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Overnight data format queries are designed for users who want to query a large number of vehicles.

The maximum number of vehicles per file is 1000. Queries can be submitted at any time during the day up to 6pm, and the Transport Agency will make its best efforts to have the output available by 8am the following morning.

Query option is mandatory and must be selected before the query is submitted for processing. Query options available are dependent on your access level.

Example – overnight data format

Example of overnight data format screen

A default results filename is generated; this is a unique 10-digit numeric code and can be overridden if required.

Filename format

  • Any alphanumeric character, as well as - and _, no other special characters will be accepted. e.g. ^, ?.
  • Characters - and _ cannot be used as the first character in the filename.
  • Maximum length for filename is 10 characters.
  • Result file names must not have an extension.
  • A results filename is required for both overnight screen and data format queries.

Upload files for processing

Input – from user to Motochek

  • Data can be entered into the text box provided (using commas and semi-colons).
  • A comma or semi-colon delimited file can be attached by using the browse button.
  • An XML file can be supplied by the browse button (the file browsed to MUST have a file extension of .xml).

A user may supply a comma delimited file and request the response to be an .xml file. Or the user may supply an .xml file and request the response to be a pipe delimited extended file.

Delimited files

For delimited files or query data entered directly into the text area provided, guidelines and examples are outlined as below.

For the following bulk transactions:

  • current details
  • latest RUC licence
  • RUC licence history
  • vehicle usage history
  • check vehicle stolen.
  1. Each vehicle query is to be on a new line.
  2. Plate or VIN is mandatory, ticket number is optional.
  3. The input data fields must be separated either by a comma(,) or a semi-colon(;). The acceptable format is, for example, plate or VIN then a comma or semi colon then ticket number.
  4. The plate/VIN must contain only letters and/or numbers and may be no more than 17 characters. The field is not case sensitive.
  5. The ticket number if included must contain only letters and/or numbers. Maximum of six characters for short ticket number and a maximum of 40 characters for extended ticket number. This field is not case sensitive.
  6. Leading and trailing spaces will be removed prior to processing.


LX100 OK
LX100,t10012345678909876543216578902345678901 OK, extended ticket number
lx100, T100  OK – leading space before T100 (ticket number) is automatically removed
LX%00 Error because plate/VIN has invalid character
Lx100 OK



Error because required Plate or VIN is not supplied (on line 2)
7A8H9000298391027 OK
ane43234ajksdfj32423,t10333456a Error because plate/VIN exceeds 17 characters
LX100,T104,ge5109, 7A8H9000298391027,t1053456788 Error because too many fields on a line

 Note: for latest RUC licence and RUC licence history transactions, if ticket number is included in the upload file or entered with query data in the text area provided, and the delimiter selected is one of tab delimited, vertical bar (|) delimited, quote (") delimited, colon (:) delimited, then the ticket number shall not be returned in the response.

Registered person as at date transaction

  1. Each vehicle query is to be on a new line.
  2. Plate or VIN is mandatory, ticket number is optional.
  3. The input data fields must be separated either by a comma(,) or a semi-colon(;). The acceptable format shall be plate or VIN then a comma or semi colon, as at date then a comma or semi colon, then ticket number.
  4. The plate/VIN must contain only letters and/or numbers and may be no more than 17 characters. The field is not case sensitive.
  5. The as at date must contain only letters and/or numbers in the following format ddmmccyy and must be no more than eight characters. Eg: entered as 01012010 not 112010 or 01/01/2010.
  6. The ticket number must contain only letters and/or numbers. Maximum of six characters for short ticket number and a maximum of 40 characters for extended ticket number. This field is not case sensitive.
  7. Total number of characters per line is 65.
  8. Leading and trailing spaces will be removed prior to processing.


7A8H9000298391027,01012010 OK – optional ticket not supplied
LX100,01012010,t100 OK – short ticket number (max of 6)
lx100,01022010; T1002345678954321a OK – leading space before T100 removed, extended ticket number (max of 40)
LX%00,01012010,t100 Error, plate/VIN has invalid character
Lx100;01012010 OK



Error, required plate/VIN and date not supplied (on line 2)
LX100, OK – optional ticket not supplied
ane43234ajksdfj32423,01012010;t103456789b Error, plate/VIN exceeds 17 characters
LX100,01012010;T104,ge5109,05022010;T105 Error because too many fields on a line
7A8H9000298391027,  ,T104 Error, as at date is missing
LX100,012/2010,T104 Error, date was present, but was invalid as we expect DDMMCCYY.  Eg had a / or any other odd character in it)

Confirm registered person transaction

There are three acceptable sub-queries to confirm the registered person details associated to a vehicle.

The rules are based on the type of sub-query being performed:

1. The input data fields must be separated either by a comma(,) or a semi-colon(;). The acceptable formats are:

If company:

    • plate or VIN is required
    • company name is required
    • ticket number is optional.

Format: plate or VIN then a comma or semi colon, followed by another comma or semi colon, then company name then three commas or semi colons then ticket number.

If individual:

    • plate or VIN is required
    • driver Licence is required
    • ticket number is optional.

Format: plate or VIN then a comma or semi colon, then driver licence number, then four commas or semi colons then ticket number.

