Archive - this information is for reference only and no longer maintained.

This page relates to the 2021-24 National Land Transport Programme.


 The investment management activity class is defined in the Government Policy Statement on land transport (GPS) 2021 as ‘Investment in the transport planning, research and funding allocation management’. See below for links to definitions and guidance for each work category within this activity class.

Government Policy Statement on land transport 2021(external link)

Government expectations

We (Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency as investor) expect that investments from the investment management activity class will contribute to results sought by the government.

Government expectations by activity class

Qualifying for National Land Transport Programme consideration

To qualify for consideration for inclusion in the National Land Transport Programme (NLTP) and subsequent approval of funding:

  • Any proposed activity is eligible if it meets the definition of the investment management activity class in the GPS 2021 and the appropriate work category definition in this knowledge base (PIKB).
  • All regionally delivered investment management activities proposed for inclusion in the NLTP must be included in a regional land transport plan (RLTP).
  • Organisations must comply with the Waka Kotahi Procurement manual and procurement rules, as well as any relevant standards and guidelines listed in the NZ Transport Agency register of network standards and guidelines.

 Procurement manual

 NZ Transport Agency register of network standards and guidelines

Investment management activities described in the following work categories are eligible for inclusion.

Investment management work categories

The investment management activity class contains the following work categories:

Developing investment management activities

We provide guidance on developing investment management activities for the following work categories in this activity class:

Profiling and prioritising investment management activities

We use the Waka Kotahi Investment Prioritisation Method to profile and prioritise investment management activities. 

2021-24 NLTP Investment Prioritisation Method