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National Land Transport Programme 2009-2012

Otago regional NLTP table

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Phase Regional priority Profile Status Work category Indicative FAR* Total phase cost 2009/10 NLTF ($000) 2010/11 NLTF ($000) 2011/12 NLTF ($000) Funding priority Funding source*
Central Otago District Council
Renewal of local roads
Road renewals Local Roads     Cat1     9,184.6 1,443.3 1,707.8 1,533.0   N
Operation and maintenance of local roads
Road operations and maintenance Local Roads     Cat1     7,683.2 1,248.8 1,323.9 1,345.7   N
New & improved infrastructure for local roads
Minor improvements 2009/12 Local Roads     Cat1 341   - 215.4 215.8 201.9   N
User benefits improvements group Group allocation     Alloc.       - - -    
Conroys Road Seal Extension Construction 1 LMM Cat2 325 61% 571.0 348.3 - - Possible R
Demand management & community programmes
2009/12 Community Programme Implementation     Cat1 432 75% - 177.4 - -   N
Walking and cycling facilities
Walking and Cycling - Access and community benefits Group allocation     Alloc.       89.7 89.7 89.7    
Clutha District Council
Renewal of local roads
Road renewals Local Roads     Cat1     23,681.1 4,680.6 4,794.6 4,733.4   N
Operation and maintenance of local roads
Road operations and maintenance Local Roads     Cat1     12,864.5 2,751.8 2,507.2 2,635.2   N
New & improved infrastructure for local roads
Minor improvements 2009/12 Local Roads     Cat1 341   - 594.6 519.8 516.7   N
Improve, expand or replace network group Group allocation     Alloc.       200.0 300.0 300.0    
User benefits improvements group Group allocation     Alloc.       - - -    
Seal Extension - The Nuggets Road Construction - LMM Cat2 325 70% 1,493.4 1,045.4 - - Possible R
Demand management & community programmes
Community Focussed Land Transport Activities 2009/12 Implementation     Cat1 432 75% - 41.6 - -   N
Walking and cycling facilities
Walking and Cycling - Access and community benefits Group allocation     Alloc.       150.8 150.8 150.8    
Transport planning
Clutha District Transportation Strategies/Studies 2009/12 Study 1 MM_ Cat2 002 75% 15.4 3.8 3.8 4.0   N
Clutha Transportation Activity Management Plan 2009/12 Study 1 ML_ Cat2 003 70% 98.3 29.4 19.4 20.1   N
Clutha District Council SPR
Renewal of local roads
Road renewals SPR     Cat1     282.0 82.2 124.0 61.6   N
Operation and maintenance of local roads
Road operations and maintenance SPR     Cat1     325.3 97.9 103.4 107.7   N
New & improved infrastructure for local roads
Minor improvements 2009/12 SPR     Cat1 341   - 14.4 16.2 11.9   N
Dunedin City Council
Renewal of local roads
Road renewals Local Roads     Cat1     31,717.5 5,553.1 5,827.3 6,064.2   N
Operation and maintenance of local roads
Road operations and maintenance Local Roads     Cat1     32,240.5 5,828.4 5,973.2 6,041.9   N
New & improved infrastructure for local roads
Brighton Road Bridge Renewal Design -   Com 322 65% 210.0 91.0 - -   N
Harrington Point Rd - Poo Corner Widening / Realignment Construction -   Com 324 65% 456.2 162.5 - -   R
Portobello Road Widening: Rosehill Road to Raynbird Street. Construction -   Com 324 65% 6,466.2 923.0 1,365.0 -   R
Minor improvements 2009/12 Local Roads     Cat1 341   - 910.5 840.0 848.9   N
Riccarton Road Safety Upgrade Investigation 2 MMM Cat2 324 65% 180.0 117.0 - - Probable R
Riccarton Road Safety Upgrade (Construction) Construction 2 MMM Cat2 324 65% 4,667.0 - - 1,300.0 Probable R
