Plan ahead for further Saddle Road closures in May and July


Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency is urging motorists to plan ahead for further daytime closures on the Saddle Road next week and night-time closures in July.

Manawatu Systems Manager Ross I’Anson says the road will be closed to all traffic between 9am and 2:30pm on Wednesday 19 and Thursday 20 May to complete resurfacing on the Ashhurst side of the hill. The detour route is via the Pahiatua Track.

“Unfortunately, our works programme has been delayed by wet weather. We need to go back and finish sealing and shaping sections of the road during the day when temperatures are warmer.” 

Further night-time closures are also planned for July to improve conditions on the section of road near the Woodville passing lanes.

“We’ve made great progress during the closures to date by completing 4.5km of general maintenance repairs on the 10.5km road, improving visibility by mowing and trimming trees, and improving drainage. We’ve now identified a further section near the Woodville side that needs repairing, and will undertake this work in July.”

Waka Kotahi will release the dates of the July closures closer to the time.  

“Full closures provide a safer environment for workers and will allow the road resurfacing and maintenance work to be completed with fewer delays than the alternative Stop/Go traffic management. The detour route via the Pahiatua Track will remain available at all times.”

All roadworks are dependent on weather and other factors, and may be cancelled or postponed at late notice.

Check the Waka Kotahi Facebook page for traffic updates(external link)

Please allow extra time for your journeys from Woodville to Ashhurst and take extra care on the detour via the Pahiatua Track.

Heavy vehicles are reminded that Balance Valley Road is not a suitable detour route and should use the Pahiatua Track.

Waka Kotahi thanks everyone for their patience and understanding while this work is carried out to make journeys over the Saddle Road smoother and safer.

Haumarutia tō haere - Drive safe.

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