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National Land Transport Programme 2009-2012

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Table 3: Selecting allocations for activity classes

Activity class Key funding level drivers Funding level
New and improved infrastructure for state highways Regional land transport programmes (RLTPs).

Long- term council community programmes (LTCCPs).

State highway plan.

New strategic direction:
  • RoNS.
  • Freight and tourism strategic investments.
  • Maximising access to significant markets and areas of employment or economic growth.
As high as possible to maximise progress on the RoNS and for economic growth and productivity impacts.
State highway operation, maintenance and renewal New strategic direction:
  • Making best use of existing infrastructure.
  • Service levels and infrastructure condition.
At an appropriate level that ensures the asset condition is maintained to achieve target levels of service, but that there is sufficient funding pressure to realise efficiency gains.
New and improved infrastructure for local roads RLTPs.


New strategic direction:
  • Supporting RoNS.
  • Freight and tourism strategic investments.
  • Key urban arterials that maximising access to significant markets and areas of employment or economic growth.
At a realistic and achievable level given significant constraints on local share funding.
Local road operation, maintenance and renewal RLTPs.


New strategic direction:
  • Making best use of existing infrastructure.
  • Service levels and infrastructure condition.
At an appropriate level that ensures that the asset condition is maintained to achieve target levels of service, but that there is sufficient funding pressure to realise efficiency gains.
Public transport infrastructure RLTPs.


New strategic direction:
  • Infrastructure funding gaps in Auckland and Wellington.
  • Optimising public transport networks.
  • Addressing severe congestion.
As required to ensure that the appropriate Auckland and Wellington rail investments are undertaken, and a balance of other high- and medium-priority investments.
Walking and cycling facilities RLTPs.


New strategic direction:
  • Model communities.
  • Addressing congestion.
At a realistic and achievable level given significant constraints on local share funding, and as required to ensure that the targeted approach will be progressed.
Public transport services RLTPs.


New strategic direction:
  • Focus on established networks in areas of severe congestion.
  • Optimising public transport networks.
  • Stricter requirement for farebox policy.
At an appropriate level that ensures that the service levels are maintained to within target levels, supporting service growth in these areas, while ensuring sufficient funding pressure to realise long-term efficiency and farebox gains.
Demand management and community programmes NZTA Statement of intent.



New strategic direction:
  • Focus on proven successes in areas of high congestion and delivery of the road safety strategy.
At a reduced level that continues investment in areas with proven results.
Transport planning NZTA Statement of intent.



New strategic direction:
  • Planning for economic growth and productivity.
  • Planning for efficiency gains.
As determined by the (rigorously assessed and tested) proposal quality, with a focus on lifting effectiveness.
Management of the funding allocation system NZTA Statement of intent.

New strategic direction:
  • Customer service and reducing compliance costs.
  • More efficient funding allocation system.
At an appropriate level that ensures the funding decisions are optimal.

Significant opportunities to add value, reduce compliance costs and maximise investment returns by improving this part of the processes.
Rail and sea freight

Domestic sea freight development
Existing contracts Only for existing commitments with no new funding approvals.
Sector training and research NZTA Approach to research.

Economic development.
Best use of existing network assets and activities.
As determined by the proposal quality, with a focus on lifting effectiveness.
Road policing Road Policing Programme

Strategic direction:
  • 2010 and 2020 Road Safety Strategies.
At an appropriate level that applies baseline increases and allows for opportunities to increase service levels where adequate business cases can be made.

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