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Archived consultations

Find out about the land transport rules, operational policy and infrastructure projects we’ve previously consulted on. You’ll find the feedback we received and our next steps. 

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What we consult on

  • 2023
    • Sustainable Public Transport Framework consultation
      Waka Kotahi sought feedback on a sustainable public transport workforce discussion document developed by the Sustainable Public Transport Framework Working Group. Feedback closed at 5pm on 3 November 2023.
    • State Highway Control Manual (SM012) consultation
      The State Highway Control Manual sets out policy and guidance for the management of the state highway network and interaction with the community and various entities that want to use the highways. These things evolve and change over time and every so often there is a need for a full refresh. This gives an opportunity to consider whether information in the Manual needs updating, whether it needs removing or whether there is information missing that should be added. Feedback closed on 16 October 2023.
    • SH18 speed review
      Waka Kotahi sought feedback on proposed speed limit changes as part of the work undertaken by the Northern Corridor Improvements (NCI) project. The two areas under consideration were the Caribbean Drive to Albany Highway section and the Constellation Drive offramp to Caribbean Drive section. Feedback closed on 27 September 2023.
    • Northwest rapid transit
      Waka Kotahi sought feedback on rapid public transit options to provide a fast, frequent and reliable way to get around the northwest of Auckland – from Brigham Creek to the city centre, alongside State Highway 16. Feedback closed on 24 September 2023.
    • Coastal hazards and land transport infrastructure guide
      Waka Kotahi sought feedback on the draft Coastal hazards and land transport infrastructure guide. This guide will ensure that planning for coastal infrastructure is done in a consistent way and integrated with each stage of the business case process. Submissions closed on 18 September 2023.
    • Sustainable Public Transport Framework consultation
      Waka Kotahi sought feedback on proposed operational policy and guidelines developed by the Sustainable Public Transport Framework exempt and on-demand services working group. Feedback closed on 17 July 2023.
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  • 2022
    • SH16 Northwestern motorway bus lanes
      Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency sought feedback on planned extensions and new bus-only lanes on SH16. Submissions closed at 5pm on Monday 19 December 2022.
    • Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency disposal schedule consultation
      Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency sought feedback on what happens to Waka Kotahi information and records in both paper and digital formats, via our drafted disposal schedule. This process is part of a regular ten-year process to identify which records should be retained as public archives, and which records may be destroyed after a period as required by the Public Records Act 2005. Submissions closed on 29 October 2022.
    • Whenua parakino – contaminated land guidance
      Contaminated land is commonly encountered across Waka Kotahi infrastructure delivery (capital works) and maintenance and operation activities. Waka Kotahi sought feedback on the draft Whenua parakino – contaminated land guidance document. Submissions closed on 6 October 2022.
    • Environmental management plans
      Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency sought feedback on an updated Guideline for preparing an environmental management plan, environmental management plan template and environmental risk register spreadsheet. Environmental management plans must be developed and implemented for all infrastructure delivery (capital works) and maintenance and operation activities undertaken by Waka Kotahi. Submissions closed on 12 September 2022.
    • Reshaping Streets
      The Minister of Transport is proposing changes to legislation to make it easier for local authorities (like councils) to make street changes that support public transport, active travel and placemaking. We want to know what you think of these proposals and how they could affect you, your community, your organisation, or your business. We will consider your feedback before finalising any proposals. The Minister of Transport and Cabinet will then decide whether to progress any or all of these changes. Public consultation closed on Monday 19 September 2022.
    • Update to the NZ Heavy Vehicle Brake Testing Protocol
      Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency consulted on an update to the protocol that sets the minimum requirements for brake performance based on the loaded weight of the vehicle when inspected. The protocol has been designed to guide vehicle inspectors who are approved to carry out roller brake machine testing and aims to bring consistency to testing to help ensure all heavy vehicles are repaired and operated in the safest condition possible. Consultation ended Friday 22 July 2022 and the protocol is expected to come into effect in October 2022.
    • Business Case Refresh consultation
      Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency sought feedback on proposed changes to the Business Case Approach (BCA). Consultation closed on Thursday 23 June 2022. 
    • Northland and north Auckland speed reviews
      Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency sought feedback on proposed new speed limits at schools and townships on 11 corridors of state highway. Feedback closed on 14 June 2022.
    • Proposed changes to land transport regulatory fees, charges and funding consultation 2022
      Consultation on proposed changes to our regulatory funding and fees closed on Friday 13 May 2022. This is the first comprehensive review of fees and charges Waka Kotahi has done since before the agency was established in 2008. The proposals were based on the principle that everyone who creates risk in the land transport system, or receives direct benefits from being part of it, contributes to funding its regulation. Any changes to fees and charges will be implemented on or before October 2023. For updates, see

