The Government Roading Powers Act (GRPA) allows NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) to have the power to establish roading bylaws to help manage its processes and risks on the state highway network. While the general provisions have subsequently been moved to s.22AB of the Land Transport Act, there are some matters that are residual to the GRPA.

There are a range of topics that have been included in bylaws from parking to speed limits.

List of state highway bylaws [XLSX, 355 KB]

Note: this list may not be exhaustive. This page will continually be added to.

If you have questions about state highway bylaws, please direct these to the NZTA Legal team

For further information contact the Principal Advisor Network Management.

Bylaw 2019-2 – Setting of Speed Limits Amendment April 2019 – au1687

Published: | Category: Bylaws | Audiences: Road controlling authorities, Road traffic engineers & consultants, Roading contractors | Author: NZ Transport Agency

Amending the schedules to set new speed limits.