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The Asset Management Data Standard (AMDS) programme team works closely with partner organisations across the sector.

Working with the sector

The success of AMDS is enabled by regular validation and alignment with sector partners. Here are some of the ways we are working with the sector:

  • Working with the AMDS Contractor’s and Road Controlling Authorities (RCAs) Reference Groups since July 2020. Their role is to provide regular feedback and validation on the development of the data standard and implementation approach.
  • The RCA Data Standard Working was established in March 2021, providing the feedback on the data standard at regular interviews.
  • AMDS is accelerating the development of the data standard to ensure sector benefits can be realised sooner. In collaboration with SMEs from maintenance contractors and professional services consultants, we are developing inventory assets and the management of the asset over its lifecycle (eg defects, conditions, observations and controls).
  • Working with AMS software providers at RCA’s with assistance from Company-X and Team IM.
  • Validating the standard at selected prototype sites: Marlborough Roads, Wellington City Council, Masterton District Council.
  • Regular collaboration and engagement with key Industry Groups.
  • Alignment with key programmes and standards: One Network Framework, National Speed Limit Register, Let’s Get Wellington Moving, REG Programmes, RIM, 3Waters, Location Standard.

Partner testimonials

What some of our partners have to say about AMDS highlighting benefits across the sector:

The Ministry of Transport supports the use of common data sets at a strategic and operational level as part of a wider drive to use digital technologies to get greater efficiencies, innovation and the delivery of outcomes across the transport system. The Ministry supports Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency in the development of common data sets and the Asset Management Data Standard (AMDS) all of which are promoted by GPS21 and the Transport Domain Plan.

– Tim Herbert, Manager Investment, NZ Ministry of Transport

KiwiRail is a strong supporter of Waka Kotahi’s implementation of the AMDS, as it sets a solid foundation for the development of digital assets around New Zealand. Without the structured schema that the AMDS brings the industry will struggle to realise the step change that digital engineering can offer, and we will continue to suffer the loss of productivity of people not having the right information at the right time.

– Andy Lyon, Programme Director – Digital Engineering, KiwiRail

Higgins have always embraced change and been committed to providing our customers with a high level of technical expertise, project management capability and quality assurance. The AMDS will enable us to use a common language nationally, to further advance efficient processes and productive practices so that we are able to maximise operational efficiency and deliver better results with increased certainty around a quality service. AMDS will also standardise training which will make it easier for staff to work across multiple contracts and not having to retrain to understand multiple different asset standards. AMDS will further enable better collaboration of organisations and decision making, ultimately providing a higher-quality service and experience to the asset users.

– Sean O’Neill, Group Maintenance Operations Manager, Higgins

Auckland Transport strongly supports the implementation and management by Waka Kotahi of the asset management data standard (AMDS).

The AMDS will enable Auckland Transport and Waka Kotahi to identify and address the issues that are undermining Auckland Transport asset management maturity and Waka Kotahi investor confidence through formally resolving the legacy transport sector issues.

– Myles Lind, Head of Asset Management, Auckland Transport

At RATA we are exposed to asset management systems for ten councils across the Waikato. Whilst we are moving towards more consistent use of data, AMDS will help all of us speak the same data language and start achieving greater benefits across the region by being able to analyse larger data sets for more robust decision making.

– Shaun Lion-Cachet, Rata Manager

Fulton Hogan are responsible for road maintenance contracts belonging to more than 20 Road Controlling Authorities (RCA’s) in New Zealand. The AMDS will ensure all our operational teams are singing from the same hymn sheet across the country, which is a key contributor to great outcomes for our clients and the communities they care for. The standard also paves the way for open data and a more competitive market amongst asset management software vendors, leading to greater innovation in the industry, and potentially improved licensing costs for RCA’s.

– Danny Fitzgerald, Information Systems Manager, Road Maintenance, Fulton Hogan

As a key partner, REG has strong interest in ensuring the success of Asset Management Data Standard (AMDS) as the programme contributes to a unified and effective transport sector. The core outcomes of the AMDS programme are aligned across the REG suite of programmes.  REG supports and is engaged in all levels of the AMDS programme from Governance through to delivery.

– Andrew McKillop, Manager, REG Partnership Programme