Archive - this information is for reference only and no longer maintained.

This page relates to the 2021-24 National Land Transport Programme.


The investment threshold is the lowest priority order (determined by the Investment Prioritisation Method (IPM)) at which funding is identified to be fully allocated to an activity class. The investment threshold is representative of the funding priorities set out in the final adoption of the 2021–24 National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) by the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency Board on 31 August 2021.

Investment thresholds for activity classes

The investment threshold is the minimum priority order for an activity to be included in the 2021–24 NLTP. The table below outlines the investment thresholds for activities to get a probable or possible funding priority.

Activity class Priority order for ‘probable’* phases  Priority order for ‘possible’ phases
Walking and cycling improvements

1 to 4 all phases

5 for planning phases only

5 all remaining phases

6 all phases

Public transport services

1 to 7 all phases

National Mode Shift Campaign included by exception

Not applicable
Public transport infrastructure 1 to 6 all phases Not applicable
State highway improvements 1 to 5 for planning phases only  1 to 5 all remaining phases
Local road improvements 1 to 6 all phases Not applicable
Road to Zero 1 to 6 all phases Not applicable
Rail network As approved by the Minister of Transport Not applicable

 *All Auckland Transport Alignment Project and Let’s Get Wellington Moving activities proposed to progress in 2021–24 have been included in the 2021–24 NLTP as a probable funding priority, even when below the investment threshold (assessed in accordance with the IPM) for other activities within the relevant activity class. This enables the $2 billion Crown loan to be applied to these government commitments.

Note: the coastal shipping activity class is managed for the 2021–24 NLTP as a nationally delivered activity and is not subject to the application of the IPM. For details on specific criteria used and the activities prioritised for funding under this activity class refer to the page on the coastal shipping activity class.

Coastal shipping

The 2021–24 NLTP distinguishes between the funding priorities for activities at NLTP adoption as being:

  • committed
  • approved
  • probable
  • possible, or
  • not included.

This is to provide the relevant approved organisation with clarity on whether an activity is likely to receive funding during the 2021–24 NLTP. The definitions of the funding priorities are available on the NLTP funding page.

NLTP funding