This rule sets out how the limits to the work time hours for a driver of a vehicle that requires a class 2, 3, 4, or 5 licence, or is used in a transport service (other than a rental service), or carries goods for hire or reward, are to be administered.
Note: Each link also includes access to consultation materials, such as summaries of submissions and frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to each version and amendment.
Questions and answers are provided to accompany a new rule or amendment when they are signed. These and other consultation documents on this page have not been updated to take into account any later rule amendments and are retained for historic interest only.
The new amendment Rules signed by the Minister of Transport (the Minister) are:
These amendment Rules make changes to 11 Land Transport Rules. They were consulted on as part of the draft Land Transport Rule: Omnibus Amendment 2008 (the draft Omnibus Amendment Rule).
Following consultation, the provisions in the draft Omnibus Amendment Rule were split into separate amendment Rules. A further amendment Rule consulted on in the draft Omnibus Amendment Rule, Land Transport (Driver Licensing) Amendment (No 2) 2008, was signed in December 2008, with provisions coming into force on two separate dates, 15 January and 1 April 2009.
The amendment Rules make relatively minor changes to Rules. The amendments are required:
Ten of these Rules come into force on 7 May 2009. Land Transport Rule: Operator Safety Rating Amendment 2009 will be brought into effect by Gazette notice.
Yes. In August 2008, the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) advised about 1500 groups and individuals registered on the Rules consultation database, by letter or email, of the proposed changes and invited them to make submissions. Printed copies of the draft Omnibus Amendment Rule and the summary of the proposed changes were made available to people on request. The draft Omnibus Amendment Rule and information material were also available on the NZTA