General information about TORO

If you have questions about TORO, check our online help content.

TORO help

If you can’t find what you need there, our TORO staff can help you with anything to do with using the TORO system. Email

Note: if your drivers have a specific question about their driver licence (eg why it has a certain status), they need to try one of the other options below (see General information about driver licensing).

TORO system availability

The TORO system is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There will be a small exception from 5pm to midnight every Saturday, when we do system maintenance. During this time the system may still be available, but we can't guarantee service.

If for any reason the system is down or unavailable and you want to make an inquiry you can email during standard business hours.

General information about driver licensing

If you have other questions about driver licensing that aren't related to using TORO, please try these options.

Look online:

Driver licences

Transport service licences


Call: 0800 822 422

Note: we can only give personal information like details about demerit points or a driver licence suspension history to the driver licence holder. It’s best to ask the driver licence holder to contact us.

General information about vehicles

If you have questions about vehicles that aren't related to using TORO, please try these options.

Look online:


Road user charges


Call: 0800 108 809