    • SH3 Napier Road speed review
      Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency sought feedback on proposed new speeds along SH3 Napier Road. Feedback closed on Friday 6 May 2022.
    • Draft New Zealand guide to temporary traffic management
      Waka Kotahi is developing new guidance for temporary traffic management to keep people safe on Aotearoa New Zealand’s roads. The guide emphasises a risk-based approach to prioritise the safety of all road users including people walking, on bikes, driving vehicles and the many New Zealanders who work on our roads. It has been developed with input from across the sector and international practices to help contribute to Road to Zero, New Zealand’s road safety strategy, where no one is killed or seriously injured on our roads. Feedback closed on Friday 29 April 2022.
    • Tolling Penlink – public consultation
      Between 17 January and 13 February 2022, Waka Kotahi sought feedback on a proposal to toll Penlink to support the costs of maintaining and operating the two-lane state highway between the Whangaparāoa Peninsula and State Highway 1 at Redvale. Consultation has now closed. Waka Kotahi will include these submissions in a comprehensive proposal for tolling for the Government to make a decision.
    • SH76 Brougham Street upgrade
      Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency sought feedback on improvements to SH76 Brougham Street. Feedback closed on Friday 28 January 2022.
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  • 2021
    • SH1 Whangārei to Wellsford
      Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency sought feedback on intersections and roads around Waipū township. Feedback closed on Friday 10 December 2021.
    • SH7 Maruia Springs to Reefton speed review
      Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency wants to know what you think about the current speed limits on SH7, from Maruia Springs to Reefton in the Buller District. Feedback closes at 5pm, Wednesday 24 November 2021.
    • SH2 Ngauranga to Featherston speed review
      Waka Kotahi sought feedback on the current speeds on SH2 between Ngauranga and Featherston. This feedback will help us determine if a speed limit change will improve safety. Feedback closed on Monday, 1 November 2021.
    • Traffic control devices manual – part 4 consultation
      Waka Kotahi consulted on the Traffic control devices manual part 4 – traffic control devices used at intersections. Part 4 of the manual provides guidance and best practice for road controlling authorities and traffic management practitioners on the use of traffic control devices, such as signs and road marking, at intersections. Feedback closed on Thursday, 14 October 2021
    • Learner and restricted driver licence consultation
      Waka Kotahi sought feedback on removing the five-year time limit for learner and restricted driver licences, making them valid for 10 years. There was a proposal to remove the 90-day time restriction on renewal, and the requirement for the licence holder to re-sit and pass a theory test to renew their licence. Feedback closed on Friday, 8 October 2021.
    • SH2 Wairarapa safety improvements and speed review
      Waka Kotahi reviewed ways to make the Wairarapa safer through a range of interventions along the sections of State Highway 2 (SH2) in the region including roundabouts, median safety barriers and pedestrian crossings. Feedback closed on Sunday, 19 September 2021.

    • Richmond Transport Programme Business Case
      Waka Kotahi and Tasman District Council sought feedback on the emerging staged programme that has been packaged into short, medium and long-term improvements to the year 2050. Feedback closed on Friday, 13 August 2021.
    • SH1 south of Levin safety improvements
      Waka Kotahi sought feedback on the proposed safety improvements on SH1 between Taylors Road and the SH57 intersection. These improvements will make the corridor safer in the meantime, while work progresses to deliver the new Ōtaki to north of Levin highway within the next decade. We’d also like to hear your thoughts on the current speed limits on SH1, between Taylors Road and Kawiu Road. This feedback will help us determine if a speed limit change will improve safety. Submissions closed on Wednesday, 11 August 2021.
    • SH73 and SH75 Christchurch to Akaroa speed review
      Waka Kotahi reviewed speeds along the SH73 and SH75 Christchurch to Akaroa route where safer speed limits will make a big difference in preventing people being killed and seriously injured in crashes. Feedback closed on Wednesday, 4 August 2021.
    • Wellington network speed consultation
      Waka Kotahi sought public input into proposals to set permanent new speed limits for State Highway 1 and State Highway 59, and local link roads connected to Transmission Gully. Submissions closed on Tuesday, 27 July 2021.
    • Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2021 consultation
      Waka Kotahi consulted on a proposed new rule enabling an improved approach to speed management planning on New Zealand roads, called the Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits 2021. We welcomed feedback on the use of speed management plans and the new independent speed management committee; relating to the use of emergency, temporary, variable speed limits; speed limits around schools; and other minor proposals. Submissions closed on Friday, 25 June 2021.
    • SH5/SH51 Hawke’s Bay speed review
      Waka Kotahi undertook two speed reviews in Hawke’s Bay. These were SH51 from Marine Parade to Waipatu and SH5 from Napier through to Taupō. Feedback closed on Sunday, 6 June 2021.
    • Temporary right turn ban from Coatesville/Riverhead Highway onto SH16
      A community consultation was held on a temporary right turn ban onto State Highway 16 (SH16) from Coatesville/Riverhead Highway. The proposed solution would improve safety at this busy intersection until the permanent roundabout is completed as part of the SH16 Brigham Creek to Waimauku safety project. Feedback closed on Friday, 14 May 2021.
    • SH1 Kāpiti corridor improvements
      In April and May 2021 we asked for feedback on the preliminary designs for Peka Peka to Ōtaki to help us develop them further. We also asked for feedback on speed limits for the M2PP and PP2Ō sections, new local roads and new layouts. You can see what others have to say on our interactive online map on the project website. Feedback closed on Friday, 7 May 2021.
    • SH75 Halswell Road improvements
      From 8 April to 4 May 2021, we asked the public for feedback about proposed improvements to State Highway 75 (SH75) Halswell Road between Dunbars and Curletts Roads, to improve the journey for bus users between the south-west suburbs and the central city. This information will be considered together with ongoing investigations and help the project team finalise the design. You can see what others had to say on our interactive online map on the project website. Feedback closed on Tuesday, 4 May 2021.
    • SH60 Motueka safety improvements
      Waka Kotahi sought public feedback on the proposed safety improvement designs along State Highway 60 through Motueka. Submissions closed on Friday, 16 April 2021.
    • SH1 Tinwald Corridor Improvements
      Waka Kotahi sought feedback to the proposed changes to the State Highway 1 (SH1) corridor through Tinwald, with a focus on Lagmhor Road and Agnes Street. Submissions closed on Friday, 16 April 2021.
    • Parking management guidance
      The National Parking Management Guidance on best-practice management of public parking (on-street parking and publicly owned/managed off-street facilities) throughout New Zealand was released as a draft for consultation. Waka Kotahi sought feedback on the draft and recommendations for case studies, particularly in regional towns and cities. Submissions closed on 12 March 2021.

