Archive - this information is for reference only and no longer maintained.

This page relates to the 2021-24 National Land Transport Programme.


This page provides descriptions of each of the planning documents that are related to land transport legislation. Information on each piece of legislation and on the entities involved can be found on separate pages.

About the planning and statutory framework



District plans

District or city plans are created by territorial authorities under the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA).

National policy statements (see further below) issued under the RMA 1991 can require territorial authorities to amend their district plans. The National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020 is one of these.

Territorial authorities – city, district and unitary councils

Resource Management Act 1991

National Policy Statement on Urban Development 2020


  • RMA s72: ‘The purpose of the preparation, implementation, and administration of district plans is to assist territorial authorities to carry out their functions in order to achieve the purpose of this Act.’
  • RMA s73: ‘There must at all times be 1 district plan for each district, prepared in the manner set out in the relevant Part of Schedule 1.’
  • RMA s75 specifies the required contents of district plans, including that they: give effect to any national policy statement; any New Zealand coastal policy statement; a national planning standard; and any regional policy statement – and they must not be inconsistent with a water conservation order; or a regional plan for any matter specified in s30(1).
    Resource Management Act 1991(external link)

Further information

You will find further information on local government strategies and plans at the following link:

Local government strategies and plans

Government Policy Statement on land transport

The Government Policy Statement on land transport (GPS) sets out the government’s strategic direction for the land transport system over the next 10 years and is updated every three years. It provides guidance on how we invest the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF), and how we assess and prioritise activities for regional land transport plans (see further below) and the National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) (see further below).

Government Policy Statement on land transport

Regional land transport plans


Land Transport Management Act 2003 (LTMA) ss66–69 require that the Minister of Transport issues the GPS, and s70 requires that Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency gives effect to it.

Land Transport Management Act 2003(external link)

Further information

You can find further GPS information on the Ministry of Transport’s website.

Government Policy Statement on land transport(external link)

Government Policy Statement on Housing and Urban Development

The Government Policy Statement on Housing and Urban Development (GPS-HUD) is a document that the Minister of Housing and Minister of Finance must issue by 1 October 2021, required by the Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities Act 2019 s22.

Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities Act 2019

The purpose of the GPS-HUD is to state the government’s overall direction and priorities for housing and urban development, and to inform and guide the decisions and actions of agencies involved in, and the activities necessary or desirable for, housing and urban development.

This will influence Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities in its activities including the creation of specified development projects (see further below), with flow-on influences on regional plans, district plans and transport activities.

Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities

Specified development projects


Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities Act 2019(external link)

Further information

You can read more about the GPS-UD, as well as the Urban Development Act and the wider Urban Growth Agenda, on the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development website.

Urban Development Act(external link)

Urban Growth Agenda(external link)

National Land Transport Programme

The National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) is prepared every three years by Waka Kotahi and outlines a 10-year programme of activities that will be funded through the NLTF – often through co-investment with councils. The strategic direction, forecast revenue and funding allocations (activity classes) for the NLTP are set out in the GPS on land transport.

National Land Transport Programme

Government Policy Statement on land transport

Further information

Read more about the NLTP on this knowledge base.

2021–24 National Land Transport Programme

National Policy Statement on Urban Development

The National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD) directs local authorities to enable greater supply and ensure that planning is responsive to changes in demand, while seeking to ensure that new development capacity enabled by councils is of a form and in locations that meet the diverse needs of communities and encourages well-functioning, liveable urban environments. It also requires councils to remove overly restrictive rules that affect urban development outcomes in our cities.

The NPS-UD replaces the National Policy Statement on Urban Development Capacity 2016.

The NPS-UD is administered by the Ministry for the Environment, with support from the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development.


The NPS-UD is a document that the Minister for the Environment may prepare under s52 of the RMA.

Resource Management Act 1991

Regional councils must give effect to the NPS-UD in the regional plan under the RMA s67.

Regional councils

Territorial authorities must give effect to the NPS-UD in the district plan under the RMA s76.

Regional councils and territorial authorities must amend RMA documents including regional plans and district plans if directed to by the NPS-UD, under the RMA s55.

Waka Kotahi must take the NPS-UD into account, under the LTMA s19B.

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

National Policy Statement on Urban Development(external link)

Regional councils

Territorial authorities – city, district and unitary councils

Further information

You can also find information about the NPS-UD on the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development website.

National Policy Statement on Urban Development(external link)

Rail Network Investment Programme

The Rail Network Investment Programme is KiwiRail’s recommendations for rail activities to be provided by KiwiRail and to be funded or partially funded by the Crown or the NLTF. This is a new funding mechanism for rail, created by legislation in 2020.


The Land Transport (Rail) Legislation Act 2020 amends the LTMA.

Land Transport (Rail) Legislation Act 2020(external link)

Land Transport Management Act 2003(external link)

  • LTMA s22A requires that KiwiRail must prepare a rail network investment programme every three years.
  • LTMA s22B requires that the Minister of Transport must decide whether to approve the rail network investment programme.
  • LTMA s22C requires that the Transport Agency [Waka Kotahi] must advise the Minister on the rail network investment programme.
    Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency

Further information

Ministry of Transport information on the Land Transport (Rail) Legislation Act 2020 describes how it came into being and how it functions.

Future of rail(external link)

Regional land transport plans

Regional land transport plans are created by regional transport committees under the LTMA.

Land Transport Management Act 2003

National policy statements issued under the can require regional transport committees to amend their regional land transport plans.

Resource Management Act 1991

Regional transport committees

The role of regional authorities


The LTMA ss12–18 relate to preparing regional land transport plans.

Land Transport Management Act 2003(external link)

Further information

Waka Kotahi information on local government strategies and plans.

Local government strategies and plans

Regional plans

Regional plans are created by regional councils under the RMA.

Regional councils

National policy statements issued under the RMA, such as the NPS-UD can require regional councils to amend their regional plans.


The RMA ss63–70 relate to preparing regional plans.

Resource Management Act 1991(external link)

Further information

You can find further information on local government strategies and plans on the Waka Kotahi website.

Local government strategies and plans

Regional public transport plans

Regional public transport plans are created by regional councils under the LTMA.

Regional councils

Land Transport Management Act 2003


The LTMA ss117–139 relate to preparing regional public transport plans.

Land Transport Management Act 2003(external link)

Further information

Local government strategies and plans

Specified development projects

Specified development projects are a new type of urban development project managed by Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities using powers under the Urban Development Act 2020.

Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities

Urban Development Act 2020


Further information

Read more about specified development projects, the Urban Development Act and the wider Urban Growth Agenda on the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development website.

Urban Development Act(external link)

Urban Growth Agenda(external link)

Waka Kotahi Investment Proposal

The purpose of the Waka Kotahi Investment Proposal is to set out the 10-year programme of activities that Waka Kotahi (for its own activities) proposes for inclusion in the NLTP, to give effect to the GPS on land transport.

Projects within the Waka Kotahi Investment Proposal and regional land transport plans are prioritised on a national basis to be considered for the available funding within each activity class of the GPS as the NLTP is developed, considering the regional priorities described in each regional land transport plan.

Regional land transport plans

Further information

Waka Kotahi Investment Proposal 2021–31