Archive - this information is for reference only and no longer maintained.

This page relates to the 2021-24 National Land Transport Programme.


Work category 124 provides for the operation and maintenance of cycle and shared path facilities, including the operation of associated lighting.

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency (for its own activities) maintains all cycling and shared path facilities within its designations and/or the state highway corridor (including pavement surfacing, pavement markings, sweeping, the replacement of light luminaries and electricity charges) unless agreed otherwise with the approved organisation.

Approved organisations maintain all cycling and shared path facilities outside Waka Kotahi designations and/or the state highway corridor, unless agreed otherwise with us (Waka Kotahi as investor).

It is the intention of Waka Kotahi (for its own activities) to optimise the road user experience and to minimise the cost of service delivery where possible. Therefore, Waka Kotahi (for its own activities) may, in some instances agree to take responsibility for the maintenance of cycling and shared path facilities outside its designation, or vice versa to delegate responsibility for assets within its control to an approved organisation.


A cycle path is a path physically separated from the roadway that is principally designed for and used by cyclists.

A shared path is a path physically separated from the roadway that is intended for the passage of pedestrians, cyclists, riders of mobility devices and riders of wheeled recreation devices.

Qualifying activities

Work category 124 is available to the following activity classes:

  • local road maintenance
  • state highway maintenance.

Local road and state highway maintenance

Examples of qualifying activities

Examples of qualifying activities include, but may not be limited to:

  • maintenance and renewal of public cycle paths and shared paths and facilities. This may include signs, markings, traffic signals, lighting, handrails/guardrails etc
  • routine work necessary to maintain the function, structural integrity and appearance of cycling infrastructure that provides access across or under roads, streets, highways, runways, waterways, railways or footpaths
  • routine care of drainage facilities
  • environmental maintenance of cycle paths and shared paths not directly associated with roadways, including litter collection and vegetation management where vegetation would impede safe access and use. The detailed criteria for funding of vegetation control as set out in work category 121 are applicable to this work category.
    Work category 121: Environmental maintenance

You can discuss with us whether other potential activities not listed above might also be eligible for inclusion in this work category.


Work category 124 excludes:

  • cycle paths and facilities with no direct transport function or that are not available to the general public at all times, eg cycle and shared paths and facilities not adjacent to a roadway and not forming part of a cycling network. These include but are not limited to paths in parks with minimal or no through function and unsealed mountain bike trails
  • pedestrian only walk paths and facilities – these are funded under work category 125
    Work category 125: Footpath maintenance
  • construction/implementation of new cycle facilities or capital work on existing facilities, such as the provision of new lighting – these are funded under work category 452
    Work category 452: Cycling facilities
  • reinstatement of excavations/patches on surfacing caused by utility providers, including the council’s reticulated network provision
  • road shoulders that are part of a cycling network – these are funded under work category 111.
    Work category 111: Sealed pavement maintenance

For clarification of whether an item is eligible, please contact us.

Funding assistance rate

The usual funding assistance rate (FAR) is:



  • 100% of Waka Kotahi state highway costs.

Submitting activities for National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) consideration and funding approval

Approved organisations and Waka Kotahi (for its own activities) submit their cycle path maintenance activities for NLTP consideration and funding approval using the maintenance, operations and renewals module in Transport Investment Online (TIO).

Transport Investment Online(external link)

User guides for TIO are available in TIO.