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These tables show the investments and activities that are included in the 2024–27 National Land Transport Programme (NLTP).

Data is updated daily, taking into account new funding approvals, cost and scope changes and cash-flow adjustments. You can also view the NLTP at its original publication date.

Table Information provided in table

Allocation of funds to activity classes

Activity classes funded through the NLTP and the investment allocation for each activity class.

Regional tables of activities

View NLTP activities by region and organisation, or activity class and organisation. Includes NZ Transport Agency nationally delivered activities. 

NLTP snapshot

A high level view of actual (for completed years) and forecast NLTF expenditure by activity class across the three years of the NLTP. This table is updated each quarter.

Key to information contained in the NLTP tables

Phase type Type of phase
Investigation Phase in which the preferred option is determined and the notice of requirement is developed and progressed through the planning process.
Design Phase in which detailed design of the activity is developed.
Construction Phase in which physical construction of the activity takes place—mostly refers to physical assets—equivalent to implementation phase.
Programme business case The planning stages of an activity or programme of work which develops robust evidence that a decision to invest in a programme of works represents best value for money, based on the problem or opportunity identified in a strategic case.
Indicative business case Where individual activities or combinations of activities within the preferred programme are developed, to provide decision-makers with an early indication of the preferred option for the investment at the activity level.
Detailed business case Where the preferred option is confirmed through more detailed analysis of the costs, risks and benefits.
Pre-implementation Complex activities may undertake a separate phase in order to complete procurement, enabling or other works prior to commitment of implementation.
Implementation Phase in which the activity is implemented. Can be either physical or operational works required to deliver activity and its outcomes.
Crown Range Crown Range Road activities in Queenstown Lakes District.
Local roads Refers to local roads maintenance and low cost/low risk improvements programmes.
Operations Refers to public transport services programmes.
PT improvements Refers to low cost/low risk improvements programmes for public transport infrastructure.
SPR Special purpose road activities.
State highways Refers to state highways maintenance and minor improvements programmes.
Property Phase in which property purchase occurs.
Regional priority The priority assigned to activities in a Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) that have been prioritised by the Regional Transport Committee.
Profile Describes the NZTA assessment of the activity in terms of its strategic fit, effectiveness and benefit cost appraisal H is High, M is Medium, L is Low, _ is not rated, and a value represents the expected or confirmed benefit cost ratio.
Work category NZTA work category that describes the output for accounting and reporting.
Average FAR The average NZTA funding assistance rate (%) applying to the activity for the 2024–27 NLTP. The actual FAR may vary from year to year.
Total phase cost ($000) The total cost of the activity’s phase for all years, including local share – in thousands of NZ dollars.
202X/2X NLTF ($000) NZTA expected funding contribution for the activity’s phase in the specified year – in thousands of NZ dollars.
Funding priority NZTA funding priority for the project
Committed Funding approved for the activity in a previous NLTP and carried forward to the 2024–27 NLTP.
Approved Funding approved for the activity in the 2024–27 NLTP.
Probable New activities that are expected to proceed during this NLTP period, subject to a successful business case and funding being available when the application is received.
Possible High priority activities that have been included but are not expected to be funded during the 2024–27 NLTP period.
Funding source Approved or expected funding source for the activity phase
NLTF National Land Transport Fund: the funds available for allocation through the LTMA section 10, as distributed by NZTA through the NLTP.
NLTP National Land Transport Programme: represents the total allocation of investment from all sources to transport activities as approved or managed by NZTA.
C Crown funds allocated from within the NLTF in accordance with schedule 2, clause 14 of the Land Transport Amendment Act 2008.
R Funds allocated from within the NLTF as regionally distributed funding for the specified region in accordance NZTA policy, to be fully committed by 2018.
N Funds allocated as nationally distributed funding.