Queenstown SH6 Glenda Drive change from week starting 28 September


From early Monday morning, 28 September, the temporary roundabout at the SH6 Glenda Drive intersection will be removed and the State highway traffic will again have priority. The work is necessary for the next stage in construction by the NZ Transport Agency.

The biggest change for drivers is that going west, from the Shotover River towards Queenstown, they will be diverted through Glenda Drive to the Eastern Access Road. Coming out of Glenda Drive, drivers will take the Eastern Access Road to rejoin the highway. This will last for 4-5 weeks, when the new roundabout linking SH6 with the Eastern Access Road is finished.

Contractor Fulton Hogan has two electronic sign trailers set up, one in Glenda Drive, and one on SH6 Ladies Mile to advise road users of the layout change.