    • RiverLink(external link)
      RiverLink is a transformative project for Lower Hutt, with a total budget of nearly $460 million. It aims to revitalise Te Awa Kairangi | Hutt River for a more resilient, more connected, more vibrant city. We are seeking your feedback on the indicative design. Submissions closed on 10 January 2021.
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  • 2020
    • SH10 Awanui to Kaingaroa speed review
      Waka Kotahi sought public input into an amended proposal to set new speed limits along State Highway 10 (SH10) between Awanui and Kaingaroa. Submissions closed on Sunday, 20 December 2020.
    • SH6 Hope to Wakefield speed review
      Waka Kotahi sought public input into proposals to set permanent new speed limits on State Highway 6 (SH6) between Hope and Wakefield. Submissions closed on Friday, 18 December 2020.
    • West Melton improvements
      We proposed changes to the intersection of State Highway 73 (SH73) and Weedons Ross Road, and a new link road between Weedons Ross and West Melton Roads. Feedback closed on Friday, 11 December 2020.
    • SH75 Halswell Road improvements
      We asked for your feedback on how we can make Halswell Road (Dunbars to Curletts Roads) better for buses using the corridor. Feedback closed on Friday, 4 December 2020.
    • Land Transport (Driver Licensing) (Covid-19 Temporary Extension of Deemed Licences) Amendment Rule 2020
      Waka Kotahi sought public feedback on the proposed Rule changes contained in the Land Transport (Driver Licensing) (Covid-19 Temporary Extension of Deemed Licences) Amendment Rule 2020 (the proposed Rule). The proposal is to temporarily extend some overseas licences holders’ eligibility to drive in New Zealand. The extension will enable eligible drivers to drive for up to 24 months in total (rather than 12) from their date of arrival into New Zealand on their overseas licence. The extended eligibility period will be in place until 31 December 2021. After this time, the proposed Rule would expire, and the eligibility period would revert back to 12 months. Feedback closed on Monday, 9 November 2020.
    • 20Connect speed review and bus/T3 lane bylaw
      Waka Kotahi is improving State Highway 20B (SH20B) to provide a safer journey experience and more reliable travel choices with new priority lanes in each direction between Pukaki Creek Bridge and the interchange with State Highway 20. To provide safer and more reliable journeys on SH20B, we sought feedback on the proposed speed limit change from the current 100km/h to 60km/h and the bylaw on the dedicated bus and Transit 3 (T3) lanes. Feedback closed on Sunday 8 November 2020.
    • SH1 Whangārei to Port Marsden Highway
      Waka Kotahi announced a shortlist of two route options for the SH1 Whangārei to Port Marsden Highway project and sought public feedback on both the urban section of the project between Tarewa Road and Toetoe Road and the two route options in the rural section between Toetoe Road and Port Marsden Highway. Feedback closed on Friday 23 October 2020.
    • Land Transport Rule: Regulatory Stewardship (Omnibus) Amendment 2020
      The purpose of this publication is to consult on proposed Rule changes contained in the Land Transport Rule: Regulatory Stewardship (Omnibus) Amendment 2020 (the Proposed Rule). Consultation on the proposed changes is being carried out to ensure that legislation is sound and robust and that the Rule development process takes account of the views of, and the impact on, people affected by the proposed changes. Submissions closed on Friday, 16 October 2020.

