Investing in New Zealand: Old Māngere Bridge replacement

7 September 2021

Video transcript

Timestamp Visual information Audio information
0:00:00 [Text] Old Māngere Bridge Replacement: Investing in New Zealand [Light music plays]
0:00:06 Different angles of the Māngere Bridge project from the air [Narrator] A new walking and cycling bridge will connect the Onehunga and Māngere Bridge communities in Manukau when it opens in 2022.
0:00:14 Artist’s impression of the completed project It’ll also provide safe, welcoming spaces for people to fish or gather together to sit and enjoy the view.
0:00:20 Artist's impression of the pou and people using the bridge And make it easier for waka and other small boats to enjoy the Manukau Harbour and Upper Māngere Inlet.
0:00:27 People looking at information boards during a public open day Local people provided input into the design,
0:00:30 Workers conducting a karakia on site at dawn and a karakia was held to bless the site and help workers stay safe,
0:00:34 Crane on site before construction began in November 2019.
0:00:38 Students visiting the the site during construction and people attending open days Since then, open days and other events have helped the community learn the latest....
0:00:43 Interview with local man [Local resident 1] Once the bridge has been completed,
0:00:46 View of water level clearance on bridge at low tide it will have an eight-metre clearance, at high tide it will have a four-metre clearance.
0:00:50 People walking across the new bridge at open day [Narrator] …and understand what all the bustle is about.
0:00:53 Interview with local woman standing in front on information boards at an open day [Local resident 2] I’m just loving… because we live on the doorstep… to see the reason for all of the noise and the lorries,
0:01:03   but it’s like, connecting us, which is a great thing for us.
0:01:10 Aerial footage of the new bridge on the left and the old bridge on the right [Narrator] This new bridge replaces the well-loved Old Māngere Bridge,
0:01:14   which was over 100 years old when it closed for safety reasons in November 2018.
0:01:21 Timelapse footage of Auckland city [Light music plays]
0:01:22 [Text] Over the next three years, more than $7 billion will be invested on projects that help connect Auckland communities.  
0:01:28 Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency and New Zealand Government logos  

Old Māngere Bridge replacement project
2021–24 NLTP Tāmaki Makaurau | Auckland regional summary
