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This page relates to the 2024–27 National Land Transport Programme.


This page outlines the requirements of peer reviews to ensure the robustness evaluations of an approved organisation or NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA; for its own activities), and to reduce risk to the delivery of desired outcomes from our (NZTA as investor) investment decisions.

The purpose of the peer review is to reduce the risks that projects either do not deliver on the outcomes forecast in the funding application, or they fail to deliver the outcomes at the level of efficiency and effectiveness stated in the application.

Requirements for a peer review

We require a peer review of improvement activities, or combination of activities that have estimated whole-of-life costs over $15 million or where a significant level of risk is involved. Improvements means any activities that propose a change to the current customer levels of service or improvements to the efficiency in delivering an existing level of service.

For projects that do not meet the $15 million threshold or do not have significant risk, we encourage that these projects are internally peer reviewed.

Small projects (between $2 million and $15 million whole-of-life cost) may be peer reviewed if the cost and/or benefit risks associated with these are considered high or the applicant lacks experience in the development and implementation of such projects

We (NZTA as investor) may waive the requirement for a peer review, in whole or in part and/or direct the review towards particular aspects.

Raising concerns

The reviewer must raise in writing with the applicant organisation any:

  • material concerns about the activity as a result of the review.

The reviewer must request that the applicant organisation:

  • responds to the reviewer within a reasonable period
  • provides reasons for any discrepancies or departures and answers to resolve the reviewer’s concerns.

The reviewer must note any outstanding concerns in the review report.

Selection and independence of peer reviewer

The peer reviewer shall be selected and appointed by the applicant and must:

  • be independent of the organisation and the project, unless otherwise formally agreed with us
  • take an objective, professional stance at all times in undertaking the peer review, keeping in mind that the key aim of the review is to reduce the risk to the delivery of desired outcomes, including economic efficiency, from our investment decisions
  • be competent with respect to the specific nature of the activity and not exceed their level of competence in undertaking the review.

For very large, complex programmes and activities, a peer review panel, covering a range of competencies, may be more appropriate.

We reserve the right to undertake our own peer review of any activity or to require the approved organisation or NZTA (for its own activities) to appoint a specific peer reviewer or to establish a peer review panel with appropriate competencies.

Scope of a peer review

The peer review must include a range of considerations.


The reviewer must determine whether the activity is eligible for funding from the relevant funding sources. In many cases, this will be  that it fits the description of one or more of the activity classes in the current Government Policy Statement on land transport (GPS) and complies with other NZTA funding rules.

Government Policy Statement on land transport 2024(external link)

The reviewer must verify that the activity evaluation conforms to the requirements of this knowledge base, including that it has been assessed by the applicant in conformance with the NZTA Investment Prioritisation Method (IPM). The reviewer needs to be satisfied that the IPM ratings for the activity are justified.

2024–27 NLTP Investment Prioritisation Method


To confirm credibility, the reviewer must:

  • verify that the transport issue, priority or opportunity has been identified, is reasonable and is adequately described, and that there is evidence to support the transport matter identified.
  • critically assess the results of the activity’s economic evaluation, including how realistic the estimated benefits are in terms of size and timing. The level of detail to consider is whether the conclusion reached is reasonable and credible from the information and data used in the analysis, and if additional detail would materially change the result.
  • assess the costs estimated for the activity and consider how realistic these are, taking into account current market rates and the cash flow profile.
  • identify the factors or assumptions, particularly forecasted estimates that have a major influence on the evaluation. Describe each of these factors/assumptions and include a commentary on the sensitivity of the evaluation to each factor or assumption.
  • highlight any significant areas of risk for costs and benefits.

Choice of do-minimum

The reviewer must assess the do-minimum as stated in the activity report and must determine whether it complies with the definition in the MBCM, including that it does not represent another option to be considered in the analysis.

Identification and selection of alternatives and options

The reviewer must examine the evaluation and judge whether all feasible alternatives and options have been identified and considered adequately, and provide a view if there could be a better preferred option from a technical perspective. The examination must determine if the intervention hierarchy has been appropriately applied, including low-cost options.

The reviewer needs to be satisfied that the process for selecting the preferred alternative and option(s) has been robust and includes incremental assessment where appropriate.

Cost estimate

The reviewer must check compliance with cost estimate process requirements, including parallel costs estimates, where applicable.

See the Cost estimation manual (SM014) for details.

Cost estimation manual (SM014)

Cost-benefit appraisal rating

The reviewer must determine whether the cost-benefit appraisal has conformed to all the relevant requirements of the MBCM. The reviewer must determine whether there are any outstanding issues not addressed in the activity report.

Monetised benefits and costs manual

If there is a departure from the requirements, or any defect or omission, the reviewer must comment on its significance.

Where the reviewer considers there have been discrepancies and departures from procedure, or has concerns about cost and/or benefit estimation, the reviewer will determine the activity benefit–cost ratio (BCR) and compare this with the applicant’s calculations.

The reviewer must determine whether the options identified in the analysis are mutually exclusive options of the same activity. If the options identified:

  • are mutually exclusive, then the reviewer must determine that an incremental assessment of the options has been carried out correctly, as set out in the incremental assessment section of this knowledge base, or
  • are not mutually exclusive, then by definition they must be either:
    • independent activities, in which case the reviewer must determine that the analysis has been undertaken in terms of independent activities and has been undertaken correctly, and should comment whether they should be resubmitted as separate activities, or
    • inter-dependent activities, for example components of a package, in which case the reviewer should consider whether the analysis that has been undertaken is valid.

In special cases, other economic impacts may be considered (for example wider economic benefits). These are to be shown as sensitivity analyses, in addition to the MBCM procedure economic analysis.

Where supplementary (third party) funding is involved, a government BCR must be determined in addition to the national BCR.

Risk assessment, analysis and mitigation

The reviewer must assess whether:

  • the risks identified have been assessed adequately, mitigation measures are appropriate, and if there are any additional risks that have not been identified
  • a full risk analysis has been undertaken for large/complex and high-risk activities.

Sensitivity analysis

The reviewer must consider whether the sensitivity of critical aspects of the activity evaluation has been covered off adequately, paying particular attention to:

  • key assumptions that underlie the activity and its delivery of desired outcomes, in particular future growth and demand assumptions
  • information and data values that are unusual
  • the sensitivity of the activity’s outcomes to key input parameters.