This rule has been revoked. This means it is no longer in force. See Land Transport Rule: Operator Licensing 2017
This rule sets out requirements for obtaining and retaining a licence to operate a passenger, rental, vehicle recovery or goods service vehicle. Also requirements that apply to transport service drivers, ‘dial-a-driver’ service drivers, hirers of rental service vehicles and approved taxi organisations.
Note: Each link also includes access to consultation materials, such as summaries of submissions and frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to each version and amendment.
Questions and answers are provided to accompany a new rule or amendment when they are signed. These and other consultation documents on this page have not been updated to take into account any later rule amendments and are retained for historic interest only.
Land Transport Rule: Omnibus Amendment 2014 (the Omnibus Amendment Rule) was prepared for public consultation and contained proposals to change requirements in a number of existing land transport rules. Annual omnibus amendment rules provide a means for consulting on relatively straightforward rule changes that are mainly of a technical or editorial nature, or that originate, for example, from the need to reflect current industry best practice or changes to other legislation.
For the purposes of consultation, proposed amendments to 11 Land Transport Rules were combined into the Omnibus Amendment Rule. Following consultation, the provisions in the Omnibus Amendment Rule were split into the following amendment rules:
The 11th proposed rule, an amendment to the Land Transport (Driver Licensing) Rule 1999, is being progressed separately.
The number of relatively minor changes to several land transport rules is necessary for a variety of reasons. These include:
The changes to each rule are summarised below.
This change approves United Nations/Economic Commission for Europe (UN/ECE) Regulation 55 as an allowable standard for ‘50 mm diameter fifth wheels on imported, powered vehicles’ where the fifth wheels have been installed and certified by the manufacturer of the vehicle as meeting this standard. It will also ensure that modification or repair of these fifth wheels is carried out to specific New Zealand or Australian standards.
These changes will:
This change will amend the rule to ensure that taxi meters are sealed where required by the NZ Transport Agency to protect against unauthorised interference.
These changes will:
These changes will:
These changes will:
This change will revoke two clauses (clause 2.3(10) and 2.3(11)) relating to tyre load ratings.
This change will add the UN/ECE Regulation 129 approved child restraint standard to the list of approved standards for child restraints.
These changes will:
This proposed change would clarify that agricultural trailers that don’t need to be registered, also do not need to undergo warrant of fitness or certificate of fitness inspection.
All the amendment rules come into force on 1 November 2014. Until the amendment rules come into force, the current requirements continue to apply.
Yes. On 23 May 2014, the NZ Transport Agency advised about 2400 groups and individuals registered on the rules consultation database, by letter or email, of the proposed changes and invited them to make submissions. Printed copies of the Omnibus Amendment Rule and a summary of the proposed changes were made available on request. The Omnibus Amendment Rule and information material were also available on the NZ Transport Agency’s website.
Public notices seeking submissions were published in the daily newspapers in the major centres (Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin) and in the New Zealand Gazette. The NZ Transport Agency received 25 submissions on the amendment proposals. The submissions were taken into account in preparing the amendment rules for signing.
The Land Transport Act 1998 allows the Minister of Transport to make land transport rules.
A newsletter outlining the rule changes is sent to the groups and individuals who have registered their interest in rules that have been amended. Where necessary, the NZ Transport Agency will advise relevant industry groups of the changes. It will also update any relevant factsheets or other information material available on its website to reflect the changes brought about by the amendment rules.