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Benefit realisation reviews

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency conducts benefit realisation reviews (formerly post-implementation reviews) every year on a small sample of completed projects or packages that it has invested in. Although PIRs are not drawn from a statistical sample of projects, they do allow the agency to compare the planned benefits and costs of a project with the actual outcomes achieved.

Review Programme

The Review Programme has three components, contract management reviews (CMR), lessons learnt reviews (LLR) and special purpose audits (SPA). The overarching objective of the review programme is to ensure that contracts placed through our Transport Services division are executed as specified in the contract documentation and that both Waka Kotahi and our suppliers learn from the work we do together. We strongly believe that the reviews encourage improved delivery on behalf of our customers and foster a culture of learning and continuous improvement within the roading industry.

Contract management reviews (CMR) are aimed at providing information to Waka Kotahi stakeholders, including customers, suppliers and partners, on our programme for the review of asset improvement and asset management contracts placed through our Transport Services division.

State Highways User Experience Survey Dashboard

Waka Kotahi monitors customer satisfaction with State Highways. The State Highways Customer Experience (SH UX) survey asks around 9000 people per year across New Zealand to determine how customers' experiences of the State Highway network are tracking.

The results from these surveys are available to our staff and partners. The online dashboard replaces the previous ‘State Highways Customer Survey Portal’. For information about the survey or access to the online dashboard, please contact us.

Benefit realisation

Projects should all undergo monitoring, asset management plan reporting, NOC monitoring, post implementation reviews, etc as required to ensure investment objectives or return on investments have been achieved. For more information see the benefits management guidance.

Benefits management guidance

Technical requirements

When undertaking your post-implementation, there are technical requirements that may be relevant to your project that will need to be considered and included.

To ensure you are completing all steps correctly when you are building your business case, follow the table below. Not all of these technical requirements are needed for all projects but it will give you a good overview of what you may need to consider.

This table outlines, by subject matter, what these requirements are and where you can go to find the relevant information.

For further information or advice, contact the relevant team.

Subject matter Technical requirement Information
Economics Economic viability - detailed benefits Monetised benefits and costs manual
Outcome delivery - detailed benefits by benefit type Monetised benefits and costs manual 
Road safety

Follow the Road safety audit procedure - post construction

Note: guidelines relating to the process for consideration of the issues raised by the RSA process are also contained in the Project management manual SM011

Road safety audit procedures

Project management manual

Safe system compliant roadside/median

Signs and markings review

Austroads guide to road design parts 3, 4 and 6

Technical memoranda

Safety page on HIP

Traffic control devices manual

Transport modelling Benefits realised Transport model development guide

For further information contact or