Riccarton Road Safety Upgrade (Purchase) Design 2 MMM Cat2 324 65% 580.0 - 377.0 - Probable R
Strategic Corridors Stage 1 - Frederick Street to SH88 Construction 2 MMM Cat2 323 65% 9,800.0 1,300.0 5,070.0 - Probable R
Strategic Corridors Stage 1 - Frederick Street to SH88 Design 2 MMM Cat2 323 65% 450.0 292.5 - - Probable R
Strategic Corridors Stage 1 - Frederick Street to SH88 Property   MMM Cat2 323 65% 5,600.0 3,640.0 - - Probable R
Improve, expand or replace network group Group allocation     Alloc.       1,000.0 1,500.0 1,500.0    
Brighton Road Bridge Renewal Construction - MMM Cat2 322 65% 2,228.0 - 1,448.2 - Probable R
2009/2012: Dunedin City - Portobello Rd at Vauxhall Widening Construction 2 MML Cat2 324 65% 1,150.0 747.5 - - Possible R
User benefits improvements group Group allocation     Alloc.       - - -    
Leith Valley Road Seal Extension Construction - LMM Cat2 325 65% 584.3 - 379.8 - Possible R
Demand management & community programmes
Dunedin Community Focused Activities Programme 2009/2012 Implementation     Cat1 432 75% - 452.9 - -   N
North Dunedin Neighbourhood Accessibility Plan Implementation     Com 432 75% - 112.5 - -   N
Walking and cycling facilities
2008 / 2009 Cycling Improvements Construction -   Com 452 65% 197.0 58.5 - -   N
Walking and Cycling - Access and community benefits Group allocation     Alloc.       286.8 286.8 286.8    
2009-2012 Dunedin City Walking Improvements Programme Construction 1 LMM Cat2 451 65% 3,258.4 672.8 701.5 743.6 Probable R
2009-2012 Dunedin City Cycling Improvements Programme Construction 1 LMM Cat2 452 65% 663.8 135.5 143.7 152.3 Probable R
Transport planning
2009-2012 Dunedin City- Transport Planning Progrme - Studies Study 1 MM_ Cat2 002 75% 935.0 262.5 251.3 187.5   N
2009-2012 Dunedin City -Transp't Plan'g - Activity Mgmt Plan Study 1 ML_ Cat2 003 65% 156.0 32.5 33.8 35.1   N
Otago Highway & Network Operations
Renewal of state highways
Road renewals State Highways     Cat1     37,505.1 13,598.9 11,953.1 11,953.1   N
Preventive Maintenance 9/12 Construction 1   Cat2 241 100% 1,156.5 175.7 492.0 488.7    
Scour Investigation 9/12 Construction -   Cat2 241 100% 486.0 157.0 162.0 167.0    
Operation and maintenance of state highways
Road operations and maintenance State Highways     Cat1     45,873.1 15,284.3 15,294.4 15,294.4   N
EW Omarama Flood Event 17 May 2009 Construction -   Com 141 100% - 52.0 - -   N
New & improved infrastructure for State highways
Kawarau Falls Bridge Investigation 2   Com 322 100% 69.3 69.3 - -   R
Alma Safety Improvements Design     Com   100% 35.0 10.0 - -   N
Balclutha To Clinton Northbound PL Construction     Com   100% 679.9 240.0 - -   N
Balclutha to Clinton Southbound PL Construction     Com   100% 679.9 483.0 - -   N
Boyd Road Realignment Design     Com   100% 100.0 23.5 - -   N
Crawfords Hill Realignment & Passing Lanes Investigation     Com   100% 266.0 50.0 - -   N
Grey Street Intersection Improvements - Right Turn Bay Investigation     Com   100% 80.0 50.0 - -   N
Hillend - Balclutha Realignment Investigation     Com   100% 171.6 15.0 - -   N
Jefferis Road Realignment Construction     Com   100% 1,520.0 100.0 - -   N
Pig Hunters Rd Safety Improvements SH 8 Construction     Com   100% 3,400.0 100.0 - -   N
Raes Junction Safety Improvement SH8 Construction     Com   100% 920.0 360.0 - -   N
Station Road Realignment Investigation     Com   100% 105.0 65.0 - -   N
