Queenstown and Frankton community asked for insights on key commuter route and Queenstown Town Centre


It’s time to shape a safer and well-connected transport network: That’s the shared view of our community and its leaders and planners, who are encouraging anyone who travels around Queenstown to give feedback about their experience and ideas.

Queenstown Lakes District Council, Otago Regional Council and the NZ Transport Agency want to learn from locals and visitors about the specific issues they’re facing on their journey from Queenstown Airport and Frankton via State Highway 6A into and around Queenstown Town Centre.

Queenstown Mayor Jim Boult believes this is a great opportunity to provide valuable insights. “The journeys that you make every day in and around Queenstown and the wider Wakatipu should be safe, easy, support your business and help you get the most out of life. I know there have been frustrations lately, you’ve been sharing these with me and I experience them myself. However now is your opportunity to have some input into the process of resolving the challenges,” he said. “Whether the issues are about getting around on foot, bike, bus, airport shuttle, taxi or car, we need to hear about it.”

NZ Transport Agency Director Regional Relationships Jim Harland says, “By working together, the councils, Transport Agency and community can plan for an enduring transport network, especially if people who know the area well provide us with their valuable feedback and ideas.”

Otago Regional Council chairman, Stephen Woodhead says, “What we all want is a well-integrated and efficient transport system for Queenstown – and while we’re pleased with the success of Orbus Queenstown so far, we need to be sure that together with the Transport Agency and QLDC, we are headed in the right direction. We’re very keen to hear from the community on how the buses are fitting in as part of the bigger picture of how people get around.”

An interactive map with a feedback facility is available online and there will be opportunities to chat to the project team in person at local markets over the coming weekends.

Mayor Boult said the end goal is that we build the best possible transport network to give people great choices for how they travel around Queenstown and the Wakatipu Basin.

“We invite our residents and visitors to come along for the ride,” he said.

The easy-to use interactive mapping survey is available at www.nzta.govt.nz/wakatipu-way-to-go(external link)

Feedback closes on 10 February 2019.


The Collaborative Partnership between QLDC, NZ Transport Agency and ORC will provide further opportunities this year for people to participate in the transport planning process. The range of projects underway include:

  • Queenstown Town Centre (detailed business case)
  • Frankton to Queenstown (single stage business case)
  • Wakatipu Active Travel Network (single stage business case)
  • Grant Road to Kawarau Falls Bridge (detailed business case)
  • Frankton Masterplan (programme business case) 
  • Lake Wakatipu Public Water Ferry Service (detailed business case)
  • Queenstown Transport Modelling (to feed into business case projects)


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