    • SH60 Upper Tākaka to Tākaka speed review
      Waka Kotahi sought public input into proposals to set permanent new speed limits on SH60 between Paines Ford and Tākaka. Submissions closed on Monday, 28 September 2020.
    • Ōtaki to north of Levin proposed new highway
      Waka Kotahi sought community feedback on the Ō2NL draft preferred alignment. The community feedback and local knowledge can help ensure the new highway serves the community effectively. Feedback closed on Tuesday, 22 September 2020.
    • SH30 Eastern Corridor – Stage Two
      Waka Kotahi sought community feedback on the proposed improvements for Stage Two to help us understand if we have missed anything important. Feedback closed on Tuesday, 1 September 2020.
    • SH5 and SH30 Rotorua urban speed review
      Waka Kotahi sought feedback on potential speed limits along State Highway 5 (SH5) and State Highway 30 (SH30) in Rotorua. Feedback closed on Monday, 10 August 2020.
    • SH57 safety improvements
      While work progresses to deliver the new Ōtaki to north of Levin highway within the next decade, we’re also making improvements to the safety of State Highway 57. Feedback was sought on the proposed safety improvements and safer speed limits. Feedback closed on Monday, 10 August 2020.
    • Nelson Future Access Project
      Waka Kotahi worked with Nelson City Council (NCC) and local iwi to develop a detailed package of improvements to address transport issues in Nelson over the next 30 years. We have come up with three long-term packages of improvements and we want your help to decide which package or combination of packages will work best for Nelson and the surrounding region. Feedback closed on Monday, 27 July 2020.
    • Proposal to toll the new Ara Tūhono – Pūhoi to Warkworth motorway
      Waka Kotahi sought feedback on its proposal to toll the new Ara Tūhono – Pūhoi to Warkworth motorway. Every new state highway in New Zealand, along with significant upgrades to existing state highways are assessed to see if they meet the criteria to be tolled. Submissions closed on Monday, 15 June 2020.
    • Accessible Streets consultation
      The Associate Minister of Transport proposed a collection of rule changes known as the Accessible Streets Regulatory Package. These rules are designed to improve safety for footpath users, encourage active modes of transport, and support the creation of more liveable and vibrant towns and cities. Submissions closed on Wednesday, 20 May 2020.
    • SH16 Kaukapakapa School speed consultation
      Waka Kotahi sought public input into proposals for a variable speed limit outside the Kaukapakapa School on State Highway 16 (SH16). Submissions closed on Wednesday, 18 March 2020.
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  • 2019
    • SH94 Homer Tunnel to Milford Sound speed consultation
      The NZ Transport Agency is seeking public input into proposals to set permanent new speed limits along State Highway 94 (SH94) between the eastern entrance to the Homer Tunnel to Milford Sound. Submissions closed on Thursday, 19 December 2019.
    • SH3 Whanganui to Westmere speed consultation
      The NZ Transport Agency sought public input into proposals to set permanent new speed limits along State Highway 3 (SH3) between Whanganui and Westmere. Submissions closed on Monday, 16 December 2019.
    • SH3 Waitara to Bell Block speed consultation
      The NZ Transport Agency sought public input into proposals to set permanent new speed limits along State Highway 3 (SH3) through Waitara. Submissions closed on Sunday, 15 December 2019.
    • SH10 Awanui to Kaingaroa speed consultation
      The NZ Transport Agency sought public input into proposals to set permanent new speed limits along State Highway 10 (SH10) between Awanui and Kaingaroa. Submissions closed Tuesday, 10 December 2019.
    • SH1 Moerewa to Kawakawa speed consultation
      The NZ Transport Agency sought public input into proposals to set permanent new speed limits along State Highway 1 (SH1) between Moerewa and Kawakawa. Submissions closed on Tuesday, 10 December 2019.
    • SH11 Puketona to Paihia speed consultation
      The NZ Transport Agency sought public input into proposals to set permanent new speed limits along State Highway 11 (SH11) between Puketona and Paihia. Submissions closed on Tuesday, 10 December 2019.
    • SH1 Balclutha speed consultation
      The NZ Transport Agency is seeking public input into proposals to set permanent new speed limits along State Highway 1 (SH1) through Balclutha township. Submissions closed Friday, 29 November 2019.
    • SH90 Tapanui speed consultation
      The NZ Transport Agency is seeking public input into proposals to set permanent new speed limits along State Highway 90 (SH90) through Tapanui township. Submissions closed on Friday, 29 November 2019.
    • SH16 Brigham Creek to Waimauku speed consultation
      The NZ Transport Agency sought public input into proposals to set permanent new speed limits along State Highway 16 (SH16) between Brigham Creek and Waimauku. Submissions closed on Tuesday, 26 November 2019.
    • SH1 Taupō Airport to Turangi speed consultation
      The NZ Transport Agency sought public input into proposals to set permanent new speed limits along State Highway 1 (SH1) from Taupo to Turangi. Submissions closed on Friday, 22 November 2019.
    • SH2 Katikati to Tauranga speed consultation
      The NZ Transport Agency sought public input into proposals to set permanent new speed limits along State Highway 2 between Katikati and Tauranga. Submissions closed at 5pm on Monday, 18 November 2019.
    • SH8 Burkes Pass speed consultation
      The NZ Transport Agency sought public input into proposals to set a permanent new speed limit along State Highway 8 (SH8) through Burkes Pass. Submissions closed at 5pm on Friday, 15 November 2019.
    • SH73 West Melton speed consultation
      The NZ Transport Agency sought public input into proposals to set a permanent new speed limit along State Highway 73 (SH73) through West Melton. Submissions closed at 5pm on Friday, 15 November 2019.
    • SH6 Luggate speed consultation
      The NZ Transport Agency sought public input into proposals to set a permanent new speed limit along State Highway 6 (SH6) through Luggate. Submissions closed at 5pm on Friday, 15 November 2019.
    • SH94 Lumsden speed consultation
      The NZ Transport Agency sought public input into proposals to set a permanent new speed limit along State Highway 94 (SH94) through Lumsden. Submissions closed at 5pm on Friday, 15 November 2019.
    • SH6 Blenheim to Nelson speed consultation
      The NZ Transport Agency sought public input into proposals to set permanent new speed limits along State Highway 6 (SH6) from Blenheim to Nelson. Submissions closed at 5pm on Tuesday, 12 November 2019.
    • SH1 Glenavy / Waitaki Bridge speed consultation
      The NZ Transport Agency sought public input into proposals to set permanent new speed limits along State Highway 1 (SH1) through Glenavy and Waitaki Bridge Village. Submissions closed on Monday, 4 November 2019.