Thames St (Oamaru) Safety Improvement Construction     Com   100% 3,530.1 40.0 - -   N
Waikouaiti South Realignment Investigation     Com   100% 90.0 55.0 - -   N
Waitati Curve Realignment Design     Com   100% 110.0 40.0 - -   N
Minor improvements 2009/12 State Highways     Cat1 341   - 1,865.5 1,868.5 1,868.5   N
Caversham Corridor Improvements Design 2 MMM Cat2 324 100% 2,000.0 6,000.0 1,000.0 600.0 Probable R/N
Caversham Corridor Improvements Property 2 MMM Cat2 332 100% 4,600.0 1,500.0 1,500.0 1,500.0 Probable R/N
Caversham Corridor Improvements Construction 2 MMM Cat2 324 100% 26,000.0 - - 5,000.0 Probable R/N
Kawarau Falls Bridge Property 2 MML Cat2 322 100% 103.0 103.0 - - Possible R
Kawarau Falls Bridge Design   MML Cat2 322 100% 1,673.0 825.0 848.0 -    
Improve, expand or replace network group Group allocation     Alloc.       7,500.0 8,250.0 8,250.0    
Alexandra SH8/85 Intersection Improvements Construction - MMH Cat2 324 100% 437.7 437.7 - - Probable R
Alma Safety Improvements Construction - MMH Cat2 324 100% 556.0 556.0 - - Probable R
Beaumont Bridge strengthening Investigation - MMH Cat2 324 100% 41.0 41.0 - - Probable R
Beaumont Bridge strengthening Design - MMH Cat2 324 100% 106.0 - 106.0 - Probable R
Brydone Memorial Northbound Passing Lane Construction - MMH Cat2 324 100% 1,061.0 - 1,061.0 - Probable R
Crawford St (Jervois & Police St's) Safety Improvements Construction - MMH Cat2 324 100% 412.0 412.0 - - Probable R
Glenda Drive Intersection Upgrade Construction - MMH Cat2 324 100% 1,061.0 - 1,061.0 - Probable R
Glenda Drive Intersection Upgrade Design - MMH Cat2 324 100% 209.0 103.0 106.0 - Probable R
Glenda Drive Intersection Upgrade Investigation - MMH Cat2 324 100% 206.0 206.0 - - Probable R
Grey Street Intersection Improvements - Right Turn Bay Design - MMH Cat2 324 100% 45.0 45.0 - - Probable R
Grey Street Intersection Improvements - Right Turn Bay Construction - MMH Cat2 324 100% 370.0 - 370.0 - Probable R
Otago Stock Effluent Sites Construction - MMH Cat2 321 100% 212.0 - 212.0 - Probable R
Station Road Realignment Design - MMH Cat2 324 100% 57.0 41.0 16.0 - Probable R
Station Road Realignment Construction - MMH Cat2 324 100% 2,276.0 - 639.0 1,637.0 Probable R
Boyd Road Realignment Construction - MMM Cat2 324 100% 1,958.0 - 317.0 1,641.0 Probable R
Crawfords Hill Realignment & Passing Lanes Design - MMM Cat2 324 100% 82.0 - - 82.0 Probable R
Deborah Railway Overbridge Safety Improvements Investigation - MMM Cat2 324 100% 106.0 - 106.0 - Probable R
Deborah Railway Overbridge Safety Improvements Design - MMM Cat2 324 100% 108.0 - 53.0 55.0 Probable R
Hillend - Balclutha Realignment Design - MMM Cat2 324 100% 66.0 - - 66.0 Probable R
Improved Driver Information 9/12 Construction - MMM Cat2 321 100% 824.6 266.8 274.8 283.0 Probable R
Kakaho Creek Realignment Construction - MMM Cat2 324 100% 3,531.0 1,531.0 2,000.0 - Probable R
McEneany Rd (north bound) Passing Lane Construction - MMM Cat2 324 100% 721.0 721.0 - - Probable R
Palmerston Northbound Passing Lane Construction - MMM Cat2 324 100% 971.0 - 971.0 - Probable R
Peninsula Road (SH6) Intersection Improvements. Construction - MMM Cat2 324 100% 1,441.0 - - 1,441.0 Probable R
Property Acquisitions 9/12 Property - MMM Cat2 331 100% 1,099.0 355.6 366.2 377.2 Probable R
Rehabilitation Seal Widening 9/12 Construction - MMM Cat2 324 100% 1,030.8 333.5 343.5 353.8 Probable R
Reids Hill Passing Lane Investigation - MMM Cat2 324 100% 46.0 46.0 - - Probable R
