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Government Policy Statement on land transport (GPS)

The GPS sets out the Government’s strategic direction for the land transport system over the next 10 years and is updated every three years. It provides guidance on how we invest the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF), and how we assess and prioritise activities for Regional Land Transport Plans (RLTPs) and the National Land Transport Programme (NLTP).

Draft GPS 2024 released for consultation

The Government has released the draft Government Policy Statement on land transport 2024 (GPS 2024) for consultation.

The draft GPS 2024 sets out the Government’s strategy for investing in the land transport system for the 10 years from 2024.

The draft GPS 2024 is on the Te Manatū Waka Ministry of Transport website.

Government Policy Statement on land transport 2024(external link)

Feedback on the draft GPS closes at 5pm on 15 September 2023.

GPS 2021

The final GPS 2021 has now been released in September 2020. It builds on the strategic direction set in GPS 2018 and focuses on four strategic priorities - safety, better travel options, improving freight connections, and climate change. It will come into effect 1 July 2021.

Read about the GPS 2021 on the Ministry of Transport website(external link)

In this GPS

The GPS 2021 looks to the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF) to contribute to a wider range of outcomes – such as developing a safe and reliable heavy rail network, improving multi-modal options to move people and freight, improving urban form, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from transport.

New investment expectations have been set relating to four Government Commitments:

  1. Auckland Transport Alignment Project (ATAP)
  2. Let’s Get Wellington Moving (LGWM)
  3. the Road to Zero strategy
  4. the New Zealand Rail Plan.

Activity classes provide signals about the balance of investment across the GPS. There are 11 activity classes in this GPS, including new additions for Road to Zero, Rail network and Coastal shipping. Activity classes are given funding ranges as a means of directing investment in the outcomes specified in GPS 2021.

The funding ranges in this GPS were developed based on:

  • meeting prior commitments (such as debt repayments, funding for Public Private Partnerships and significant projects which have already had funding approved)
  • maintaining the land transport system (across roads, rail, active modes and public transport) at current levels of service (such as for safety and resilience) in line with forecast demand
  • meeting the increasing costs of construction (such as increased costs of materials), climate change (causing more frequent and severe disruption to the system), and demand (which impacts on the costs of network maintenance and repairs). 

The funding ranges also reflect the Government’s Commitments and wider aspects of the strategic priorities. We have additional information and guidance about the activity classes and funding available below.

Focus for Waka Kotahi

The strategic direction, funding ranges and the Ministerial expectations in the GPS means Waka Kotahi will need to:

  • partner to implement the Keeping Cities Moving plan and mode shift plans for the six high growth urban centres
  • balance delivery on the four strategic priorities alongside investment expectations for the four Government Commitments
  • ensure we play an effective role in implementing the Government’s new planning and funding framework for rail
  • target reduced greenhouse gas emissions from the range of actions funded by the NLTF – across all priorities, programmes and activity classes
  • support cross-agency planning and investment for climate change adaptation
  • prioritise and manage NLTF investment closely for value for money and ensure spend does not exceed revenue
  • consider ways to enhance the benefits from Crown-funded programmes through complementary NLTF investment if it aligns with GPS priorities
  • maintain a focus on new and innovative transport solutions and services.

Focus for our co-investment partners

For our co-investment partners, the strategic direction and funding ranges in the GPS are likely to mean there will be a focus on:

  • maintaining current levels of service for state highways, local roads, public transport and active modes in line with forecast demand
  • additional benefits for some regions from the Crown-funded New Zealand Upgrade Programme, where it aligns with the GPS priorities
  • targeted delivery of the Government Commitments ­– ATAP, LGWM, Road to Zero, and NZ Rail Plan
  • investment to optimise the existing transport system, including through travel demand management
  • opportunities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the range of activities funded by the NLTF – across all priorities, programmes and activity classes
  • new NLTF investment in heavy rail that will support passenger rail in Auckland and Wellington, as well as economic development, tourism and improved resilience in some regions. 

There will be ongoing work to:

  • provide for emergency works to respond to the impacts of unplanned disruption
  • deliver the current pipeline of activities for mode shift in major urban centres, especially Auckland and Wellington
  • fund new and innovative transport solutions and services, including integrated ticketing systems for public transport, and to support new micro-mobility and shared services.

Guidance summary

Activity class summary, including types of activities [PDF, 146 KB]

GPS strategic direction with types of regional activities [PDF, 141 KB]

2021–24 NLTP timelines and moderation information

Work category information and activity class overviews

GPS 2018

The GPS 2021 will come into effect from 1 July 2021. Until then, we are giving effect to the GPS 2018 for remainder of the 2018-21 NLTP.

The Government Policy Statement on land transport (GPS) for 2018/19 – 2027/28 was adopted on 25 June 2018 following a period of public consultation.

In adopting the GPS 2018, the Government has confirmed the following strategic priorities for the land transport system:

  • Safety – a safe system, free of death and serious injury.
  • Access – a system that provides increased access to economic and social opportunities, enables transport choice and access, and is resilient.
  • Environment – a system that reduces greenhouse gas emissions, as well as adverse effects on the local environment and public health.
  • Value for money – a system that delivers the right infrastructure and services to the right level at the best cost.

Download a copy of the GPS 2018 and other supporting information from the Ministry of Transport website(external link)