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National Land Transport Programme (NLTP): West Coast 2009–2012

Links to other regions are crucial to the economy of the West Coast region. Closures of these routes can cause major delays for locals, tourists and freight traffic, which can have significant negative effects on the region’s economy. The reliability, capacity, safety and security of the routes on which the region depends is therefore a major focus of this NLTP, which allocates funding to maintain the region’s local and state highway networks to support economic growth in our region.


A land transport output or capital project, or both.

Activity class
A grouping of similar activities.

Approved organisation
A public organisation approved under section 23 of the LTMA. It's usually a regional council, a local authority or another public organisation.

Auckland Regional Transport Authority.

Advanced traffic management system.

Benefit cost ratio
The ratio that compares the benefits accruing to land transport users and the wider community from implementing a project or providing a service, with that project's or service's costs.

The increased value of land arising from improved access.

Category 1 activity
An activity that is ready for funding approval.

Category 2 activity
An activity that the NZTA can anticipate funding within the three years of the NLTP, but does not currently meet category 1 requirements.

Crash book
An analytical document that provides long-term risk profiles of stretches of roads, groups of intersections and geographical areas within police districts or areas.

Farebox recovery
An arrangement in which a proportion of total operating costs is recovered through public transport fare revenue.

Fuel excise duty
A tax imposed by the government on fuel that is used to fund land transport activities.

Funding assistance rate
The percentage of the total cost of an approved activity that the NZTA pays.

The Government policy statement on land transport funding - the government's statement of its short- to medium-term goals for transport investment.

The contribution made to help achieve the government's economic, social and environmental objectives.

Investment and Revenue Strategy
A high-level direction-setting and prioritisation tool that helps the NZTA to balance competing priorities and select the best possible mix of activities for funding.

Land transport
Transport on land by any means and the infrastructure, goods and services facilitating that transport, including:

  • coastal shipping (including transport by means of harbour ferries, or ferries or barges on rivers or lakes) and associated infrastructure
  • the infrastructure, goods and services (including education and enforcement), the primary purpose of which is to improve public safety in relation to that transport.

Local road
A road (other than a state highway) in the district, and under the control, of a local authority.

Local share
The portion of the total cost of an activity that is provided by an approved organisation.

Long-term council community plan (LTCCP)
Produced by each local authority, a plan that describes its activities and provides a long term focus for its decision-making. It must cover a period of 10 consecutive financial years though it is prepared every three years.

Land Transport Management Act 2003 (LTMA)
The main act governing the land transport planning and funding system.

Ministry of Transport
The government's principal transport policy adviser that both leads and generates policy, and helps to set the vision and strategic direction for the future of transport in New Zealand.

Model community
A community that aims to reduce congestion by providing user-friendly environments for walking and cycling.

Motor vehicle registration and licensing fees
The Motor Vehicle Register is established under the Transport (Vehicle and Driver Registration and Licensing) Act 1986, and records details of vehicles that are registered to operate on the road. Motor vehicle registration and licensing fees are defined as land transport revenue.

NLTF/National Land Transport Fund
The set of resources, including land transport revenue, that are available for land transport activities under the NLTP.

NLTP/National Land Transport Programme
A three-yearly programme of investment in land transport infrastructure and services from the NLTF.

The road structure that is constructed on the subgrade and supports the traffic loading.

Public transport
Passenger transport services provided or subsidised by local and central government.

Regional Transport Committee
A committee required to be established by every regional council or unitary authority comprising a range of representatives, including from the regional council, local authorities, the NZTA, one representing each of the five transport objectives and one from a cultural perspective. Its main functions are to prepare an RLTS and an RLTP.

Regional land transport programme (RLTP)
A three-yearly land transport infrastructure and services proposal for funding from the National Land Transport Fund prepared by a Regional Transport Committee. In Auckland, the RLTP is prepared by ARTA.

Regional land transport strategy (RLTS)
A strategy that every Regional Transport Committee, on behalf of the regional council, must prepare, and consult on to provide guidance on the land transport outcomes the region seeks. The RLTS must be produced every six years, cover 30 years and contribute to its vision.

Road-controlling authorities
Authorities and agencies, including the NZTA, local authorities, the Waitangi Trust and the Department of Conservation, that have a legal responsibility for roading.

Road user charges
Charges on diesel and heavy vehicles paid to the government and used to fund land transport activity.

Roads of national significance
Seven New Zealand roads identified by the GPS whose further development 'will have national benefits to the roading network and to national economic development' and that 'require significant development to reduce congestion, improve safety and support economic growth'.

RPP/Road Policing Programme
The programme of land transport enforcement activities delivered by New Zealand Police.

RSAP/Road safety action plan
A plan developed at the local level to address road safety issues in the area.

RTPP/Risk-targeted patrol plan
New Zealand Police operational tasking documents used to allocate strategic road policing resources to known safety risks by location and time.

State highway
A road operated by the NZTA, as defined by the LTMA.

Unitary authority
A local authority that undertakes the additional functions of a regional council.

Vehicle kilometres travelled
The total annual vehicle kilometres travelled in an area.

Last updated: 6 October 2009