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Work is underway with our contractors and TTM suppliers to pilot aspects of the risk-based approach on the state highway network. From July 2024 the pilots will move to adoption at worksites at these locations:

  • Northland NOC, Fulton Hogan
  • Horowhenua Manawatu NOC, Higgins
  • North Canterbury NOC, Downer NZ
  • Marlborough Roads, HEB.

Work is still progressing to learn as much as possible about the practical application of the risk-based guidance, and we’d like to share some key insights so far:

  • Different contractors are bringing different ideas to their application of the risk-based approach to their worksites.
  • There is a good understanding of risk at a management level across contractors, however road crews still require training on risk management.
  • Implementation of risk controls to mitigate risk varies across contractors.
  • Adoption and implementation of the risk-based approach will take time – taking a staged approach will ensure success. 

We’re analysing the data and insights from our pilots, and we’ll share what we’ve learnt and next steps with the sector once finalised.

A full report covering insights and learnings from the pilots will be uploaded to this page following the pilot phase coming to an end in July 2024.  

Northland, Fulton Hogan

A utlitly truck carrying road signs parked on the shoulder of the road.

Northland pilot showing a cyclic vehicle with no lead or tail vehicles just the team with all road work signs on the truck.

The Fulton Hogan Northland NOC NZGTTM pilot is focused on reactive and planned cyclic maintenance works. The trial ‘went live’ on central part of the State Highway network (generally within 80km of Whangarei) on 4 March 2023. It has since been extended to cover the mid-north area (based out of Kerikeri). Cyclic maintenance by its nature covers many locations, with a wide variety of activities and environments to deal with.

Read more about the Fulton Hogan pilot(external link)

Horowhenua Manawatu, Higgins

The Manawatū – Whanganui NOC is led by Higgins with Beca as professional services partner. To date, the trial has been able to take 7-9 work activities through the risk-assessment and design workshop steps, with three of these proceeding all the way through to implementation.

Read more about the Higgins pilot(external link)

North Canterbury, Downer NZ

A utlitly truck carrying road signs on the road at night.

Downer NZ piloting the NZGTTM in North Canterbury using a static mobile approach and vehicle per minute counts and clear sight distances to determine whether it is appropriate for works.

Downer has been using, and will continue to use, the North Canterbury NOC pilot to test its commitment to embedding key workstreams into our NZGTTM risk-based approach, serving as a real-world trial to refine and demonstrate its methodologies. Downer is leading in a system and processes integrating the changes in their code of conduct and setting of expectations.

Read more about the Downer NZ pilot(external link)