Too many people are being hurt and killed on Aotearoa New Zealand’s roads, with around 500 people being killed or seriously injured in speed related crashes a year. While speed is often not the only factor contributing to a crash, it’s a crucial factor in determining the severity of a crash.

A significant portion of the driving population still chooses to travel at speeds that are too fast for the conditions or the posted speed limit, putting themselves and others who share the roads with them, at risk.

The target audience

This is a broad awareness campaign aimed at all New Zealand drivers, however males aged 18-35 years are overrepresented in death and serious injuries in crashes in which speed is a factor.

Building on this insight, the campaign aims to show that there are consequences for speeding whether they be fines, injuries or death.

Our approach

Our goal is to shift the current perception of speeding being acceptable amongst New Zealanders. Drivers have a variety of ‘reasons’ and excuses for their speeding and don’t believe they will be caught or have a crash. Police hear the same excuses every day and have also seen the potential consequences. This campaign aims to show how little these excuses mean when you’re faced with the consequences.

The campaign

The campaign runs from December 2022 through to February 2023, and is split into two phases:

Phase 1:

  • Launched 11 December 2022

  • Featured activity across social media, radio, outdoor (street posters and bus shelter) and digital display activity

  • Targeting the audience in highly relevant locations ahead of the summer holiday period.

Phase 2:

  • Launched 20 January 2023

  • Heavy focus on video, with hero television ad across TV, video-on-demand, YouTube

  • Supported by radio, billboards and social media activity

Campaign cost

This new public awareness campaign is a part of the wider National Road Safety Promotion Programme, which delivers marketing campaigns and education programmes that support, enable and contribute to Road to Zero outcomes.

The cost to develop and produce our latest public awareness campaign on speeding, 'Through My Eyes', is $1.33 million. This includes the production of a 60 second television advertisement and a range of other assets for radio, digital, social media, print and out of home channels.

Phase 1 creative


Social media

Digital display

Phase 2 creative




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