Reids Hill Passing Lane Design - MMM Cat2 324 100% 48.0 - 48.0 - Probable R
Reids Hill Passing Lane Construction - MMM Cat2 324 100% 459.0 - - 459.0 Probable R
Safety Retrofit 9/12 Construction - MMM Cat2 324 100% 3,092.3 1,000.5 1,030.5 1,061.4 Probable R
Seismic Retrofit 9/12 Construction - MMM Cat2 322 100% 891.0 150.0 676.0 65.0 Probable R
SH1 North Oamaru Design - MMM Cat2 324 100% 43.7 - - 43.7 Probable R
SH1 North Oamaru Investigation - MMM Cat2 324 100% 42.4 - 42.4 - Probable R
Strategic Plan Initiatives 9/12 Construction - MMM Cat2 324 100% 2,473.9 800.4 824.4 849.1 Probable R
Waihola (Southbound) Passing Lane Construction - MMM Cat2 324 100% 1,202.0 - - 1,202.0 Probable R
Waitati Curve Realignment Construction - MMM Cat2 324 100% 3,738.0 362.0 2,122.0 1,254.0 Probable R
Waikouaiti South Realignment Design - MML Cat2 324 100% 79.2 25.8 53.5 - Possible R
Waikouaiti South Realignment Construction - MML Cat2 324 100% 2,076.0 - - 2,076.0 Possible R
Kawarau Falls Bridge Construction     Reserve     16,455.6       Res. B  
Public transport infrastructure
SH6A Multi-Modal Corridor Stage 1 Construction 2 MMM Cat2 533 100% 3,278.0 - - 3,278.0 Probable R
SH6A Multi-Modal Corridor Stage 1 Design 2 MML Cat2 533 100% 265.0 - 265.0 - Possible R
SH6A Multi-Modal Corridor Stage 1 Investigation 2 MML Cat2 533 100% 413.0 413.0 - - Possible R
SH6A Multi-Modal Corridor Stage 1 Property   MML Cat2 533 100% 250.0 - 250.0 -    
Demand management & community programmes
Community Advertising 9/12 - Otago Implementation     Cat1 432 100% - 22.0 - -   N
Walking and cycling facilities
Clyde Underpass Investigation 1   Com 452 100% 50.0 10.0 - -   R
SH 88 Cycling and Pedestrian Facilities Construction 1 MMM Cat2 452 100% 6,558.7 - 2,060.0 2,843.2 Probable R
SH 88 Cycling and Pedestrian Facilities Design 1 MMM Cat2 452 100% 313.6 - 154.5 159.1 Probable R
SH 88 Cycling and Pedestrian Facilities Investigation 1 MMM Cat2 452 100% 250.0 250.0 - - Probable R
Walking and Cycling - Access and community benefits Group allocation     Alloc.       38.5 38.5 38.5    
Clyde Underpass Design 1 LML Cat2 452 100% 50.0 50.0 - - Res. A  
Clyde Underpass Construction 1 LML Cat2 452 100% 463.5 - 463.5 - Res. A  
Transport planning
North Oamaru - SH 1 Study Study     Com 002 100% 140.2 28.9 - -   N
Queenstown Transportation Study Study     Com 002 100% 758.4 137.6 - -   N
SH 88 Cycling Strategy Study     Com 002 100% 88.3 15.0 - -   N
Activity management plans Study     Cat2 003 100% 1,381.9 460.1 460.9 460.9   N
Cromwell Area Strategic Study Study 1 MM_ Cat2 002 100% 100.0 34.0 33.0 33.0   N
Otago Kiwirap Black Routes Safety Studies Study 1 MM_ Cat2 002 100% 100.0 34.0 33.0 33.0   N
SH1 Dunedin City to Airport TDM Study Study 1 LM_ Cat2 002 100% 175.0 75.0 50.0 50.0   N
SH1 Oamaru to Dunedin Corridor Study Study 1 MM_ Cat2 002 100% 185.7 - 106.1 79.6   N
SH6, SH8, SH93 Passing Opportunities Study 1 MM_ Cat2 002 100% 100.0 34.0 33.0 33.0   N
SH8 Nevis Bluff Route Security Study 1 HM_ Cat2 002 100% 154.5 154.5 - -   N
Otago Regional Council
Public transport services
Bus services Operations     Cat1 511 50% 15,355.3 2,471.8 2,553.7 2,652.2   N
Public transport facilities maintenance and operations Operations   Cat1 514 60% 3,350.1 642.8 669.7 697.5   N
Public transport professional services/ administration Operations   Cat1 000 50% 628.9 97.4 104.5 112.6   N
Total mobility flat payments Operations   Cat1 521 100% 542.8 175.7 181.5 185.6   N