    • SH1 Winchester speed consultation
      The NZ Transport Agency sought public input into proposals to set a permanent new speed limit along State Highway 1 (SH1) through Winchester. Submissions closed on Monday, 4 November 2019.
    • SH1 L Phillips Road to Pūhoi speed consultation
      The NZ Transport Agency sought public input into proposals to set permanent new speed limits along State Highway 1 (SH1) from L Phillips Road (near SheepWorld) to Pūhoi. Submissions closed on Monday, 28 October 2019.
    • SH5 Waiotapu speed consultation
      The NZ Transport Agency sought public input into proposals to set a permanent new speed limit along State Highway 5 (SH5) through Waiotapu. Submissions closed on Friday, 25 October 2019.
    • SH88 Port Chalmers speed consultation
      The NZ Transport Agency sought public input into proposals to set permanent new speed limits along State Highway 88 (SH88) through Port Chalmers township. Submissions closed on Monday, 7 October 2019.
    • SH1 Waihola speed consultation
      The NZ Transport Agency sought public input into proposals to set permanent new speed limits along State Highway 1 (SH1) through Waihola township. Submissions closed on Monday, 7 October 2019.
    • SH73 Yaldhurst area speed consultation
      Christchurch City Council and NZ Transport Agency sought public input into proposals to set permanent new speed limits along State Highway 73 (SH73) and other local roads in the Yaldhurst area. Submissions closed on Monday, 30 September 2019.
    • DIA-led proposal to share information for customer-chosen services(external link)
      DIA was proposing a new Customer Nominated Services Approved Information Sharing Agreement (Customer Nominated Services AISA) to enable a better customer experience and a more efficient approach to the authorised sharing of information between government agencies and other specified parties. Parties to this proposed agreement included the New Zealand Transport Agency, the Registrar of Motor Vehicles, and the Road User Charges Collector. DIA sought feedback on the proposed changes. Feedback closed on Thursday 1 August.
    • Ngauranga to Petone (N2P) section of the Wellington to Hutt Valley cycling and walking link
      The Ngauranga to Petone (N2P) section of the Wellington to Hutt Valley cycling and walking link is now at the consenting stage, and hearing from the community, stakeholders and affected parties is extremely important before the application for resource consent is made. Feedback was sought on the proposed design features such as proposed landings / ūranga, the rail overbridge, and ecological considerations. Feedback closed on Friday 21 June 2019.
    • Land Transport Rule: Driver Licensing Amendment 2019
      The NZ Transport Agency sought feedback on changes to the driver licensing system, including reducing the frequency of mandatory eyesight checks and rationalising heavy vehicle licence classes. The proposed changes will simplify and standardise the driver licensing system, facilitate the move to a digital licensing environment, improve the customer's experience, support the productivity of the commercial driving sector, and strengthen the driver training and testing regime. Submissions closed on Friday 3 May 2019.
    • State Highway 1 / Tarewa Road bylaw amendment
      Under section 61(3) of the Government Roading Powers Act 1989 and section 22AD of the Land Transport Act 1998, the NZ Transport Agency proposed to amend the Traffic Controls on State Highways Bylaw 2017. The proposed bylaw amendment intended to prohibit a vehicle turning to the right from Tarewa Road into State Highway 1 at the intersection of these two roads in Whāngārei. Submissions closed on Friday 26 April 2019.
    • Land Transport Rule: Light-vehicle Brakes Amendment 2019
      The NZ Transport Agency sought feedback on making an anti-lock braking system (ABS) on motorcycles over 125cc compulsory, and ABS or a combined braking system compulsory on motorcycles over 50cc, up to and including 125cc. The proposed changes would require all new and used motorcycles entering service in New Zealand, after a specified date, to be equipped with either an anti-lock braking system or a combined braking system (subject to some exceptions). It also removes a requirement for twinned-wheel motor tricycles to be fitted with a park brake. Submissions closed on Friday 26 April 2019.
    • Managing integrity of vehicle certification inspection and inspection organisations
      The NZ Transport Agency sought feedback on amending its operational policy for assessing potential conflicts of interest with regards to the vehicle entry certification. The proposed policy changes would mean that, for any new appointment or renewal, the Transport Agency would no longer permit an inspection organisation to carry out entry certification activities for a vehicle if that inspection organisation (or a related party, such as their parent company or subsidiary) has an ownership interest in the vehicle; or, has conducted border inspections for the vehicle. Submissions closed on Friday 22 March 2019.
    • Permanent speed limits for Saddle Road
      The NZ Transport Agency sought feedback on the proposed permanent speed limits to Saddle Road/Oxford Road/Woodlands Road/SH3, which is one of the bypass routes for the closed SH3 Manawatū Gorge. The route had emergency speed limits in place which were due to expire, so permanent speed limits needed to be set. Consultation closed on Friday 18 January 2019.
    • Brougham Street / Moorhouse Avenue area
      The NZ Transport Agency and Christchurch City Council appreciate your comments and ideas about how we could improve SH76 Brougham Street, Moorhouse Avenue and the surrounding area. We need your help to find the right solutions. After all, people who live, work and travel around this area know the issues best. Submissions closed on Monday, 14 January 2019.
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  • 2018
    • Creation of no stopping areas on State Highway 1, Ōamaru [PDF, 877 KB]
      The NZ Transport Agency sought feedback on a proposal to create no stopping areas to improve safety at the following locations on State Highway 1, Ōamaru. The creation of the no stopping areas was considered following discussions with the council, NZ Police and New World. They are concerned about the safety and efficiency of the network. Submissions closed on Monday 10 December 2018.
    • Rail safety regulator funding review
      The NZ Transport Agency, as rail safety regulator, is responsible for the implementation of the Railways Act 2005. The regulatory function is funded by third-party fees and levies set in the Railways Regulations 2008. The fees and levies set in 2008 were set below the revenue required for the regulator to break even and have remained at this rate. We sought input into how we can resolve the funding constraint. This consultation proposed an option to meet the costs by amending the current fee and introducing a new variable safety levy for rail safety regulatory activity. Submissions closed on Wednesday 21 November 2018.

