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Resurfacing works coming next week – State Highway 2 Masterton to Carterton


Road surface repairs will be carried out on the Masterton to Carterton safety improvements project starting this Sunday night.

Contractors will conduct resurfacing works on State Highway 2 near Clareville from Sunday 3 March, through to Thursday 14 March.

To ensure disruption for road users is minimised, the work will be carried out at night between 7pm and 6am, when traffic volumes are at their lowest.

Jetesh Bhula, Regional Manager Infrastructure Delivery, says after the works are completed road users will have a better road to drive on.

“Road surface issues, such as rutting, potholing, minor defects, loss of chip and bleeding will be worked on.”

“Some of the works are small, while others will need longer to complete, and it all must be done under controlled conditions to ensure road crews and drivers are kept safe,” Mr Bhula says.

While repairs are underway and shortly after completion, there will be reduced speed limits in place to let the repairs settle down. Temporary speed limits of 30 km/h will be in place at these areas.

Local road detours will be available on Hughes Line. However, drivers are encouraged to continue to use the highway and not use rural back roads.

Mr Bhula says it’s vital the highway be fixed.

“Given the investment in this project, the highway must be up to scratch, and the public has a good road to drive on. That’s why this work is being done.

“It appears a combination of a very wet winter last year and a hot and dry summer this year has drawn up moisture into the road layers and caused problems with the road surface. It’s important we get this fixed,” Mr Bhula says.

Mr Bhula acknowledges it is extra work for the project and further disruption for road users and residents but he says it is vital for the community and road users that it be done now.

“Getting the road right is the priority. We know the extra work will be frustrating for the community, but it makes sense to get the job done now while the weather is warm and dry and avoid further problems during wet weather over winter.”

The cost of the work will be covered out of the Masterton to Carterton Safety Improvement’s project budget.

People travelling between Masterton and Carterton can expect travel delays while this work is underway. Drivers are encouraged to allow extra time for their travel.

Works Schedule and Locations:

  • Sunday 3 March, 7pm – 6am:
    • Stabilisation of the southbound lane near the Clareville Saddlery
  • Monday 4 March, 7pm – 6am:  
    • Sealing of the previous night’s stabilised section. Stabilisation of the southbound lane adjacent to the rest area.
  • Tuesday 5 March, 7pm – 6am:
    • Sealing of the previous night’s stabilised section.
  • Wednesday 6 March, 7pm – 6am:
    • Stabilisation of the northbound lane from the old Norman Avenue entrance to the Norfolk Rd roundabout
  • Thursday 7 March, 7pm – 6am:
    • Sealing of the previous night’s stabilised section. Stabilisation of the northbound lane from the Wiltons Rd roundabout to Ravensdown
  • Friday 8 March, 8pm – 6am:
    • Sealing of the previous night’s stabilised section. Please note – crews will be starting at 8 pm to allow for weekend traffic.
  • Sunday 10 March, 7pm – 6am:
    • Stabilisation of the northbound lane from the turnaround to the rest area
  • Monday 11 March, 7pm – 6am:
    • Sealing of the previous night’s stabilised section.

Local road detours will be available on Hughes Line. However, all drivers are encouraged to stay on State Highway 2. This will minimise congestion and delays where local roads intersect with State Highway 2.

30 km/h temporary speed limits will be in place on resurfaced areas for 48 hours after the new chipseal is laid. It is essential drivers observe these speed limits to prevent damage to their cars and the new road surface.

More Information:

Further details about the State Highway 2 Masterton to Carterton safety improvements project can be found on our website.

SH2 Wairarapa highway improvements
