AMDS data migration is the process that maps, transforms and transitions data within a Road Controlling Authority’s (RCAs) asset management system (AMS). It is one of the key activities of Asset Management Data Standard (AMDS) implementation. This page provides a high-level description of the process an RCA will go through with Waka Kotahi and any third parties they select as vendors to assist them with their implementation of AMDS within their organisation.
Data migration principles
- AMDS applies to new and existing assets.
- There will not be any loss of data, unless a decision is made that it is not needed.
- The process does not guess, assume or estimate data mapping for new attributes. If there is no clear source of data, it will be left empty (NULL) or False or 0 (Zero).
- There is no requirement to collect or populate missing mandatory data.
- Missing mandatory data can be populated when assets are maintained or new assets are created.
- If a list value has no logical AMDS replacement, it will be moved across as-is. The value will not be available for new assets.
The data migration process
The data migration process includes the following steps:
- Create a copy of your asset management system (AMS) database.
- Analyse and update generic data mapping to reflect your organisation.
- Your AMS vendor will use the updated data mapping to update and/or develop data migration scripts.
- Undertake a data triage activity to review data that is not required by your AMS or AMDS. Record your triage decisions and provide to your AMS vendor.
- Your AMS vendor will confirm the data migration approach and timeframe with you.
- As part of data migration, your AMS vendor will update tables, business rules and the user interface.
- Undertake use acceptance testing (UAT) and post migration spot checks.
Throughout this process Waka Kotahi will undertake quality assurance activities to ensure the quality of your AMDS implementation.

View larger image [PDF, 174 KB]
Resources we provide to Road Controlling Authorities (RCAs)
- A master mapping document: Waka Kotahi will provide you will generic data mapping. This will be updated based on information from each AMDS implementation.
- Triage reports: identify fields in the RCA database that are not required by AMDS and if these fields are populated with data.
- Data triage decision register: spreadsheet to record your triage decisions.
- Data quality assurance (DQA) reports: after AMDS has been implemented, this report shows data that does not conform with AMDS.
- A master mapping document: Waka Kotahi will provide you will generic data mapping. This will be updated based on information from each AMDS implementation.
AMDS master mapping document [XLSX, 277 KB]
Conforming to AMDS
After your organisation has completed a data migration and triage exercise to migrate your data to the AMDS tables in your asset management system, Waka Kotahi will undertake a quality check and confirm that your data now conforms to the AMDS.
User defined tables (UDTs) can still be created within your asset management system for data that is not part of AMDS.
AMDS tables within your asset management system can only be edited by the vendor. However, individual RCAs can increase the obligation level from Optional to Mandatory to suit their needs. This is on a User Interface (UI) basis. The obligation level for Mandatory and Conditional Mandatory cannot be adjusted.
AMDS implementation