What are the benefits of flexible working arrangements

Flexible working arrangements offer benefits to both employers and employees. They can:

  • make it easier to attract and retain staff
  • increase employee productivity
  • extend business working hours, with some staff starting work earlier and others to work later
  • improve work-life balance for staff.

Find out more about the importance of work-life balance on the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment website(external link)

Options for flexible working arrangements

Flexible working involves providing employees with options on how and when they work. It can include choices over start and finish times, break times and location.

Below are some of the flexible working options you can consider for your workplace.


Flexi-time involves set core hours where staff are expected to be at work, but allows them to arrive or leave at various times. This can reduce the need to travel at peak hours and save them time.

Compressed working

Staff can accumulate the hours they work and then use these to take a day off. This reduces their travel costs and time spent travelling. For an employer, this can provide for staff to meet customers’ needs outside usual working hours. It can also help to reduce pressure on staff parking and office desk space as fewer staff will be at the premises at any one time.

Working from home

Allowing staff to work from home one or more days per week (or per month) can reduce their travel costs and improve their work-life balance. Like compressed working, for employers it can reduce pressure on parking and office space.

For more information

Find more information about flexible work arrangements on the Ministry of Business, Employment and Innovation website(external link)