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The fees you pay for a test depend on your application type and the class you're applying for. 

Car licence (class 1) 

Truck licence (class 2-5)

Motorcycle licence (class 6)

Car licence (class 1) 

The test fees you pay will depend on the what you're applying for. 

Getting a learner, restricted or full licence 

Converting an overseas driver licence

Getting your licence back after a disqualification 

Getting an alcohol licence 

Renewing or requalifying your licence after it's expired 

Sitting a full licence test for a vehicle recovery (V) or driving instructor (I) endorsement

Changing or rebooking a test 

Test fee changes: if you applied before 8 July but haven't passed the test yet

Why we changed the test fee for car licences

Getting a learner, restricted or full licence 

If you're applying for a learner, restricted or full car licence, your application fee includes your first test, and a second test if you need it. 

For example a learner licence application includes 2 theory tests, and a restricted licence application includes 2 restricted practical tests. 

If you need 3 tests or more, you'll need to pay a test fee for each test. 

Test type Test fee for each test from 3rd attempt
Theory test $54.60
Restricted practical test $102.80
Full practical test $71.90

If you need to change, cancel or rebook your test, you may need to pay a fee

Fees to change or rebook a test

Application fees for learner, restricted and full licences

Converting an overseas driver licence 

If you're converting an overseas driver licence to a New Zealand car driver licence, you'll need to pay an application fee, and a test fee for each test you sit. 

If you miss your test time, fail your test or if your test is terminated, you'll need to pay another test fee when you rebook. 

Overseas conversion application fee Theory test fee
(each time)
Full practical test fee*
(each time)
$52.10 $45.70 $59.90

*If you're converting to a New Zealand restricted licence, you pay the restricted practical test fee of $86.60 instead. 

If you need to change, cancel or rebook your test, you may need to pay a fee. 

Changing a test for an overseas conversion

How to convert an overseas driver licence

Getting your licence back after a disqualification 

If you're getting your licence back after being disqualified or suspended, your application fee includes 2 theory tests and 2 practical tests. 

If you need 3 tests or more of either test type, you'll need to pay a test fee for each test

Test type Test fee for each test from 3rd attempt
Theory test $54.60
Restricted practical test $102.80
Full practical test $71.90

If you need to change, cancel or rebook your test, you may need to pay a fee.

Fees to change or rebook a test

Application fees for getting your licence back

Getting an alcohol licence

If you're getting an alcohol interlock licence or zero alcohol licence, and you need to sit tests to get your licence back, your application fee includes 2 theory tests and 2 practical tests. 

If you need 3 tests or more of either test type, you'll need to pay a test fee for each test

Test type Application fee Theory test fee from 3rd attempt Practical test fee from 3rd attempt
Alcohol interlock licence $136.90 $54.60 $71.90
Zero alcohol licence $142.90

Learner or restricted 

If you're getting a learner or restricted licence back, your fees and tests are slightly different. 

To get a learner licence back, you only need to sit a theory test. 

Test type Application fee Theory test fee from 3rd attempt
Alcohol interlock licence - learner $77.00 $54.60
Zero alcohol licence - learner $83.00

To get a restricted licence back, you sit a restricted practical test instead of the full practical test. 

Test type Application fee Theory test fee from 3rd attempt Practical test fee from 3rd attempt
Alcohol interlock licence - learner $163.60 $54.60 $102.80
Zero alcohol licence - learner $169.60

If you need to change, cancel or rebook your test, you may need to pay a fee.

Fees to change or rebook a test

How to get an alcohol interlock or zero alcohol licence

Renewing or requalifying a licence after it's expired

If you need to sit an on-road safety test to renew your licence when turning 75 or older, your test is included in your application fee. It's free if you need to change, cancel or rebook your test, but please do it as far in advance as possible so someone else can book the test time. 

If you're requalifying your licence because it's been expired more than 5 years, and you need to sit tests, it's free to change, cancel or rebook your test once you've paid the one-off test fee. If you do need to change your test, please do it as far in advance as possible so someone else can book the test time. 

