Theory tests are required to get a learner licence, requalify your licence, and sometimes when converting an overseas driver licence to a New Zealand licence.
How to get a learner licence
Getting your licence back
Converting to a New Zealand driver licence
You’ll need to go to a driver licensing agent to book a theory test. Remember to take the relevant paperwork with you.
The learner licence theory test is a computer-based, 35-question, multi-choice test that assesses your knowledge of road rules and safe driving practices.
It contains general road code questions, and specialist questions related to the class you are applying for.
Everything you need to pass the test is in the Official New Zealand road code. You can buy the road code at most bookstores and driver licensing agents, or it’s available online.
Official New Zealand road code for car drivers
Official New Zealand road code for motorcyclists
Official New Zealand road code for heavy vehicle drivers
Once you have passed your theory test, the agent will give you a temporary learner licence so you can start practising your driving. Your photo driver licence will be posted to you.
If you are sitting a theory test for a car or motorcycle licence, you need to get at least 32 questions right to pass.
If you are sitting a theory test for a heavy vehicle licence, you need to get at least 33 questions right to pass.
Before you book your theory test, you need to be thoroughly familiar with the road rules. You will need to read and learn everything in The official New Zealand road code. You will probably need to read it several times to know and understand everything you need to know to be a safe driver.
To help you learn the road rules, you can test yourself against the questions from the theory test in the road code.
You can also use our free website Drive to access real theory test questions and play games and quizzes to help you remember the road code.
You can book another theory test at the driver licensing agent.
There may be a fee to rebook the test if you're applying for a car licence.
You can print the application form yourself, or pick one up at the agent.
Application to rebook a driver licence test (DL22) form [PDF, 91 KB]
If you fail the test twice on the same day, you’ll need to wait 10 working days before you can sit the test again. This is to give you more time to learn the road rules, and to make sure other people also have a chance to take their test.
Once you have passed the theory test, you may have a supervisor condition on your licence. If you have a learner car licence, then one of the conditions you must follow is that you must have a supervisor with you when you drive.
Find out who can act as a supervisor
See the full conditions you must follow on a car learner licence
You'll need to go back to a driver licensing agent to change, cancel or rebook your test.
There may be a fee to change the test if you're applying for a car licence.
You can print the application form yourself, or pick one up at the agent.
Application to rebook a driver licence test (DL22) form [PDF, 91 KB]
Besides English, the theory test is also available in the following languages:
If you have trouble reading, you may be able to use a reader to read the test in English.
If your language isn't available, or having the test read in English doesn't work for you, then you may be able to use an interpreter. The interpreter should be an affiliate or full member of:
the New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters (NZSTI), or
the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI).
They’ll need to present their ID card when they interpret the test for you.
If you can’t use a member of the NZSTI or NAATI, you can provide someone else to interpret the test for you. They must be over 18 years of age, and present a passport or New Zealand driver licence when interpreting the test. Your theory test will be closely supervised at all times.
Once you've organised an interpreter, visit a driver licensing agent in person to book your test. You'll need to let them know you'll be using an interpreter, so they can organise a suitable test time.
Find a driver licensing agent in your area
If you are having difficulty preparing for your theory test because of a reading or language difficulty, there are several organisations that may be able to help:
There may be people moving around, or some noise, while you do the test. This can make it harder to concentrate, especially if you have reading difficulties. People with reading difficulties can also apply for extra time to complete the theory test, or for the theory test to be given orally.