Total mobility operations Operations     Cat1 517 50% 1,872.0 302.3 312.0 321.8   N
Wheelchair hoists Operations     Cat1 519 60% 159.8 31.0 32.1 32.8   N
Transport planning
Regional land transport planning management Implementation     Cat1 001 100% 459.4 158.0 150.8 150.6    
Supergold card
Supergold trip adminstration Implementation     Cat1     69.0 23.0 23.0 23.0    
Supergold trip payments Implementation     Cat1     1,320.0 420.0 450.0 450.0    
Otago Regional Council
Public transport services
Queenstown Lakes Public Transport (bus services) Implementation 2 MHM Cat2 511 50% - 510.7 633.3 322.4 Possible N
Queenstown Lakes Public Transport (realtime/ integrated ticketing) Implementation 2 MHM Cat2 514 60% - 534.2 193.0 86.8 Possible N
Queenstown-Lakes District Council
Renewal of local roads
Road renewals Local Roads     Cat1     32,042.6 3,773.3 5,213.1 4,791.9   N
Preventive Maintenance Projects Crown Range Construction -   Cat2 241 43% 500.0 215.0 - -    
Operation and maintenance of local roads
Road operations and maintenance Local Roads     Cat1     11,633.8 1,632.6 1,669.4 1,700.6   N
Emergency Works 16/17 May 2009 Local Roads Construction -   Com 141 47% - 70.5 - -   N
New & improved infrastructure for local roads Minor improvements 2009/12 Local Roads     Cat1 341   - 432.5 489.9 455.3   N
Ardmore/ Brownston - Stage 1 Town Centre Strategy Implementa Design - MMM Cat2 324 53% 300.0 159.0 - - Probable R
Queenstown Inner Links, Stage 2 - Henry Man Link Design 2 MMM Cat2 324 53% 50.0 26.5 - - Probable R
Strategic network group Group allocation     Alloc.       150.0 150.0 100.0    
Frankton Flats Road 2 Design 2 HMM Cat2 323 53% 229.2 121.5 - - Probable R
RESA Road - New roads Design 2 HMM Cat2 323 53% 50.0 26.5 - - Probable R
Eastern Access Road North - New roads Design 2 HML Cat2 323 53% 35.4 18.8 - - Probable R
Humphrey Street Extension Property 2 HML Cat2 332 53% 500.0 265.0 - - Probable R
Improve, expand or replace network group Group allocation     Alloc.       250.0 250.0 300.0    
Malaghans Road rehab and realignment 08/09 - Site 6 Construction - MMM Cat2 324 53% 1,135.1 601.6 - - Probable R
Malaghans Rd Site 5 Reconstruction Construction - MMM Cat2 324 53% 1,238.4 - 656.4 - Probable R
Public transport infrastructure
Urban transport choice, network improvements & safety PT group Group allocation     Alloc.       18.9 18.9 18.9    
Ferry Facilities Design - MMM Cat2 531 60% 680.3 15.0 15.5 - Probable R
Bus Lane Bay Kawarau Falls Construction - MMM Cat2 533 53% 50.0 26.5 - - Probable R
Wakatipu Basin & Queenstown Public Transport Infrastructure Frankton Park and Ride -   N/F                
Wakatipu Basin & Queenstown Public Transport Infrastructure Gorge Road Park and Ride Facilities -   N/F                
Demand management & community programmes
Wakatipu - Travel Demand Management Implementation     Cat1 432 75% - 153.5 - -   N
Remarkables Primary School Transportation Related Issues Implementation     Cat2 432 75% - 13.2 - -   N
Walking and cycling facilities
Walking and Cycling - Access and community benefits Group allocation     Alloc.       6.3 6.3 6.3    
Wakatipu - Cycling and Walking Strategy Implementation Design 1 LMM Cat2 452 53% 2,052.0 - - 28.2 Possible R
Wanaka - Cycling and Walking Strategy Implementation Design 1 LMM Cat2 452 53% 2,052.0 - - 28.2 Possible R
Transport planning
Activity Management Plans Local Roads Study 1 ML_ Cat2 003 53% 614.3 17.9 23.1 47.6   N
