The New Zealand Transport Evidence Based Strategy

The Transport Evidence Based Strategy creates an environment to ensure the transport sector has the right data, information, research and evaluation to deliver an evidence-based transport system that improves wellbeing and liveability.

Transport Evidence Based Strategy(external link)

The strategy has two primary objectives:

  1. Ensure the right data, information, research and evaluation is available for decision-making
  2. There is an established culture of evidence-based decision-making.

The Transport Evidence Based Strategy is comprised of the following complimentary strategies and ongoing programmes of work aligned with updated Government transport priorities and outcomes:

  • Domain Plan
    Ensures the right data, statistics and information are available to understand our transport system and make evidence-based decisions. This identifies data and knowledge gaps and priorities to maximise the value of data, statistics, and information (originally published in 2016).
  • Research Strategy
    Creates a research environment to maximise the benefits from transport-related research (originally published in 2016).
  • Evaluation Strategy
    Provides a framework for evaluating transport system performance, regulations, policies, and investment, and identifies activities that support high quality evaluation activities within and across sectors (new).