    • Woodend Corridor safety improvements consultation
      The NZ Transport Agency invited people to have their say on improvements that could be made to the SH1 Woodend corridor to make it safer and more accessible. The Transport Agency was checking some initial feedback provided by the community in 2016. This consultation would assist in developing options to improve safety and accessibility on SH1 – from Woodend Beach Road to 100m north of the Pegasus roundabout – and side roads. Submissions closed on Friday 9 November 2018.

    • SH1 speed limit consultation
      The NZ Transport Agency sought public input into proposals to set permanent new speed limits along sections of State Highway 1 both north and south of Kaikōura. Submisions closed on Friday 2 November 2018.

    • Traffic control devices manual part 5
      The NZ Transport Agency consulted on the Traffic control devices manual part 5 – traffic control devices for general use – between intersectionsSubmission closed on Friday, 14 September 2018.

    • SH60 speed limit consultation
      The NZ Transport Agency and Tasman District Council sought public input into proposals to lower speed limits along a section of State Highway 60 (SH60), from Three Brothers Roundabout to Maisey Road, and some adjoining local roads. Submission closed on Saturday 28 August 2018.

    • Land Transport Rule: Regulatory Stewardship (Omnibus) Amendment 2018
      The NZ Transport Agency consulted, on behalf of the Minister of Transport, on proposed changes to Land Transport Rules, set out in Land Transport Rule: Regulatory Stewardship (Omnibus) Amendment 2018. Consultation on the proposed changes carried out to ensure that legislation is sound and robust and that the Rule development process took account of the views of, and the impact on, people affected by proposed Rule changes. The issues raised during consultation would be analysed and taken into account in preparing final draft amendment Rules for the Minister of Transport's consideration. Submissions closed on Friday 24 August 2018.

    • Heavy Vehicle Entry Certification proposal
      The NZ Transport Agency sought feedback on the proposed recommendations for improvement within the Heavy Vehicle Entry Certification system. Feedback sought was to ensure the proposed recommendations are representative of the concerns of both industry and the Transport Agency, and form a basis of the future work programme. Submissions closed on Monday, 20 August 2018.

    • SH88 Dunedin to Port Chalmers shared path and safety improvements
      The SH88 Dunedin to Port Chalmers safety improvements project would see the final section of the Dunedin to Port Chalmers shared path constructed, giving cyclists and pedestrians a safe way to travel away from traffic. Feedback closed 5pm, Friday 29 June 2018.

    • Melling transport improvements
      The NZ Transport Agency, Hutt City Council (HCC) and the Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) sought feedback on three options for a new Melling interchange and for how a new bridge should connect into Hutt City as part of the RiverLink(external link) project. Submissions closed on Sunday, 10 June 2018.

    • SH58 speed reduction consultation
      The NZ Transport Agency and Porirua City Council sought feedback on its proposal to lower the speed limit of roads connecting to this section of SH58 to 60km/h. The Transport Agency worked with the Upper Hutt City Council and the Hutt City Council to determine safe speeds for the remaining roads that connect to this section of SH58. Submissions closed on Friday, 20 April 2018.

    • Ōtaki to north of Levin shortlisted corridor options
      The NZ Transport Agency released the shortlisted corridor options for the Ōtaki to north of Levin (Ō2NL) project. Community information days were held in February and March 2018. The community were invited to provide feedback on the proposed options.Submissions closed at 5pm on Friday 23 March 2018.

