The Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency Board has the responsibility of allocating funds from the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF). In making its investment decisions, our board must take account of the Land Transport Management Act 2003 (LTMA) and follow its requirements for the procurement of activities.

Read the Land Transport Management Act 2003(external link)

Watch a video that introduces the three-year land transport investment lifecycle and how decision making around potential transport investments works at a high level.

Context for funding decisions

Under the LTMA, Waka Kotahi is responsible for allocating funds for investment in activities out of the NLTF. We use an allocation process that has been devised to take into account our Investment Prioritisation Method, the requirements placed on approved organisations and our Planning and Investment Knowledge Base.

2021-24 NLTP Investment Prioritisation Method

Planning and Investment Knowledge Base

Waka Kotahi may approve or decline funding for an activity or combination of activities, but must consider the matters set out in section 20 of the LTMA. The assessment factors used when considering improvement proposals are GPS alignment, scheduling and efficiency of the solution to the issue.

For further details, and for continuous programmes, refer to the Planning and Investment Knowledge Base.

Determining the priority order of an activity or combination of activities

Decisions must be made available on this website in accordance with section 20D(2) of the LTMA.

Latest funding decisions