Baypark to Bayfair geotechnical inspections start


Geotechnical engineers have started testing the ground conditions around the future site of the Baypark to Bayfair upgrade project, the NZ Transport Agency says.

The Transport Agency’s Bay of Plenty highways manager, Niclas Johansson says motorists may notice some activity around the site while the work, and other investigations to locate services including water, power and telecommunications is carried out over the coming weeks.

The work is being undertaken by engineering and consultancy specialists, Beca who have been awarded the contract to develop the specimen design for the project.

“These investigations are part of the early design work as the project continues through the consents and approvals process,” Mr Johansson says.

“Some traffic management, including shoulder closures and speed restrictions may be needed at times over the month and motorists should expect minor delays.”

The Baypark to Bayfair project includes two flyovers, one which will take State Highway 2 (SH2) over the Maunganui-Girven intersection and a second taking State Highway 29 (SH29) over the railway line and SH2.

The project will see the East Coast Main Trunk railway line relocated behind Owens Place to create space for the changes.

Mr Johansson says the Transport Agency board approved $120million for the project late last year.

“The Bay of Plenty region continues to attract transport investment to accommodate significant residential growth, new industrial land development and jobs, and ensure efficient freight movement and access to the Port of Tauranga,” he says.

“Along with improving the journey to the port of Tauranga, this project will also reduce congestion at the Maunganui-Girven intersection, improve safety and separate state highway and local traffic.”

“The project is currently proceeding through the consent process, with a designation hearing planned for August.

“Ongoing consultation with people affected by the changes continues and the project team is also progressing property agreements with the golf course and nearby landowners,” Mr Johansson says.

“A construction start date will be determined following detailed design and approvals.”

 Baypark to Bayfair route option

Download [PDF, 607 KB] the map of the Baypark to Bayfair link.

What will the link provide:

  • a flyover will take SH2 over the Maunganui-Girven intersection
  • a flyover will take SH29 over the railway line and SH2
  • the railway line will be relocated to behind Owens Place
  • a shared pedestrian and cycleway will be built from Owens Place to Baypark.


  • Reduced congestion on Maunganui Road, Girven Road and the Te Maunga roundabout
  • Improved safety for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists
  • Improved route to the Port of Tauranga
  • Separate local and state highway traffic

To find out more about the Baypark to Bayfair link upgrade and the ways the project team plan to manage the social and environmental impacts of the new project, go to: link)
