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Arataki is being developed as a shared sector view of how we need to plan, develop, and invest in the land transport system during the next 30 years.

Arataki 2023 releases

This version of Arataki provides a strong foundation for us to have ongoing conversations with our partners and others to co-create the plan. Arataki provides direction that will guide how we'll work together during the next 30 years to deliver the future land transport system needed to keep Aotearoa New Zealand moving. 

Arataki September 2023 v1.1 updates the March 2023 release to reflect the severe weather events of 2023 and make minor corrections throughout the content.

Updates include a new climate change adaptation lens added to the Lenses section, climate-related information added to the five regions affected by severe weather, and updates to the Strategic context. Fifteen new information layers have also been added to the Arataki maps.

Arataki executive summary [PDF, 1.1 MB]

Arataki – Our 30-year plan [PDF, 30 MB]

Arataki addresses specific topics and needs across the transport landscape.

Strategic context 

The strategic context sets the scene by describing what the land transport system could look like in 30 years, what’s driving change, plus the challenges and opportunities to be addressed. Arataki September 2023 v1.1 includes updates to the Strategic context to reflect the severe weather events of 2023.

Strategic context

Arataki strategic context [PDF, 5.4 MB]

National directions 

The national directions identify the types of national, system-wide activities Waka Kotahi considers necessary for the land transport system to achieve long-term outcomes and government priorities. It includes directions for each of the five transport outcomes in Te Manatū Waka Ministry of Transport framework. 

National directions

Arataki national directions [PDF, 3.5 MB]

Regional directions

The regional directions provide guidance for each of the 14 regions of Aotearoa New Zealand. Each regional section includes a high-level summary, context, and outlook based on: 

  • an assessment of the impact of the key drivers, current state, and performance of the land transport system 
  • the scale of effort required in each region to deliver on each outcome over the next 10 years. 

These directions indicate where effort should be focused and direct conversations with partners about priority outcomes in each region. 

Arataki September 2023 v1.1 includes updates to reflect the severe weather events of 2023, with particular focus on the five regions most affected: Te Tai Tokerau Northland, Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland, Waikato, Tairāwhiti Gisborne, and Te Matau-a-Māui Hawke’s Bay. Minor updates and corrections have been made to all regions.

Regional directions

Transport modes and strategic network 

This section outlines our approach to the different transport modes and their roles. It also covers the most important parts of the land transport system, strategic networks, and our plan for managing them in the future. 

Strategic networks are the most critical parts of the country’s land transport system. These form the backbone of the entire transport system and support the most essential movements of people and freight across all modes. 

Transport modes and strategic network

Arataki transport modes and strategic networks [PDF, 18 MB]


The land transport system can be viewed from multiple perspectives or lenses. This section spotlights the transport system through specific perspectives, including climate change adaptation, equity, Māori, and freight.

Information included in the Lenses section is sourced from multiple sections of Arataki to bring easier access and focus to specific topics of interest.

Arataki September 2023 v1.1 release includes the new climate change adaptation lens. This lens brings together all existing material relating to climate adaptation at a national level to allow easier access to this information and set the foundation for further development of the full climate lens (including adaptation, mitigation, and resilience).


Arataki lenses [PDF, 17 MB]


Two interactive geospatial maps have been developed for this release of Arataki. These focus on understanding the country’s strategic networks across state highways and all modes. Future work will broaden our understanding to include exploration of other networks. 

The maps have multiple layers that form the long-term strategic foundations of the land transport system. These provide direction on where to focus effort to get us to our long-term outcomes. 

The maps for Arataki September 2023 v1.1 release were updated with 15 new information layers to support further development of the strategic context, enable better stakeholder conversations, and allow users to generate their own insights. These new layers include information across a variety of areas such as Māori demographics, sea level rise, climate inundation, and public transport. 

Our current network map

Our current network map shows the existing land transport network in Aotearoa New Zealand. It displays: 

  • state highway and rail network connections plus planned projects and activities 
  • national and regional strategic transport links. 

Additional layers can be selected for further information.  

Our current network map

Our future focus map 

Our future focus map shows where significant future interventions and activities may be required on the state highway network to address a high level of service deficiency. The map also shows where significant work isn’t anticipated. 

Additional layers show more information about: 

  • service deficiency 
  • where transformational change to the strategic networks may be required (if the scale of change needed is beyond what can be achieved through ongoing programmes). 

Our future focus map 

What's next

Waka Kotahi can’t, shouldn’t and won’t plan the land transport system alone. Transport is a shared responsibility across many different players. It must factor in the needs of our communities, cities, and regions. Transport must align, and be part of, wider initiatives, such as providing housing and reducing emissions across the whole economy.  

The focus now shifts to developing Arataki further with our partners – iwi Māori, local government, central government, and the wider transport sector – to develop a shared view for delivery. This will ensure an accurate and complete view of where effort should be focused. It will also outline a shared and enduring direction of the change required to the land transport system. 

We want to: 

  • work in partnership with Māori to better provide for their aspirations for the land transport sector 
  • work with local government to develop the aspects of Arataki that are important to them, including their response to climate change, resilience issues, and system security 
  • work with a range of partners and stakeholders to build stronger direction about emerging issues, such as biodiversity 
  • build a shared evidence base with insights located on a collaborative digital platform  
  • develop direction about creating transformational change for strategic urban networks. 

Your feedback is always welcome. You can email us at

The journey

Arataki was first published in 2019. It identified the significant shifts, known as step changes, needed to meet the government’s short-term priorities and long-term outcomes for the land transport system over a 10-year period. It also considered how Waka Kotahi should focus its efforts in each region. 

Arataki version two was published in 2020. This release reflected the initial impact of COVID-19 on the land transport system. This work supported the Waka Kotahi response to the global pandemic. 

In 2022, we took our first step towards developing a longer-term view with the 30-year plan: Baseline network version. This release was launched as a prototype on a digital platform to support land transport planning and investment decisions. It focused on the actions Waka Kotahi (in collaboration with others) would need to make to the state highway network to achieve priority outcomes and deliver a fit-for-purpose land transport system. 

This current version of Arataki replaces all previous versions, including Arataki: 2021-2031 and the 30-year plan: Baseline network version