The NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) Investment Prioritisation Method (IPM) is used to support NZTA to give effect to the Government Policy Statement (GPS) on land transport through the National Land Transport Programme (NLTP).

The draft IPM for 2024-27 has been updated in response to the final Government Policy Statement on Land Transport 2024 (released June 2024) and from feedback received on the April 2024 draft IPM.

The final IPM will be used to prioritise activities in the 2024-27 NLTP.

2024-27 NLTP Investment Prioritisation Method

NZTA would like to thank all those who provided feedback on the draft IPM.

The feedback resulted in minor amendments which improved clarification and addressed issues raised.

Consultation on the updated draft Investment Prioritisation Method 2024-27

Consultation on the updated draft IPM occurred between 2 April 2024 and 13 May 2024. Thank you to those who provided feedback during the consultation period.

You can read a high-level summary of the feedback and key themes from the consultation.

Draft IPM 2024-27 Consultation Summary [PDF, 805 KB]

You can see more details about the draft IPM in our consultation document.

You can also see how the draft IPM would be applied to a selection of activities and programmes of activities.

March 2024 IPM testing – worked examples [PDF, 194 KB]

We also ran a webinar about the IPM. You can view the recoding below.

Previous draft IPM consultation documents

The consultation on the previous draft IPM closed on 17 November 2023. Read a high-level summary of the feedback and key themes from the draft IPM consultation:

You can see more details about the 2023 draft IPM consultation here:

The October 2023 webinar provided an overview of how the draft Investment Prioritisation Method (IPM) 2024-27 was developed and the key changes proposed.