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How we developed the NZGTTM

We talked with construction companies, local councils, community groups and other stakeholders to understand road safety challenges and test the principles of the new guidance. 

The draft guide was shared for wider sector feedback during March – April 2022. The NZGTTM feedback summary report outlines the key themes.

NZGTTM feedback summary report [PDF, 465 KB]

Version 1 of the NZGTTM also includes feedback, input and safety practices from NZTA’s construction and maintenance partners to help improve safety on our roads.

Pilots were led in the following areas to test the new risk-based guidance and help finalise version 1 of the NZGTTM:

  • Northland - Fulton Hogan.
  • Marlborough Roads (State Highways only) – Fulton Hogan and HEB.
  • North Canterbury – Downer.
  • Westlink – WSP.
  • Manawatu – Higgins.

We’ll continue to refine the guide as we apply the new risk-based approach to construction and maintenance work sites on our state highway network as well as through bespoke trials and innovation projects.

Communication resources

We all have a part to play in improving safety for road workers and road users who are working at or moving through a temporary traffic management sites.

These resources have been created to help your conversations with the different groups of people who work in road safety.

Frequently asked questions

Please use these FAQs to support questions relating to version 1 of the New Zealand guide to temporary traffic management.

Frequently asked questions

Road worker safety videos

Safety around roadworks

It takes a mix of different factors to keep us safe on the road. The NZGTTM is one way to help improve safety for everyone – road users as well as the many men and women who work on our roads.

Keeping our road workers safe takes all of us working together.

Tips for driving through worksites

Watch our video for tips on driving safely through worksites.

Don’t abuse roadworkers

Watch our video on treating workers with respect when you're passing through roadworks.