Fees to renew your licence with an on-road safety test

Fees to requalify your licence after it's been expired more than 5 years

Sitting a full licence test for a vehicle recovery (V) or driving instructor (I) endorsement

After you've paid your one-off test fee as part of your application, it's free to change, cancel or rebook your test. If you do need to change your test, please do it as far in advance as possible so someone else can book the test time. 

Fees to get a V or I endorsement

Changing or rebooking a test for a car licence

You may need to pay a fee to change or cancel your test if you're: 

  • getting a learner, restricted or full car licence
  • getting your car licence back after a disqualification 
  • getting an alcohol licence. 

If you need to change or cancel your test, please do it as far in advance as possible. Then another person can book the test slot. 

If you change or cancel your test within 2 full working days of the day of your test, this counts as one of your included tests and you may need to pay a test fee for the next test. 

Theory tests 

If it's your: and you change or cancel it: then you'll pay:
1st test anytime $16.40
2nd test more than 2 full working days before the day of your test $16.40
within 2 full working days of your test $54.60
3rd test or more more than 2 full working days before the day of your test $16.40
within 2 full working days of your test $54.60

Practical tests

If it's your: and you change or cancel it: and you do it: then you'll pay:
1st test anytime online nothing
at an agent $16.40
2nd test more than 2 full working days before the day of your test online nothing
at an agent $16.40
within 2 full working days of your test online or at an agent $102.80 (restricted) or $71.90 (full)
3rd test or more more than 2 full working days before the day of your test online nothing
at an agent $16.40
within 2 full working days of your test online or at an agent $102.80 (restricted) or $71.90 (full)

For example, if your first test is booked for Monday, and you cancel it on the Friday beforehand, this counts as your first test. When you rebook your test, this will be your second test. 

If you cancel the test, you won't have to pay anything at the time. You'll pay the fee above when you rebook the test. 

Change or cancel your practical test online

Changing a test for an overseas conversion 

If you need to change or cancel your test, please do it as far in advance as possible. Then another person can book the test slot. 

If you change or cancel your test more than 2 full working days in advance, the fees you pay will be lower. 

Theory test 

If you change or cancel it: then you'll pay:
more than 2 full working days before the day of your test $16.40
within 2 full working days of your test $45.70

Practical tests

If you change or cancel it: and you do it: then you'll pay:
more than 2 full working days before the day of your test online nothing
at an agent $16.40
within 2 full working days of your test online or at an agent $59.90 (full) or $86.60 (restricted)

Change or cancel your practical test online

Changing a test for a truck licence (class 2-5)

After you've paid your application fee or one-off test fee, there's no fee to change, cancel or rebook your test. 

Please do it as far in advance as possible, so someone else can book the test time. 

Change or cancel your practical test online

Changing a test for a motorcycle licence (class 6)

After you've paid your application fee or one-off test fee, there's no fee to change, cancel or rebook your test. 

Please do it as far in advance as possible, so someone else can book the test time. 

Change or cancel your practical test online

Why we changed the test fees for car licences (class 1)

There's currently very high demand for driver licence tests. Many people are sitting their test before they're properly ready, and taking several attempts before they pass. This makes wait times to get a test slot even longer. 

To address this, we changed test fees for most car licences from 8 July 2024.

The new fees encourage applicants to be well prepared before they book and sit their tests. The more test slots you use before you pass, the more you'll need to pay to get your licence. This makes it fairer for everyone to get a test slot and move onto the next stage of their licence. 

If you applied before 8 July but haven’t passed the test yet

If you applied for your licence before 8 July, there was no fee to change, cancel or rebook a test until 7 October. 

You’ll now start to pay the new fees the next time you book a test.

If you booked a test by 7 October but are sitting it from 8 October onwards, you’ll still be able to sit that test without paying any extra fees. If you fail that test or don’t show up, then the new test fees will start to apply.

Getting a licence or getting a licence back

You’ll start to pay the new test fees depending on how many tests you’ve sat for your current application. This will include any tests you changed within 2 full working days.

If you’ve sat and failed your first test by 8 October, there's nothing to pay for your next test. However, if you’ve sat and failed 2 tests by 8 October, you’ll need to pay a test fee for each attempt after this.

Converting an overseas licence

You'll need to pay a test fee each time you book a test from 8 October.