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Regional Summary

Regional summary

Overview of the transport system

Table 1: Key statistics on the Chatham Islands (June 2007 - July 2008)

  Chatham Islands New Zealand Region as %
of NZ
Population 612 4,268,500 0.01
Land area (km2) 97 275,400 0.04
Imports (gross tonne)1 - 79.2 million -
Exports (gross tonne)1 - 73.4 million -
Gross domestic product (GDP) ($)1 20 million 155,360 million 0.01
Passenger transport - bus - boardings - 92,777,000 -
Passenger transport - rail - boardings - 18,347,000 -
Passenger transport - ferry - boardings - 4,695,000 -
Vehicle kilometres travelled1 - 40,200 million -
Fatalities2 1 366 -
Serious injuries2 0 2553 0.07
Local roads - urban all (km) 6.4 17,298 0.04
Local roads - urban sealed (km) 5.7 16,956 0.03
Local roads - rural all (km) 172.4 65,601 0.26
Local roads - rural sealed (km) 5.3 33,698 0.02
State highways - all (km) - 10,906 -
State highways - sealed (km) - 10,850 -
State highways - motorway (km) - 172 -


  1. Indicative only - No statistics available for Chatham Islands.
  2. Safety data is for the year ending 2008.

Expected expenditure in the Chatham Islands

Table 2: Expected expenditure in the Chatham Islands

Chatham Islands 2009/12 % of total
Walking and cycling 0.1 0.4%
Transport planning 0.0 0.1%
Public transport improvements - 0.0%
New & improved infrastructure for state highways - 0.0%
New & improved infrastructure for local roads 2.9 25.4%
Public transport services - 0.0%
Maintenance of state highways - 0.0%
Renewal of state highways - 0.0%
Maintenance of local roads 1.6 13.8%
Renewal of local roads 6.9 60.1%
Demand management &community programmes 0.0 0.1%
  11.4 100%


Note: includes T funds of $2m

Local road maintenance

Local road maintenance funding of $8.4 million will pay for a range of projects, including road markings and signage to make roads on the islands safer and more dependable. The NZTA has approved a three-year allocation and expects the council to manage the required maintenance, operations and renewal programmes including any changes in costs within that allocation.

One key project, recently completed, involved stabilising the cliff face above the road to the Waitangi Wharf. This aims to reduce the threat of a slip blocking an important route to a facility that is essential to the islands' economy.

Local road improvements

The NLTP allocates $2.9 million to local road improvements in the Chatham Islands. This will go towards:

  • replacing and realigning the road approaches to the Whangatete Bridge on Port Hutt Road. Work is already underway and the new bridge is expected to open in 2009/10
  • minor safety work to improve curves and address other safety issues.

Community activities

Road safety is one of the key priorities in this NLTP. With this in mind, the Chatham Islands Council will use funding of $10,000 to work with the community to identify local road safety issues on the islands, then establish and implement local solutions to deal with them.

Walking and cycling

An NLTP allocation of $51,000 to walking and cycling initiatives will be used to complete a programme of new footpaths on the Chatham Islands in 2009/10. Once the programme is finished, walking will be a safer and more attractive travel option in areas where footpaths are available.

Road policing activities

National Land Transport Fund funding for New Zealand Police road policing activities in the Chatham Islands totals $27,000 for the 2009/10 year.

This will enable strategic policing of the 'fatal five' road safety issues: speeding, drink/drugged driving, restraints, dangerous/careless driving and high-risk drivers. It also contributes to funding of vehicles and equipment, communications, accommodation and other costs.

The detailed 2009/10 Road Policing Programme can be viewed on the NZ Police website at link). The programmes for 2010/11 and 2011/12 will be published annually on the site once they have been approved by the Minister of Transport.

Significant projects from 2012/13 onwards

The major projects currently planned between 2013 and 2020 are:

  • a proposed seal extension to help improve travel times and safety on the road from Te One to the airport
  • replacing Gillespies Culvert on the Owenga Road
  • realigning Taia Hapupu Road to the Moriori carvings.

Last updated: 6 October 2009