Transport Monitoring Study 1 MM_ Cat2 002 75% 426.5 23.6 40.7 25.1   N
Queenstown-Lakes District Council Crown Range
Renewal of local roads
Road renewals Crown Range     Cat1     5,198.4 1,776.8 1,291.1 1,610.6   N
Operation and maintenance of local roads
Road operations and maintenance Crown Range     Cat1     1,112.3 322.5 340.7 338.0   N
New & improved infrastructure for local roads
Minor improvements 2009/12 Crown Range     Cat1 341   - 167.9 116.2 136.6   N
Transport planning
Activity Management Plans Crown Range Study 1 ML_ Cat2 003 53% 33.4 1.0 1.3 2.6   N
Queenstown-Lakes District Council SPR
Renewal of local roads
Road renewals SPR     Cat1     5,589.8 2,463.7 899.6 2,226.5   N
Operation and maintenance of local roads
Road operations and maintenance SPR     Cat1     1,451.3 468.9 483.9 498.5   N
Emergency Works 16/17 May 2009 Glenorchy SPR Construction -   Com 141 100% - 20.0 - -   N
New & improved infrastructure for local roads
Minor improvements 2009/12 SPR     Cat1 341   - 234.6 98.5 191.1   N
Transport planning
Activity Management Plans Glenorchy SPR Study 1 ML_ Cat2 003 53% 79.5 2.3 3.0 6.2   N
Waitaki District Council
Renewal of local roads
Road renewals Local Roads     Cat1     12,268.8 2,547.0 2,301.5 2,144.7   N
Haven Street stabilisation and rehabilitation 2009/10 Construction -   Cat2 241 57% 630.0 359.1 - -    
Operation and maintenance of local roads
Road operations and maintenance Local Roads     Cat1     9,670.3 1,797.3 1,842.0 1,968.2   N
E/W - fooding in the Waitaki District May 2009 - Stage 2 Construction -   Com 141 57% - 11.4 - -   N
New & improved infrastructure for local roads
Minor improvements 2009/12 Local Roads     Cat1 341   - 347.5 294.9 288.4   N
Improve, expand or replace network group Group allocation     Alloc.       200.0 300.0 300.0    
Harbourside Project - Wansbeck Street extension+W&C 2009/10 Construction - MMH Cat2 323 67% 788.1 528.0 - - Probable R
Waianakarua Road Slip Rehabilitation Construction - MMH Cat2 324 67% 674.0 451.6 - - Probable R
Waianakarua Road Slip Land Purchase Property - MMH Cat2 332 67% 75.0 50.3 - - Probable R
Coalpit Road Realignment Construction 1 MMM Cat2 324 67% 330.0 221.1 - - Probable R
User benefits improvements group Group allocation     Alloc.       - - -    
Gardiners Road Seal Extension 2009/10 Construction 1 LMM Cat2 325 67% 150.0 100.5 - - Possible R
Demand management & community programmes
Waitaki Community Programmes 2009/2012 Implementation     Cat1 432 75% - 88.6 - -   N
Walking and cycling facilities
Walking and Cycling - Key safety and congestion Group allocation     Alloc.       87.8 87.8 87.8    
Walking and Cycling 2009/10 Waitaki Ave to Pukeuri Construction 1 MMM Cat2 452 67% 658.0 440.9 - - Probable R
Walking and Cycling 2009/10 SH1 to the Limeworks Construction 1 MMM Cat2 452 67% 325.0 217.8 - - Probable R
Walking and Cycling - Access and community benefits Group allocation     Alloc.       38.8 38.8 38.8    
Redcastle Road to Reservoir Road Construction 1 LMM Cat2 452 67% 220.5 - - 147.7 Probable R
Ardgowan School to Eden Street Construction 1 LMM Cat2 452 67% 120.5 - - 80.7 Probable R
Walking and Cycling Omarama Triangle 2010/11 Construction 1 LMM Cat2 452 67% 430.3 - 288.3 - Probable R
Transport planning
Activity Management Plan Development 2009/12 Study 1 ML_ Cat2 003 67% 155.9 33.5 35.0 35.9   N
Land Transport Related Strategies Study 1 MM_ Cat2 002 75% 61.8 15.0 15.4 15.9   N
Strategy Harbourside Transport Study 1 MM_ Cat2 002 75% 30.0 22.5 - -   N