.
21 4.1(6) 9.1(2) Amend the clause relating to retroreflective material on heavy vehicles so that the restrictions only apply to signage and hazard panels that are required by law. Currently the restrictions apply to all signage and hazard panels even if they are only for advertising purposes.
The proposed change would mean that signage on vehicles, other than those required by law, are not subject to the restrictions on retroreflective material.