    • plate or VIN is required
    • surname is required
    • one of first name or date of birth (or both) is required
    • ticket number is optional.

Format: plate or VIN then a comma or semi colon, followed by another comma or semi colon, then surname then a comma or semi colon then first name then a comma or semi colon then date of birth then comma or semi colon then ticket number.

2. Each vehicle query is to be on a new line.

3. Trailing commas or semi colons are optional.

Input Comment
7A8H9000298391027,,thompson,peter,01011960,tick1 Correct. VIN 7A8H9000298391027, checking against individual peter thompson, date of birth 01/01/1960, with short ticket number tick1.
RX1423,,thompson,peter,01011960 Correct. Plate RX1423, checking against individual peter thompson, date of birth 01/01/1960, with no driver licence or ticket number.
RX1423,,thompson,peter Correct. Plate RX1423, checking against individual peter thompson, with no driver licence, date of birth or ticket number.
RX1423,,thompson,,01011960 Correct. Plate RX1423, checking against individual with surname of  thompson, with date of birth, but no driver licence, first name or ticket number.
RX1423,,thompson,,01011960,tick53213456789101112 Correct. Plate RX1423, checking against individual with surname of  thompson, with date of birth, and long ticket number but no driver licence or first name, but has a ticket number.
RX1423,,fast motors,,,tick2 Correct. Plate RX1423, checking against company fast motors, short ticket number tick2.
7A8H9000298391027,,fast motors,,, Correct. VIN 7A8H9000298391027, checking against company fast motors, no ticket number.
Commas can only be omitted if at the end. See next example
RX1423,,fast motors Correct. Plate RX1423 checking against company fast motors, no ticket number
RX1423,AA111112 Correct. Checking against individual. Plate RX1423, driver licence AA111112, no ticket number.
RX1423,AA111112,,,,tick45678901234567890 Correct. Checking against individual.  Plate RX1423, driver licence AA111112, extended ticket number.

A 'basic' query will return a limited amount of information, leaving out more detailed data such as 'joint registered person' and 'axle size'. An 'extended' overnight query returns the same, full amount of information as an immediate query.

  • Default output content is basic format; if extended format is required this must be selected.
  • For the resulting output, any of the field delimiters can be selected to separate the fields. The default file format is fixed length fields. Other field delimiter values are:
    • fixed length – extended ticket number
    • tab delimited
    • vertical Bar (|) delimited
    • quote (") delimited
    • colon (:) delimited
    • XML.

Note: For query types 'Latest RUC licence' and 'RUC licence history', the output option of 'extended format' is not available. If this option is selected, the default RUC licence results will display.

File validation

When an overnight query file is uploaded using the Motochek website users will be advised of any errors detected on submission of file. These errors must be corrected prior to re-submission of file for processing. This may be due to an invalid filename, invalid format or duplicate query file. Error message examples:

  • The requested file contains binary data.
  • Duplicate Query File.
  • Duplicate Results file.

If a 'duplicate query file' is detected on submission and the previously submitted file with the same name is in a status of 'Waiting' for processing the system shall display a message advising 'You have already sent a query file with this name for processing. Do you want to continue and override the existing file?'

The existing file can be overwritten with the same filename and re-submitted for processing or alternatively a new filename can be entered and the file can be re-submitted for processing.

If a 'duplicate results file' is detected on submission of query file and the previous file with the same filename has already been 'processed' or is in a status of 'processing', the system will display a message advising: 'We are currently processing/have already processed a query with this filename, please enter a different filename. Processed results will be in your results directory.' In this instance the filename cannot be overwritten, a different filename must be entered for re-submission.

Processed overnight screen and data format files can be retrieved from your files menu the following morning.

XML file format

Users can upload and submit XML files for bulk processing using the browse button. (Files MUST have a file extension of .XML).

For the following bulk transactions (up to 1000 plates/VINS per transaction) are available using XML:

  • current details
  • RPCB – confirm registered person
  • SCQB – stolen vehicle query
  • RPAB – registered person as at date (enforcement only)
  • VUHB – vehicle usage history
  • RLHB – RUC licence history
  • LRLB – latest RUC licence
  • VEHB – vehicle details.

For the following bulk transactions (maximum of six plates/VINS per transaction) are available using XML:

  • RPHB – registered person history.

Sample XML files have been provided, along with the bulk transaction file data types:

  1. Plate or VIN is mandatory, ticket number is optional.
  2. The plate/VIN must contain only letters and/or numbers and may be no more than 17 characters.
  3. The as at date format must be yyyy-mm-dd,  eg: 2010-10-05.
  4. For XML format the ticket number must contain only letters and/or numbers up to a maximum of 40 characters. (Used by Enforcement users only.)
  5. Files upload MUST have a file extension of .XML).

It is the customer's responsibility to ensure that the XML files are well-formed and comply with the XSD. If they are not, the system will generate an error message during validation when it attempts to process the file.

Processed overnight screen and data format files can be retrieved from your files menu the following morning.

Output – from Motochek to user:

  • Users can choose XML in file format drop-down list – the file sent to the user will be .xml format. Basic or Extended does NOT apply.
  • User can choose other file format options – in which case Basic or Extended shall apply.