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Written approvals required for developments in or adjacent to Waka Kotahi state highway network, cycleways or shared paths

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency (Waka Kotahi) aims to create easy, safe and connected journeys across New Zealand’s land transport system. This requires us to manage the effects that subdivision, land use development and access to the state highway have on the safety and efficiency of the state highway network and our other transport infrastructure.

If you are considering a development or activity which may affect the state highway network and/or require access direct to the state highway, we encourage you to contact us early to discuss your proposal. In some cases you may need our written consent to develop land or undertake an activity.

Some examples of types of development you should discuss with us include:

  • creating, upgrading, moving or otherwise changing an accessway onto a state highway
  • changes to intensification of existing land use activities on properties accessed from the state highway (ie from residential to commercial, or increased residential density)
  • subdivisions or new activities (including building new structures or undertaking works) in land designated by Waka Kotahi – our land use designations may be for state highways, cycleways or shared paths
  • subdivisions or new businesses requiring access to the state highway
  • subdivisions or new businesses not requiring access to the state highway but generating potential traffic impacts on the state highway network.

We will identify whether or not your proposal can be supported, or whether changes are necessary to address effects on the transport network.  Occasionally the effects may be such that we cannot support your proposal and this will be discussed with you.

Resource consents and other approvals

It is not uncommon for proposals to require our affected party approval under the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA), a section 176/178 written approval under the RMA and a new or revised crossing place notice under the Government Roading Powers Act 1989 (GRPA).

If your proposal requires resource consent we recommend discussing your proposal with us prior to submitting your application to Council to avoid delays. It is likely that Council may require you to obtain our ‘affected party’ approval under the Resource Management Act (RMA) if your activity affects the state highway. 

If your proposal is located in land designated by Waka Kotahi for a state highway, cycleway or shared path, you are required to first obtain the written consent of Waka Kotahi as Requiring Authority under sections 176/178 of the RMA if your development or activity would prevent or hinder existing or future works. Waka Kotahi will determine if your works prevent or hinder existing or future works.

If your property is on a ‘limited-access road’, vehicles and stock can only access the road from an 'authorised crossing place'. These are issued under the Government Roading Powers Act 1989 (GRPA) by Waka Kotahi.

Government Roading Powers Act 1989(external link)

Limited-access roads and crossing places(external link)

Approvals under Sections 176/178 for works in Waka Kotahi designations

How to seek our input and approval on your proposal

Complete the online application form(external link)

Once we receive your application you will receive an acknowledgement confirming receipt of your application. We aim to process your application in a timely manner; typically within 20 working days.  Applications can take longer to process if they are complex or we require further information.  Our assessment of your proposal will be free of charge.

To assist us assess your application, please include the following information (this is included on the form):

  • Site address and legal description
  • A description of the proposal
  • Plans illustrating your proposal
  • How will parking and manoeuvring be managed
  • How the site is currently accessed and any changes to access to accommodate the proposed activity
  • Whether access is available from a local road
  • The opening hours, number of staff and customers and deliveries to the site daily associated with your proposal
  • Current daily traffic generation (volume and type/s) accessing the site
  • Proposed daily traffic generation (volume and type/s) from the new activity
  • The location of any signage and/or lighting
  • Whether the proposal requires resource consent
  • Any other legal matters (such as any restrictions on the certificate of title) that we need to be aware of.

Contact us

The Environmental Planning team will be happy to discuss your proposal with you at any stage of the process. Email us at