    • Rural activated warning signs (RIAWS) consultation [PDF, 98 KB]
      The NZ Transport Agency invited people to have their say on plans for Rural Intersection Activated Warning Signs, also known as Intersection Speed Zones, to improve safety. Submissions closed 30 March 2018.
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  • 2017
    • SH3 Waitara to Bell Block
      The NZ Transport Agency is looking at ways to make State Highway 3 between Waitara and Bell Block safer and keep traffic flowing. Community information days will be held on 6 and 7 December and an interactive online feedback form is available for the community to provide their comments on the proposed improvements. Submissions closed at 5pm on Wednesday 7 February 2018.
    • SH6 Frankton bus lane [PDF, 1.1 MB]
      The NZ Transport Agency is proposing to create a bus priority lane on the eastern side of State Highway 6, Frankton from Grey Street to the southern entrance of the weigh pit. A bus priority lane was considered following discussions with the Queenstown Lakes Council (QLDC), Otago Regional Council and Queenstown Airport Corporation. They are concerned about the efficiency of the bus network when new and expanded services are introduced soon. Download the notice [PDF, 1.1 MB] for more information on how you can provide feedback. Submissions closed on Tuesday 14 November 2017.
    • SH44 Moturoa safety improvements
      The NZ Transport Agency is investigating options for minor safety improvements on State Highway 44 (SH44) at the Moturoa Shops. A community information day will be held on Friday, 6 October 2017 at Revival Hall, corner of Bayly Road and Breakwater Road, Moturoa from 9.00am–4.00pm where you can provide feedback on the options. Submissions close at 5pm on Wednesday 1 November 2017.
    • 110km/h speed management consultation
      The NZ Transport Agency is consulting on increasing the speed limit to 110km/h on the Tauranga Eastern Link Toll Road (SH2), between the Paengaroa roundabout and Domain Road interchange, and the Cambridge section of the Waikato Expressway (SH1), between the Cambridge Southern and Tamahere interchanges. Submissions closed on Thursday 26 October 2017.
    • SH3 Manawatū Gorge alternative route consultation
      The NZ Transport Agency is consulting on the short list of options for the Manawatū Gorge alternative route. The Gorge has been closed since slips caused damage on 24 April 2017. Continued instability at the slip sites has resulted in the indefinite closure of the road with safety of all road users our number one priority. The short list will be reviewed to identify a preferred corridor by mid-December 2017. The consultation closed on Wednesday 25 October 2017.
    • Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA) for transport business cases guidance
      The current draft MCA guidance has been withdrawn early from consultation.  Due to the feedback received to date, the intent is to rescope this guidance to ensure it reflects the Transport Agency’s new operating model and strategic direction, and to ensure it provides best 'fit for purpose' to our internal and external stakeholders. Consultation withdrawn on 7 September 2017.
    • Auckland electric vehicles – Phase 2 trial Bylaw 2017
      The NZ Transport Agency is consulting on a proposal to allow electric vehicles access to specified special vehicles lanes on state highways in Auckland. This work supports the Government’s package to encourage the uptake of electric vehicles in New Zealand to 64,000 by the end of 2021, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Submissions closed on Thursday 3 August 2017.
    • Proposal to remove parking from SH6 in Frankton near Queenstown
      In May 2017, the NZ Transport Agency consulted on a proposal to remove all parking on SH6 in Frankton between the Lower Shotover Bridge and Kawarau Falls Bridge following requests from the Queenstown Lakes Council (QLDC) and Queenstown Airport Company.They were concerned about a potential safety risk from parked vehicles on what is a busy highway. Both organizations also believe parked vehicles along SH6 on Kawarau Road between the BP roundabout and Kawarau Falls Bridge, does not create a positive impression of Queenstown for visitors.The Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC), Queenstown Airport Company (QAC) and the NZ Transport Agency are working together to deal with these issues. Providing viable parking alternatives is seen as crucial to successfully managing this situation. Feedback closed on 9 June 2017 and the submission summary [PDF, 608 KB] is now available for viewing.
    • Setting of Speed Limits Rule [2017]
      The NZ Transport Agency is consulting on the (yellow) draft of Land Transport Rule: Setting of Speed Limits [2017] which determines how speed limits are set in New Zealand. The consultation closed 5pm, Friday 16 June 2017.
    • Draft Traffic Control Devices Bylaw
      The NZ Transport Agency is consulting on a draft bylaw that will consolidate all traffic controls that apply to State highways into a single bylaw. The consultation closed on Monday 8 May 2017.
    • Auckland Electric Vehicles Trial Bylaw
      The NZ Transport Agency is looking at the viability of allowing electric vehicles access to special vehicle lanes on the State highway network. This work supports the Government’s package to encourage the uptake of electric vehicles in New Zealand, and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Consulation is now closed.
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  • 2016
    • Land Transport Rule: Small Passenger Services Reform 2017
      Your comments are sought on proposed changes to the regulatory framework for small passenger services. These are summarised in the public consultation (yellow) drafts of the Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing (2017), Land Transport Rule: Work Time and Logbooks Amendment (2017) and Land Transport (Driver Licensing) Amendment Rule (2017). Consulation closed Friday 18 November 2016. Please refer to Land Transport Rules: Small Passenger Services Reform 2017 which contains the latest information about the changes that came into effect on 1 Ocotber 2017.
    • Tailoring the low volume vehicle certification process to risk
      The NZ Transport Agency would appreciate your feedback on a proposed change to the Low Volume Vehicle (LVV) certification process, which will apply to commercial vehicle modifiers who carry out the same modifications to a number of vehicles. Submissions closed 5pm, Friday 30 September 2016.
    • Low volume vehicle certification review (phase 2)
      The NZ Transport Agency is proposing some changes to the existing Low Volume Vehicle (LVV) certification process, in order to streamline the process for lower-risk modifications. Submissions closed 5pm, Friday 30 September 2016.
    • Land Transport Rule: Omnibus Amendment 2016
      The NZ Transport Agency is consulting, on behalf of the Minister of Transport (the Minister), on proposed changes to Land Transport Rule: Omnibus Amendment 2016 ("the Rule").

