An Activity Management Plan (AMP) is a key strategic document for road controlling authorities (RCAs) seeking funding from their communities and co-funding from NZTA. An AMP links the RCA’s activities and associated levels of service to achieving the desired community outcomes.
REG reviews all RCA AMPs every three years. These reviews consider how well the AMP applies good practice and key activity planning principles. This AMP review process, framed around the REG Pillars of Success criteria, evaluates the strategic content, investment narrative, use of asset management guidelines (International Infrastructure Management Manual and International Organisation for Standardisation) and business case principles, and improvement planning.
The review assigns an assessment score (0 to 3) for each as well as commentary on areas of strength, weaknesses and gaps in the AMP documentation. Though a score is provided, the focus is on the supporting commentary to help each RCA achieve fit for purpose activity planning.
The AMP review benefits include:
The AMP reviews will provide a national view to the Minister of Transport via NZTA’s reporting on the number of RCAs achieving a fit-for-purpose AMP – 100% reviewed.
REG will also report annually on the number of RCAs achieving 100% of agreed annual improvement actions.