      Consultation on the proposed changes is being carried out to ensure that legislation is sound and robust and that the Rules development process takes account of the views of, and the impact on, people affected by proposed Rule changes.

      The issues that are raised during consultation will be analysed and taken into account in preparing the proposed changes for the Minister of Transport's consideration. Submissions closed 5pm, Friday 12 August 2016.
    • Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Dimensions and Mass (2016)
      The Transport Agency has released this proposed Rule for public consultation. The proposed Rule is designed to deliver productivity improvements, greater regulatory efficiency and reduced compliance costs without compromising the road transport system and road user safety outcomes.

      If you wish to comment on this draft Rule, please see the page headed ‘Making a submission’. Submissions closed at 5pm, Friday 12 August 2016.
    • Land Transport Rule Dangerous Goods Amendment 2016
      The proposed amendment Rule will require drivers or operators of vehicles carrying dangerous goods to comply with any sign that indicates a restriction or prohibition on the transport of dangerous goods on a specified section of road.

      If you wish to comment on this draft Rule, please see the page headed ‘Making a submission’. Submissions closed 5pm, Monday 20 June 2016.
    • Draft State highway public engagement guidelines
      The Transport Agency has released this draft State Highway Public Engagement Guidelines for public consultation. This guide sets out the requirements for public engagement that meets the Transport Agency’s commitment to social responsibility and the requirements of statutory approval processes under the Resource Management Act. Submissions closed on Friday 29 April 2016.
    • Engagement on the development of a SuperGold Bulk Funding Allocation Methodology
      On 8 June 2015, Government agreed that from 1 July 2016 the funding model for the SuperGold scheme will change from a demand driven fare reimbursement model to a capped bulk funding model.The Transport Agency has been tasked with developing, in collaboration with regional councils, a principles-based approach to the annual allocation of bulk funding to regional councils in time for the 2016/17 financial year.The Ministry of Transport will carry out a review of the effectiveness of the bulk funding model in 2018/19.The Transport Agency is seeking feedback from regional councils and other affected stakeholders on the preferred option which is discussed in the engagement document. The engagement document also summarises the other options that were explored in the development of the preferred option.

      The engagement period closed on 29 February 2016
      . Please send feedback to
    • Guide to assessing social impacts for state highway projects
      The Transport Agency has released this draft Guide to assessing social impacts for state highway projects for public consultation. This guide sets out the requirements for assessment that meets the Transport Agency’s commitment to social responsibility and the requirements of statutory approval processes under the Resource Management Act.

      Please send feedback to The feedback period close don Monday 29 January 2016, after which the final document will be prepared and released.
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  • 2015
    • Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Dimensions and Mass Amendment (2016)
      The Transport Agency has released this proposed amendment Rule, on behalf of the Minister of Transport, for public consultation. The aim of this proposed amendment Rule is to allow road controlling authorities to issue permits for higher axle loading on all buses. A previous amendment to this rule (which came into effect on 1 October 2015) introduced permits for higher axle masses, but only for high-capacity buses (double-deckers) used on urban public transport routes. Consultation closed on 21 December 2015.
    • Specification for Traffic signals
      The Signal New Zealand User Group (SNUG) and The Transport Agency has developed guidelines to assist traffic signal asset owners, design consultants and suppliers capture the maximum benefits from the newer technologies available, and to provide a best practice guideline. Submissions closed Monday 26 October 2015.
    • Land Transport Rule: Omnibus Amendment 2015
      The NZ Transport Agency is consulting, on behalf of the Minister of Transport (the Minister), on proposed changes to Land Transport Rule: Omnibus Amendment 2015 ("the Rule").

      Consultation on the proposed changes is being carried out to ensure that legislation is sound and robust and that the Rules development process takes account of the views of, and the impact on, people affected by proposed Rule changes.

      The issues that are raised during consultation will be analysed and taken into account in preparing the proposed changes for the Minister of Transport's consideration. Submissions closed Friday 10 July 2015.
    • State Highway 3, Awakino Gorge to Mt Messenger corridor
      As part of the government’s Accelerated Regional Roading Package, the New Zealand Transport Agency investigated improvements to the section of State Highway 3 between Awakino Gorge and Mt Messenger. We sought public feedback on the current route and submissions on this project have now closed (Monday 13 April 2015). We received 251 responses to the survey from a range of submitters, including council, interest groups, and members of the public, and are currently collating the feedback.
    • Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Dimensions and Mass Amendment 2015
      The NZ Transport Agency consulted, on behalf of the Minister of Transport, on proposed changes to Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Dimensions and Mass 2002. Consultation on the proposed changes was carried out to ensure that legislation is sound and robust and that the rules development process takes account of the views of, and the impact on, people affected by proposed rule changes. Submissions closed on Thursday 2 April 2015.
    • State highway safe network activity manual
      The State highway safe network activity manual provides advice and best practice guidance to network safety managers and road safety practitioners working on New Zealand roads in terms of road safety and replaces the Transit state highway safety management system manual, edition 4, March 2007. Submissions closed on Friday 27 February 2015.
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